Chapter 497 Maitreya Buddha Arrives

Zhu Bajie and the six-eared macaque went all the way and directly entered Maitreya Buddha's Buddhist kingdom. During this period, the two of them were not blocked by anything. Obviously, the other party had long expected that they would find them.

The kingdom of Buddha is equivalent to the realm of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. Without their permission, outsiders can only enter by force.

The size of each Buddhist country is almost immeasurable, because Buddhism is extremely good at sumina mustard seeds, and the law of space and cause and effect such as one grain of sand and one world.

So some of their Buddhas and Bodhisattvas opened up the Buddha Kingdom, which is even bigger than the Great Desolate Continent. Of course, it is more than a step behind in terms of personality. After all, the Great Desolate Continent is not just big, and big is just the outermost appearance.

Adding the word Dao after Dao is the reason why the Great Desolate Continent is so powerful. Three thousand ways, three thousand heresies, and three thousand side doors, just pick one and practice it to the limit, you can become Da Luo or even a quasi-sage, and all of them will be sanctified posture.

This is the power of the Great Desolate Continent, but it is a pity that the road to sanctification was cut off by the way of heaven, and it is almost impossible for future generations of quasi-sages to be sanctified.

Because the prehistoric sages are too powerful, if they increase in number, they may backfire against the Dao of Heaven, and Dao of Heaven will not allow such a threat to arise.

Even the strongest saint in existence, Sanqing, was given a red pill by Hongjun, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, so that he could control the life and death of several people at any time, let alone allowing other saints to be born.

"Disciple Zhu Bajie has met Maitreya Buddha."

Zhu Bajie and the six-eared macaque passed the green light all the way, and came to the seat of Maitreya Buddha. Immediately, Zhu Bajie clasped his hands together and saluted very respectfully. After all, he is also a Buddhist on the surface, so he should perform the salute of a disciple.

"I already know why you are here, so let me just accompany you, my boy is indeed too naughty and needs to be trained."

Before Zhu Bajie could say anything, Maitreya Buddha took the initiative to speak. It seemed that he had been waiting for Zhu Bajie for a while.

"Thank you Maitreya Buddha!"

Hearing the words, Zhu Bajie returned the gift very respectfully, and at this moment, he also vaguely guessed something in his mind. The things in front of him were indeed planned by Wang Ming and Maitreya Buddha behind the scenes.

Of course, this is purely his overthinking. As for why it happened so coincidentally?Mainly because the two sides have a mutual understanding.

In this way, Zhu Bajie led Maitreya Buddha back to the outside of Xiaoleiyin Temple, and now there was no need for Zhu Bajie to call for the door, Maitreya Buddha said calmly.

"Sinner, you are pretending to be a Buddha here, domineering, do you know your crime?"

The Yellow-Browed King, who was trembling in Xiaoleiyin Temple, trembled all over when he heard this familiar voice, almost scared his soul away.

However, after experiencing the initial bewilderment, the king with yellow eyebrows also realized that it must be Wang Ming who was playing tricks behind his back.

And when the Yellow-Browed King looked at Wang Ming's premeditated smile, he immediately understood that the other party was just playing with him.

But at this time, the Yellow-browed King couldn't take care of that much anymore. The most important thing right now was to go out to see Maitreya Buddha, so he ran out without even saying hello.

As soon as he got out of the gate of Xiaoleiyin Temple, King Huangmei fell to his knees with a plop and said loudly.

"Master, I know I was wrong!"

"You bastard, I'll take care of you after I go back, and let everyone you catch come out now."

Maitreya Buddha still had a smiling expression, and said something that made people feel a little scary. Of course, this was just a scene. All of this was planned by him. He said these things just to let everyone have face to step down.

"Yes, Master."

King Huangmei also saluted very respectfully, then controlled Jin Nao and Houtian Human Seed Bag, and let out all the people he had taken in.

Swish swish!
Dozens of lights flickered on the scene for a while, and dozens of people suddenly appeared at the entrance of the originally empty Xiaoleiyin Temple, which seemed to be quite powerful.

And although these people were trapped inside, they could also know what happened outside, so after they came out, they all bowed down to Maitreya Buddha respectfully and saluted.

"I have seen Maitreya Buddha."

"You don't need to be too polite, my apprentice has caused you trouble, I will take him back to the Buddha Kingdom immediately to be punished."

Maitreya Buddha also nodded to everyone with a smile, and then he disappeared in place with the yellow-browed king, and it seemed that he had returned to his own Buddhist kingdom.

The gods and Buddhas present looked at Maitreya Buddha who was resolute and resolute, and they looked at each other for a while because of some confusion, and then everyone exchanged a few simple greetings, and then went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

The scene became empty in an instant, with only six masters and apprentices and a horse left. As for the little Leiyin Temple, it completely disappeared into nothingness after the Yellow Eyebrowed King left.

"Master, is it finally over now?"

Sun Wukong stared at Wang Ming resentfully, it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Wang Ming's betrayal of himself, but Wang Ming nodded and said calmly.

"It's over here, let's continue westward."

In this way, the master and apprentice set foot on the road to the west again, without even taking a break. At this time, the master and apprentice had already passed through, and more than two-thirds of the disasters on the westward journey.

It's really not far from Xitian Lingshan, and this also means that if there is a catastrophe in the future, there will be even more powerful monsters appearing on the stage.

Little catastrophe and so on, Wang Ming can basically speed through it directly now, after all, there is not much calamity energy that can be dissipated by small catastrophe, and it is better than nothing.

Only catastrophes are worthy of Wang Ming's tossing, and the catastrophes he has experienced along the way have all been completed very well, dissipating more catastrophe energy than in the original book.

This is also the reason why Wang Ming chooses to speed through some small disasters, because it is really unnecessary, and it also wastes time to affect the progress. Wang Ming has always been thinking about the magic weapon that Hongjun is going to give him.

End the Journey to the West as soon as possible, get the magic weapon as soon as possible, and then comprehend the prehistoric Dao of Heaven and Da Liu Dao, and when the strength is finally complete, go to challenge the Tongtian leader in Sanqing.

After getting the character card of the leader of Tongtian, by the way, I will challenge Jieyin and Zhunti. These two are also guys who are prone to big emotional fluctuations.

The remaining Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun can also be considered. Among the six sages of the wilderness, except for Laozi, Wang Ming wants to touch them.

After all, except for Laozi who is too forgetful, quiet and inaction, and has no emotional fluctuations, the rest of the five sages are basically quite individual, at least they are definitely not ruthless. As for Hongjun... Wang Ming didn't even think about it. Pass.

You know, even if you can't get the magic weapon of these saints, their own strength is also the existence of the peak of infinite diversity.

If he got all the cards of the Five Sages, then Wang Ming would have seven cards of the peak of infinite multi-level.

(End of this chapter)

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