Chapter 495 Besieging the Yellow-Browed King
As for what was said in the prequel of the Lotus Lantern, Yang Jian hacked to death the nine golden crows and the nine sons of the Jade Emperor, which is basically a modern creation.

Because the Jade Emperor here doesn't have any sons, and his closest relative now is Yang Jian, a nephew, and it is impossible for him to take the lead in violating the rules of heaven.

What are you thinking?Other gods can't give birth, but he can give birth alone?The Jade Emperor did not make this heavenly rule. If he really made it, he would have released his sister a long time ago.

Therefore, Yang Jian's status in the Heavenly Court is actually equivalent to that of a prince. The Jade Emperor has no son, but only such a nephew. Isn't that equivalent to a prince?

Of course, these are all digressions, now let’s get down to business, Zhu Bajie said to the 28 stars and eighteen arhats who came to help.

"Thank you all for coming to help, now I'm going to call the door, after drawing the monster out, let's take it down together!"

"I'll wait for Marshal Tianpeng to order!"

28 XingXiu clasped his fists together to save face, and Eighteen Arhats also nodded, agreeing to Zhu Bajie's leadership.

Then Zhu Bajie came directly outside the Little Leiyin Temple, and in the next second, he directly manifested his own magic, took up his nine-toothed rake, and smashed it hard on the gate of the Little Leiyin Temple!

"Listen to the yellow-haired monster inside, and quickly release my brothers and master! Otherwise, my old pig will kill you on the spot today!"

Zhu Bajie's voice was very shocking under the blessing of Fatianxiangdi, but inside he was terrified, and the yellow-browed king who was with Wang Ming's side immediately showed joy on his face when he heard this.

"Holy Monk, it must be your disciple who found reinforcements, I'm going out to meet the enemy now!"

"Well, go ahead, you must not lose, or you will understand the consequences."

Wang Ming waved his hand and let him go, and the latter ran out happily as if he had been pardoned.

Rather than staying by Wang Ming's side with fear, King Huangmei would rather go out and fight the so-called rescuers outside.

"It turned out to be you, a pig. You ran fast just now, but it's not so easy now!"

The Yellow-browed King held a mace in his hand, looked up at Zhu Bajie's law, and said loudly.

But this time he came out with only a race bag, and he left Jin Nao in the cave. These two magic weapons are powerful, but they do have a very fatal flaw that can be called low-level.

That is, as long as it is opened, the channel is two-way, people outside can come in, and people inside can also go out.

That is to say, if King Huangmei wanted to continue to use Jin Nao to collect Zhu Bajie and the others, the three Monkey Kings who were locked inside would have a high probability of escaping.

So King Huangmei didn't bring Jin Nao with him, but chose to use the human race bag to deal with the enemy. Seeing that the opponent was provoked, Zhu Bajie immediately yelled.

"Fellow daoists, work together and take him down!"

Whoosh whoosh!
Swish swish!
As soon as Zhu Bajie finished speaking, sword lights, Buddha lights, and fairy lights lit up from all directions, turned into horses, and rushed towards King Huangmei fiercely, wanting to kill him directly!

"Hahaha, it's good to come!"

After seeing such a big battle, the Yellow-browed King smiled instead of being surprised, and even felt that God was helping him, because in this case, he would not have to bother to subdue them one by one and put them into the human race bag.

These guys rushed towards him foolishly, and he happened to give full play to the power of the human race bag, and wiped out this group of mindless things in one go!

The Yellow-Browed King showed a successful smile and shouted, and in the next second, a terrifying suction covered the bodies of all the immortals and Buddhas.

"what happened!?"

"My body can't move!"

"What magic weapon is this!?"

At this moment, the 28 Constellations and the Eighteen Arhats panicked a little. When the Acquired Race Bag collected the target, it would counter the opponent's ability to move to a certain extent.

And the closer this ability is to the target, the better the effect. Before Zhu Bajie and the six-eared macaque were not taken away, it was because they were far away from the race bag.

But the current situation is the perfect distance for the race bag to exert its maximum power, and the 28 Constellations and the Eighteen Arhats rushed over at a very high speed.

This created a very interesting illusion. As soon as the king with yellow eyebrows untied the race bag, dozens of black shadows swished and swished, and were instantly captured by him.

Only Zhu Bajie and the six-eared macaque were left with bewildered faces. Before they realized what was going on, the first thought in their minds was, these guys couldn't be actors, could they?

"Hahaha! What a bunch of idiots, I have never seen such a stupid person, who is so stupid as to rush in by himself, what kind of funny reinforcements did you invite?"

The Yellow-Browed King was laughing so hard that his stomach ached a bit. Originally, he thought that he would go through a fierce battle when he came out this time.

The two sides had to fight for thousands of rounds to decide the winner, and then he dragged his seriously injured body back to Wang Ming's business before his death.

The Yellow-Browed King had already thought up the script for the upcoming bloody battle, but in the end, this group of guys probably didn't come to act on purpose, so they all went in at once, and none of them were left out.

That's why the king with yellow eyebrows feels funny and funny, but it's not that the 28 constellations and the eighteen arhats have not played their role at all.

At least they filled the race bag. Of course, this is just a metaphor. There is a huge space in the race bag, and it is impossible to fill it with dozens of people.

The fullness mentioned here means that King Huangmei can no longer use the human race bag. If he dares to open it, all the 28 constellations and eighteen arhats inside will definitely come out.

That is to say, for the current king with yellow eyebrows, the two Acquired Spirit Treasures are temporarily useless. At most, the golden cymbal can be used for defense, as a shield.

The rest is really of no special use, and Zhu Bajie obviously thought of this, even though he is a pig, he is really not stupid, it's just that he is a bit lustful and lazy sometimes.

The reason why he guessed this result was because King Huangmei didn't continue to use Jin Nao to recruit people. After all, Jin Nao was better than human race bags.

But King Huangbrow didn't choose, instead, he chose the more harmless Jin Nao, the more harmless human race bag, which was obviously tricky, so he immediately sent a voice transmission to the six-eared macaque in his heart. .

"Fifth Junior Brother, I suspect that his two magic weapons can't be used now, but I'm not sure, I'll go up and try it now." '

'If he doesn't use those two magic weapons to deal with me, it proves that he can't use them now. If these two powerful magic weapons are used against us, we still have a chance of winning. '

'Well, second senior brother, be careful. '

The six-eared macaque also nodded seriously in response, and then Zhu Bajie put away Fatianxiangdi and rushed towards the king with yellow eyebrows!

(End of this chapter)

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