Chapter 486
This time, Sun Wukong and the others ate turtles purely because they encountered scorpion spirits, a crustacean arthropod.

As we all know, the race with the strongest comprehensive ability in the same body type is the Zerg, except of course the special mythical species.

If Sun Wukong and the others encountered wolf demons and tiger demons with the same cultivation level today, then these two monsters may have been directly transcended.

Their defensive power is not comparable to that of scorpions. Ants of the same size can hang and beat fierce beasts such as tigers and lions, not to mention the existence of scorpions with double A in attack and speed.


Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, who were thick-skinned and thick-skinned, were okay, and they didn't suffer any injuries, while Sha Wujing and Honghaier were beaten severely, and their blood was so strong that they almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Brother Monkey, this scorpion spirit is too powerful. Even a gun can't pierce her armor."

Zhu Bajie stretched his muscles and bones to get up from the ground, and with a single blow from Xie Zijing, he knocked the four of them from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.

"What are you afraid of, keep going! Since guns don't work on her, we will use our own weapons. Don't you always brag that your nine-toothed rake can poke holes in my head? Then what are you waiting for? Come on!"

Sun Wukong also shook his head irritably, and then directly took out his golden cudgel, Zhu Bajie also took out the nine-toothed rake after hearing his words.

Sha Wujing and Honghaier were also encouraged by the two of them, and they took out the Jiedao and the Fire Pointed Spear respectively.

"Okay, then the four of us will fight her hand to hand!"

"Watch me burn her to death with Samadhi real fire!"

Sha Wujing and Honghaier also spoke loudly with enthusiasm, and at this time the scorpion spirit also rushed down from the mountain. Her body as large as a hill really had a strong sense of oppression.

"Use whatever skills you have, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

The scorpion spirit yelled angrily, and Sun Wukong and the others took up their weapons without hesitation and started fighting!
Sun Wukong swung the golden cudgel and hit the scorpion spirit in front, Zhu Bajie sneaked up from behind with a nine-toothed rake, Sha Wujing descended from the sky with his Jie knife, and Honghaier walked around to the side of the scorpion spirit and started to breathe fire.

For a while, several people cooperated in a tacit understanding. Sun Wukong's golden cudgel made the two big pincers of the scorpion spirit tremble.

Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake also quickly fought with the opponent's scorpion tail.

Sha Wujing jumped on the back of Xie Zijing, frantically hitting her shell with the Jie Dao in his hand, trying to break her defense.

And the team with the highest output is Hong Hai'er, and even Sun Wukong would have a headache after watching Sanmai Zhenhuo, not to mention the scorpion spirit.

Although the scorpion spirit's outer armor is hard, the true fire of Samadhi can directly penetrate her outer armor and burn her soft flesh inside.

The structure of arthropods like scorpions is somewhat similar to that of lobsters. They have a hard shell and a soft inside, so it is not surprising that the outside is fine and the inside is cooked.

Honghai'er's strongest method is the Samadhi True Fire, although his strength is only at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

However, he was able to use the real fire of Samadhi to burn the Monkey King who was at the peak of the Taiyi Jinxian to the ground. It can be seen that its power is quite impressive.


After suffering such a severe injury, the scorpion spirit couldn't help screaming. Immediately, she ignored the attack of Monkey King and the others, and directly forcibly faced the attack of the three of them, and slammed her tail on Hong Boy!

Hong Hai'er's strength was already far behind the opponent's, and now it was even more impossible to withstand this kind of attack, and was directly thrown away by the scorpion tail.

However, as the price of this blow, the scorpion spirit was attacked by Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing with all their strength.

For a while, even a carapace as hard as the scorpion spirit couldn't completely resist the onslaught of the three of them. There were a few cracks on the surface of her carapace. If she attacked for a while, she would really be broken.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

The scorpion spirit was completely enraged, and then multicolored poisonous smoke emitted from his body, filling the audience in an instant!

These poisonous fumes are pervasive, and it is not possible to avoid them without breathing, even if they are only slightly contaminated, they will be attacked.

And the three Sun Wukong who were closest to the scorpion spirit were also hit in an instant. The consciousness of the three became blurred in an instant, and the whole person was a little helpless.

This is the power of the scorpion essence's toxin, which can be called a strange poison in the world, but before the three of them took any countermeasures, the scorpion essence's attacks followed one after another.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were sent flying, while Monkey King was stung by a scorpion spirit!
Even with Sun Wukong's copper head and iron brain, King Kong is not bad, but he was directly broken, and was immediately stung by the scorpion essence, and a large amount of toxin was poured into it!

"For your master's sake, if I won't kill you, get out!"

After the scorpion spirit finished all this, she immediately flew Sun Wukong out, and then said coldly, after saying this, she didn't stay for long, and disappeared in place in an instant, and it seemed that she had returned to the Pipa Cave .

The reason why Scorpion Jing didn't make up the sword was because releasing toxins was equivalent to releasing vitality for her. Just now, Scorpion Jing was basically exhausted in order to force Sun Wukong and the others back.

If the fight continues, it will definitely reveal her secrets. When Honghaier recovers, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing hold back the scorpion spirit, and Honghaier directly uses the Samadhi real fire output, then her situation will become very dangerous.

So it's not that Xie Zijing doesn't make up the sword, but because she can't make up, and the situation of Monkey King and the four of them is not much better, so they didn't pursue it for a while.

After being stung on the head, Monkey King fell into a coma, without any ability to move at all.

And Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were also groggy after being infected by the poisonous smoke, unable to stand still, let alone have any fighting power.

The only person on the scene who was able to move and still have some fighting strength was the red boy who had just recovered a little bit. He was just beaten so violently that he fell into a short-term coma and recovered within a few tens of seconds.

"This scorpion spirit is so powerful. Our brothers and sisters went up together, but we couldn't do anything to her. Why did I never hear of such a powerful monster when I was in the sky before? After the lower realm, the powerful monsters are one after another. come out."

At this time, Zhu Bajie shook his big pig face that had turned purple, and said with some lingering fear.

Because of the poisoning, the skins of Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing both turned purple, and Monkey King's entire monkey face turned black because of being stung.

As we all know, the darker the color, the deeper the poisoning. Among the four, only the red boy was the least poisoned, because his face was only a little green.

(End of this chapter)

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