Chapter 494

"Good holy monk, the holy monk has come from a long way, he must be a little hungry and thirsty, I'm going to prepare melon and fruit snacks for you."

The Yellow-browed King also said quite perceptively when he saw this, and then he really went to prepare for Wang Ming, a lot of fruits and snacks.

Wang Ming also began to enjoy it unceremoniously. The fruit in this prehistoric world, I have to say, is indeed very sweet, comparable to top desserts.

And the series of conversations between Wang Ming and King Huangmei were all heard clearly by the three Monkey Kings who were locked in the Golden Nao.

This Jin Nao doesn't seem to be very sound-proof. After all, the yelling and scolding of Monkey King and the others can be heard just now, so it's not surprising to hear the voices outside now.

So at this time, Sun Wukong and the three of them felt quite speechless, and even had the illusion of being tricked. They vaguely understood that Wang Ming had started acting like a demon again.

And they also seem to have guessed that the condition for Wang Ming to be a monster is that there are powerful monsters to do things, and Wang Ming will follow them to do things together, making things more chaotic and more difficult.

At the same time, Zhu Bajie and Six-eared Macaque, who had successfully escaped, went to rescue soldiers as Wang Ming planned after discussing for a while.

Although the six-eared macaque is not very familiar with the process, Zhu Bajie is quite familiar with this process, so the two also headed towards Lingshan and Tianting to move the rescuers.

The six-eared macaque was originally a chess piece of Lingshan, so it was only natural for him to go to Lingshan, and it was only natural for Zhu Bajie to return to his natal family.

"Your Majesty, help me..."

"Okay, I already know the situation, there is no need to say anything more, I will send 28 Constellations to follow you to rescue your master."

After Zhu Bajie arrived in the Heavenly Court, he opened his mouth to save lives. The Jade Emperor had already memorized his procedures, so he happily gave the reinforcements without waiting for Zhu Bajie to explain.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Bajie was overjoyed and thanked loudly when he heard the words, even though 28 Xingxiu was hanged and beaten by Monkey King alone.

But no matter how they say it, the average cultivation base is a strong man in the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the Jade Emperor's move is 28 Taiyi Golden Immortals, which is exciting to think about.

It can be seen from this that Monkey King's combat power is not weak at all, but the enemies he has encountered recently are too fierce.

Moreover, the combat power of Heavenly Court is also quite powerful, and it is not as vulnerable as it is shown in TV dramas. Any great god with a high official position will be Taiyi or Daluo.

Even though Lingshan has a lot of high-end combat power, the mid-range combat power still depends on the Heavenly Court, and the high-end combat power in the Heavenly Court is also quite a bit, but most of them just listen to the tune and not listen to the announcement.

But if the Heavenly Court really came to a critical moment of life and death, then the power it could muster would undoubtedly be terrifying.

And the six-eared macaque also successfully invited the old actor, and the eighteen arhats came to subdue the monster as a helper. Originally, in the original book, there was no such thing as asking for help from Lingshan.

After all, the only one in the original book that was not imprisoned was Zhu Bajie, and he could only ask for help from the Heavenly Court, but now that Wang Ming has changed the course of history, the six-eared macaque has also become a fish that slipped through the net, so Lingshan came to help this thing.

About half an hour later, the efficiency of both sides was very high. It only took half an hour, and they all landed outside the Xiaoleiyin Temple.

Each of these eighteen arhats is also a powerhouse of the Taiyi Jinxian level. In layman's terms, they are all masters of the universe level in the middle and late stages.

Eighteen arhats plus 28 constellations, plus six-eared macaques and Zhu Bajie, there were a total of 1 half-step multivariate, 10 late-stage universe-level players, and 37 strong players ranging from early to mid-stage universe-level players.

If it is divided by the level of the prehistoric world, there are 48 Taiyi Golden Immortals on the scene, which is an extremely huge force.

It is no exaggeration to say that when Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Tiangong, if there was such a lineup to stop him, he would not be able to hit the Lingxiao Palace.

It can be seen from this that how serious the release of water was in the Heavenly Court. In order to cooperate with the Buddhist drama, they also tried their best to release the water.

Among the four emperors, any one shot can easily suppress Sun Wukong. You must know that the Tathagata also has an official position on the side of the heaven, and he is only one of the five elders.

The five elders here are not five people, but 25 people, the five elders of the East, the five elders of the South, the five elders of the West, the five elders of the North, and the five elders of Zhongtian.

Among them, there are five buddhas in Buddhism, and each of these five buddhas has an official position in the heavenly court.

Among them, Avalokitesvara is one of the five elders in the south. The specific original work of Tathagata has not been mentioned, but he is definitely on the list. After all, the heavenly court calls him one of the five elders.

The TV drama is like nonsense, the Jade Emperor doesn't need to ask the Tathagata at all, but can directly use the tone of command, because his status is second only to the saint in this prehistoric world.

The hierarchy of the heavenly court is extremely strict under the jurisdiction of the way of heaven, and there is almost no situation where virtue does not match. These are the high-end combat power of Heavenly Court.

There are still a lot of miscellaneous low-end combat forces left, and these high-end combat forces have been cultivated to have their own forces, and they cannot be regarded as individuals at all.

That's why I said before that the heavenly court releases water deeper than the four seas, but this is not counting the power of the underworld. The underworld is almost divided into two sections by the heavenly court and Buddhism, and there are countless powerful ghost kings and demon kings.

And those who can suppress these ghost kings and demon kings are all powerful from the two forces. If the Heavenly Court is really serious, even Buddhism can't resist it!
This is the most well-deserved strongest force in the Three Realms, and also the strongest force in the history of the Great Desolate Continent!The ancient heavens are far behind.

Even if the Eastern Emperor Jun is alive, it is impossible to overthrow the current heaven, let alone a monkey and Yang Jian. Yang Jian also made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, but that time it was because the Jade Emperor was his uncle, and he also severely released water.

At the beginning, the Jade Emperor refused to let Yang Jian's mother, Yao Ji, because of the restrictions of the heavens, and he had no choice.

It is because of the rules of heaven that Yao Ji is not let go, and the water is released to Yang Jian because of family affection. Let alone the Jade Emperor is ruthless, if the Jade Emperor is really ruthless, Yang Jian will die more than [-] times.

The status and situation of the two are equivalent, Yang Jian is the same as Chen Xiang in the back, if Yang Jian doesn't let the water go, Chen Xiang will die countless times, in fact, it's the same reason.

The sky is the sky, and family affection is family affection. Who would be willing to kill their relatives when there is a way to avoid it?

(End of this chapter)

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