Chapter 496

"Yellow-haired monster, you eat my old pig!"

Zhu Bajie swung his nine-toothed rake, and slammed it down on the head of the Yellow-browed King!

"You stupid pighead, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so I'll take you down too and make it a side dish!"

The Yellow-Browed King was also not afraid at all, and waved his mace to meet him. The next second, the two weapons collided and produced a huge sonic boom, which uprooted the surrounding flowers and trees!

clang clang...

Zhu Bajie didn't pay attention to King Huangmei's words, instead he observed the latter's movements very seriously.

After the two fought fiercely for more than ten rounds, Zhu Bajie finally confirmed his guess, so he immediately shouted at the six-eared macaque.

"Fifth Junior Brother, this guy is exactly what I thought, let's get rid of him together!"

"it is good!"

The six-eared macaque didn't hesitate when he heard the words, and took out his hard-core soldiers, and then directly joined the battle, and started a righteous siege with Zhu Bajie.

The six-eared macaque's cultivation base is the same as that of the Yellow-browed King, and it is the peak of the half-step multi-level Taiyi Golden Immortal, plus there is Zhu Bajie, who is stronger than ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals in the later stage to help out.

For a while, the two sides actually fought back and forth, evenly matched, and even with the joint efforts of the two, they actually suppressed the king with yellow eyebrows.

After all, the Yellow Eyebrow King who lacked the two Houtian Lingbao, his true combat power is only on par with Monkey King.

Now under the joint siege of the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie, he couldn't take it anymore, so the king with yellow eyebrows made a bold decision.

"Jin Nao!"

The Yellow-browed King called Jin Nao with a loud shout. His idea was very simple. If he fell into a disadvantage now, he had no choice but to release Monkey King and the others.

Then the Yellow-browed King was going to use the golden cymbal to fight one against five. After all, Monkey King and the others fought five against one before, and they had never fought the Yellow-browed King who used the golden cymbal.

Now repeating it again, the situation is estimated to be similar. King Huangmei is still very confident in Jin Nao, at least he can remain invincible after using Jin Nao.

The golden cymbal turned into a golden flash, flew out from the Xiaoleiyin Temple, and directly slapped the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie fiercely!

The two of them were immediately knocked backwards, and the weapons in their hands were still trembling. The power of this golden cymbal is really not for bragging, even if it is not working at full strength, it is extremely powerful if it is simply used to hit people.

"Huh? So it looks like this..."

The Yellow-browed King also saw some clues. He suddenly realized that he didn't need to open the golden cymbal, but just swung the golden cymbal to hit these two guys, and he could achieve good results.

That is to say, King Huangmei has changed his mind now. He originally wanted to open the golden cymbal, but now it seems more useful to hit people in turn.

"Hahaha, it's interesting, it's so interesting! If this is the case, I'm welcome!"

The Yellow-Browed King smiled ferociously, and then directly swung the golden cymbal to attack the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie frantically. The three Sun Wukongs in the golden cymbal were knocked back and forth, and their heads were dizzy.

Facing such an unreasonable and violent attack by the Yellow-browed King, the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie couldn't stand it anymore.

Even if the Houtian Lingbao is swung up to hit people, its power is far superior to that of ordinary weapons, so the current king with yellow eyebrows is much more powerful and powerful than when he swung the mace just now. .

"Fifth Junior Brother, let's retreat first, I know someone who can deal with him!"

"Okay, Second Senior Brother, I'll listen to you!"

Just when the six-eared macaque and Zhu Bajie were retreating steadily, Zhu Bajie suddenly sent a voice transmission to the six-eared macaque, and the six-eared macaque flew out of the battle without hesitation.

Zhu Bajie also followed closely behind and ran away. After seeing this scene, King Huangmei didn't pursue him, because it was all arranged by Wang Ming.

The task Wang Ming gave him was to repel the invading enemies, and there was no need to pursue them, so King Huangmei did just that, and walked back to Xiaoleiyin Temple with the golden cymbal and the human race bag again.

"Hahaha, Holy Monk, I have won a complete victory this time. I captured all the reinforcements your two disciples invited, and I beat them both away!"

The Yellow-browed King came to Wang Ming to announce the good news, but Wang Ming just smiled, shook his head and said.

"Don't panic, don't panic, someone will come looking for you soon."

"It doesn't matter who he came, I'm not afraid at all!"

The Yellow-Browed King was still very arrogant, he didn't realize that there was a crisis coming, because at the last moment just now, Wang Ming sent Zhu Bajie to ask Maitreya Buddha to come over, and accepted the Yellow-browed King.

That's why Zhu Bajie fled the scene so decisively. He was going to ask Maitreya Buddha to help.

Because things have developed to this point, the standard for catastrophe has almost passed the standard, and even exceeded the standard. It is time to end this catastrophe. That's why Wang Ming asked Zhu Bajie to go directly to Maitreya Buddha.

As Wang Ming expected, Zhu Bajie and Six Eared Macaque went directly to Tushitian to find the future Maitreya Buddha.

That's right, Maitreya Buddha is not in Lingshan, but in Tushitian. Tushitian and Lihentian are actually at the same level, translated in the modern sense.

These two places are at the same height, and they are both 33 days away. Tushitian is a rough height unit, and Lihentian is at the top of this unit.

The Tushita Palace of Taishang Laojun is built here, and Maitreya Buddha also lives at this height. Simply put, it can be understood that Taishang Laojun and Maitreya Buddha live on the same floor, and they belong to neighbors in the same city Relationship.

Maitreya Buddha has a Buddhist kingdom in Tushitian, and there are probably hundreds of billions of people in it. As a future Buddha who cannot see the future, Maitreya Buddha does not want to get involved in the matter of Lingshan. He just wants to stay here quietly. It's the day when I take over.

The great calamity of Journey to the West involves the entire prehistoric world, and Maitreya Buddha, as a Buddhist, must also contribute, so he put one of his boys in the world.

In fact, King Huangmei's life in Maitreya Buddha Kingdom is much better than life in the lower realm. He has nothing to do in the mortal world, he can only enjoy the pleasure of pretending.

Even if Maitreya Buddha didn't take the initiative to take him, the Yellow-Browed King would probably go back by himself in a short time. This world is not a good place.

Immortals regard it as a place where they will be punished for calamities. One of the most serious punishments in the heaven is to enter the mortal reincarnation instead of going directly to hell and suffering from various punishments.

Because of the continuous experience of this world of mortals, even if you are a Daluo god with three flowers gathering at the top, your Dao heart may collapse, and your whole body will be wiped out in ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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