Chapter 485 Scorpion Essence

What followed was the routine question and answer between Sun Wukong and the land. In a few words, Sun Wukong also figured out the basic information of the Pipa Cave on the Poisonous Enemy Mountain.

"So that's it, it's just a scorpion essence, it should be nothing."

Zhu Bajie also heaved a sigh of relief after listening to the conversation between Sun Wukong and the land, but Sun Wukong was not as optimistic as he was. After knowing Wang Ming's pissing nature, he knew very well that this scorpion spirit was definitely not a monster to be messed with.

Because if the monsters are too weak, Wang Ming will kill them on the spot, and will not leave a chance for them to rescue them. Only when monsters reach a certain strength, Wang Ming will play them on purpose.

"It's useless to talk about it now, let's go directly to Pipa Cave and meet that scorpion spirit for a while."

Although he felt that the opponent was not easy, Monkey King decided to find out the reality of the opponent first, and then under his leadership, Zhu Bajie and the three followed him and rushed towards the Pipa Cave.

At this time, in the Pipa Cave, Wang Ming was being tied up and thrown on a big pink bed full of ambiguous atmosphere, and a beautiful woman who was so coquettish that one would be fascinated at a glance, was riding on Wang Ming's body. Tease him.

"Elder Tang, it's great to double cultivate with me, so you should follow the slave family~"

The scorpion essence lay half on Wang Ming's side, leaning his head against Wang Ming's ear and blowing. It has to be said that few people can control the scene in front of them.

After all, the woman in front of him is the most beautiful woman Wang Ming has ever seen in his life, not one of them, even the king of the daughter country, who is beautiful and beautiful, will be eclipsed in front of her.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Journey to the West, the beauty of the scorpion spirit can be regarded as T0 level.

In the original book, her beauty is described like this: Jinxiu beauty, golden beads, spring onions and slender fingers, as beautiful as a Xi Shi, soft and fragrant nephrite, fragrant and greasy skin.

Moreover, in the original book, in order to resist the charm and beauty of the scorpion spirit, Tang Sanzang had to bite the bullet to maintain his rationality, and only then did he keep his indestructible body.

This is the only female goblin in the original book that almost made Tang Sanzang unable to control her. How beautiful is this guy?

In the original book, Tang Sanzang spoke frivolously to him, and even took the initiative to talk to him. If he hadn't grasped it at the last moment, Tang Sanzang would have lost his body here.

And Wu Chengen gave a two-word evaluation of his beauty: sex evil.

What does it mean?Roughly translated, if a person's genius reaches a certain level, he can be called a monster.

And a woman who is beautiful to a certain extent is evil, and she is so beautiful that it is almost the highest evaluation of beauty.

But when it comes to Wang Ming, the situation is different. In the original book, Tang Sanzang is a reincarnated body without the memory of his previous life, so in theory he is just a mortal with relatively good concentration.

And Wang Ming couldn't be considered a human being at all, even though the scorpion spirit on the opposite side wasn't human either, but she turned into this form, which was actually her original appearance.

So even if Wang Ming could see through it, he hoped he could only see this. This is one of the real appearances of the scorpion spirit.

This appearance was real and not faked by magic tricks. Just when the scorpion spirit started to untie Wang Ming's clothes and wanted to do something more extreme, Wang Ming finally spoke.

"Monster, I want you to help me practice."


"Bah, I'm wrong, you are a bold monster, I can see that you are not human at a glance, and you can also think about the invincible golden body of the poor monk? It's just wishful thinking!"

While talking, Wang Ming broke free from the shackles of the scorpion spirit, and then he began to sit cross-legged and recited the Great Compassion Mantra.

"Nanwu, Holatana, Duo Layeye, Nanwu, Aluye, Polu Jiedi, Shuobo Laye, Bodhisattva Poye..."

Wang Ming's operation made the scorpion spirit confused. Shouldn't you recite the mantra of pure heart silently in this situation?What does it mean to recite the Great Compassion Mantra?
Moreover, the Great Compassion Mantra is not the same as the ones she has heard before, why is there an electronic sound?
That's right, what Wang Ming recited was the DJ version of the DJ version of the Great Compassion Mantra. To be precise, he sang it.

And his trick was indeed effective, in just a few seconds, the charming atmosphere in Pipa Cave was completely destroyed, even the scorpion spirit himself lost interest and was quite speechless.

And the gods and Buddhas who observed the situation here couldn't help but twitch their mouths. This Great Compassion Mantra seems to be a bit emotional...

"Hey! Goblin, quickly return my master!"

When the scorpion spirit was quite speechless, Sun Wukong's yelling came from outside the door, which made the scorpion spirit who had been spoiled even more annoyed. Immediately, she took up her weapon and rushed out with three steel forks !
"Well, you monkey who doesn't know what to do, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

A terrifying aura erupted from the scorpion essence, and its cultivation was actually the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, equivalent to a half-step multi-dimensional powerhouse!
But when Xie Zijing opened the door, she was greeted by a row of black muzzles. She had already followed Wang Ming's example and failed Monkey King, so how could she be singled out with Xie Zijing.

After knowing that the other party is good at using poison, they also took corresponding measures. Their coping method was not to give the other party any time to use poison, and the moment the other party appeared, they would use powerful firepower to destroy it!


Da da da!
Following Monkey King's order, several people who had prepared earlier pulled the trigger without hesitation, and there was a burst of gunshots at the scene.

The scorpion spirit mainly didn't understand what kind of weapon they were holding, so she didn't have any precautions at the first time, and then she was hit squarely by this round of terrifying firepower.


The terrifying bullet that could instantly kill an early Taiyi Golden Immortal expert with just one shot, hundreds of bullets in an instant, hit the body of the scorpion spirit hard.

The unsuspecting scorpion spirit screamed incessantly after being beaten, and immediately turned into its own body, a huge black scorpion more than ten feet long and five or six feet high!
And the scorpion essence after transforming into the body feels better. After all, in the transformed state, her defense is the weakest.

In the main body state, she has an indestructible black carapace, so she can resist this terrifying bullet attack. The pain will definitely hurt, but at least she won't suffer too much damage.

"You guys are looking for death!"

Monkey King and the others completely angered the scorpion spirit, whose tail suddenly turned into an invisible afterimage, and swept across the chests of the four of them fiercely!

Bang bang bang!

Four loud noises came out in a row, and the four of them turned into shooting stars and were swept away. The strongest offensive weapon on this scorpion spirit was its tail.

Not to mention the fast speed, the attack power is also extremely high. After all, the scorpion needles on its tail are terrifying sharp weapons that can pierce the Tathagata's golden body.

(End of this chapter)

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