Chapter 487
At this time, the situation of the scorpion spirit was not much better, she turned into a human form and stumbled into the cave.

"Ahem, ahem, you four apprentices have some skills. Together, they can't even stand up to me."

Xie Zijing's pretty face turned white with blood on the corner of her mouth, and she walked unsteadily to Wang Ming and said, at this moment, she does have such a lovely and lovely taste.

"The poor monk advises you not to waste your efforts in vain. You can't beat them. Monkey King, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Marshal of the Canopy, Sha Wujing, General Roller, and Red Boy, the only son of the Bull Demon King."

"Wait until they go to rescue soldiers, you will have no chance to surrender."

Wang Ming still said very calmly, and Xie Zijing also fell into deep thought after hearing Wang Ming's words.

Because she didn't know the specific details of Wang Ming's apprentices before, at most she had heard about them, and she had only heard of the most famous Monkey King, Monkey King.

The details of the remaining few people, the scorpion spirit is not clear, because although these are open secrets, they are also between immortals and Buddhas, and have nothing to do with monsters.

And Scorpion Spirit was not afraid of Sun Wukong before, after all, when she came, Sun Wukong was crushed by Tathagata for 500 years, but she stung Tathagata so loudly.

Simply speaking, the result of the battle is that the scorpion spirit is much better than Monkey King, which is why she doesn't love the other party at all.

But now that Wang Ming talked about the background of these people, Xie Zijing hesitated a little. One was Sun Wukong, who represented Buddhist reform through labor.

Two are Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing who represent the Heavenly Court, and the other is actually one of the strongest demons in the demon clan, the son of the Bull Demon King.

The strength of the Bull Demon King is not inferior to Monkey King at all, and even a little bit stronger, but don't forget that Lingji Bodhisattva's evaluation of the Unicorn is not weaker than the Bull Demon King.

Facing the one-horned Si with the Lingbao Diamond Bracelet of Acquired Merit in his hand, Bodhisattva Lingji’s evaluation of him was not weaker than that of the Bull Demon King. This shows how strong the Bull Demon King is. Bulls!
It is no exaggeration to say that their scripture learning lineup represents the strongest force in the Three Realms other than the underworld.

"Okay, I'll give you a piece of advice. If you don't want to die, just let me go. I'm reduced to a pawn and you don't know it. You monsters don't have a heart."

Seeing that the scorpion spirit was still hesitating, Wang Ming persuaded him. After all, he has a good sense of the other party, and he is quite eye-catching. It would be a pity if he was pecked to death by a big cock like this.


Xie Zijing was choked by Wang Ming's words, and she didn't know how to answer for a long time. Then, the blood in her body surged up again, and she spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Ahem, ahem, your monk's words are quite irritating."

It took quite a while for Xie Zijing to turn around, but at this time Wang Ming went straight to Xie Zijing and looked at her calmly.

"You, what do you want to do, do you want to take advantage of others..."

After seeing Wang Ming, Xie Zijing also showed a somewhat scared and shy expression very cooperatively. This shy and timid look will drive many men crazy.

But standing opposite her was Wang Ming, Wang Ming was not such a low-level person, Wang Ming didn't do anything to him, he just patted her on the shoulder lightly and said something.

"Don't be ignorant, you should be careful about the pursuit of Buddhism in the future. Do you really think that your escape was just an accident?"

After saying this, Wang Ming left the Pipa Cave directly. After Wang Ming left, a magical power enveloped the body of the scorpion spirit.

In the next second, Scorpion Jing seemed to have gone back in time, and the whole person returned to the state before fighting Monkey King and the others.

And Xie Zijing just stared blankly at Wang Ming's back, a little at a loss, she suddenly couldn't figure out what was going on now.

However, Wang Ming was happy because he had successfully used the time-reversal skill once, which meant that he had already cracked part of the rules of the Dao of Heaven.

There is a six-path reincarnation running in his body, and there is a big six-reincarnation running in this prehistoric world. With the two six reincarnations echoing each other, even if Wang Ming doesn't use the ability card of the Mercury Snake, he can still master it to a certain extent. law.

And Wang Ming has been trying this thing along the way, wanting to use the big six reincarnations to perfect his own minor six reincarnations, and now he finally saw some results, which proves that Wang Ming is not doing useless work.

And Wang Ming's attempt is also quite useful, under the influence of the Great Heavenly Dao and the Great Six Paths of Reincarnation in the prehistoric world.

The small six realms of reincarnation in Wang Ming's body are also constantly improving and becoming stronger, which greatly benefits Wang Ming's main body strength. Under this influence, his current main body strength has already broken through to the late multi-level stage.

This is only a few days after comprehension, and there is such a high strength breakthrough, so Wang Ming is not in a hurry to leave the Great Desolate World.

Because Wang Ming has a feeling, as long as the small six realms of reincarnation in his body are fully developed.

The strength of his body is very likely to break through to the infinite multi-level, which is the true sense of sanctification in the prehistoric, which is a qualitative transformation for Wang Ming.

Moreover, the benefits that Wang Ming obtained here were not only those he had comprehended, but the above-mentioned benefits were all benefits he had comprehended.

With the progress of the westward journey, Wang Ming also gained another benefit, according to the words here, it should be called the power of faith in merit.

With each difficulty in Journey to the West, Wang Ming gained more power of merit and faith. Now his power of merit can faintly condense into a very shallow halo of merit.

When the Westward Journey is over and the catastrophe is completely over, Wang Ming predicts that his aura of merit will also be complete. This is the greatest benefit of the Westward Journey, not because he has no choice but to do it out of coercion.

In fact, Wang Ming can run anytime he wants, and Hongjun can't stop him. After all, there is the blessing of heaven in the Great Desolate World. Hongjun is a real almighty universe class, and this is his base camp.

But in another world, without the blessing of the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun will be beaten back to his original shape, and the two sides will be on par at most.

In a sense, Wang Ming was not afraid of Hongjun, he stayed here only to seek his own benefits.

Once Wang Ming has a complete merit halo, then he will be blessed with more merit power when he fights, which will obviously improve his combat effectiveness.

At that time, Wang Ming's firepower will be fully fired, and the six samsara halos behind him and the double blessing of the merit halo will instantly increase his combat power to an unimaginable level.

And the most important function of the merit halo is that after condensing into an entity, Wang Ming can use this thing to absorb the power of merit from other worlds, and it can be regarded as a standard treasure that can travel ten thousand worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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