Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 498 The python-killing spirit, Zhu Ziguo

Chapter 498 The python-killing spirit, Zhu Ziguo
The Great Desolate Five Saints, plus the Mercury Snake and the Golden Beast, six of these seven cards were drawn to form a deck composed entirely of infinite multi-level peak combat power.

In addition, after Wang Ming himself has realized the Great Desolation and the Dao of Heaven, it is very likely that he will break through to the realm of infinite diversity, and then he will use the words of the God Lord mode.

The combat power will be extremely terrifying. Not to mention being able to beat the Almighty Cosmic Rank, at least he can retreat completely. That is to say, the Almighty Cosmic Rank cannot directly kill Wang Ming in seconds. If he wants to escape, the opponent may not be able to escape. keep him.

In this way, Wang Ming went all the way again. After about two or three days, they passed a small mountain village.

This small mountain village is also a place where a small catastrophe happened. In fact, even a golden fairy is not counted, and it is only a python monster at the level of a fairy.

In the original book, there are some pens and inks of it, but not many, and it was killed by Monkey King with a stick.

To put it bluntly, he was also a rookie. To deal with this kind of rookie, Wang Ming directly chose to cut the mess with a quick knife, found the python's lair, and shot him dead.

Then the masters and apprentices didn't waste the ingredients at the level of immortals. Sun Wukong went to kill a few tiger demons, and Wang Ming engaged in a pot of dragon and tiger fights, and everyone ate their mouths full of oil.

But it was already winter at this time, and it was only midsummer when Wang Ming set off, and now half a year has passed.

Then the master and apprentice continued westward, and after about a week of progress, they finally arrived at another big country on this westward journey: Zhu Ziguo.

"Master, we have encountered a big country again, I guess there is something bad waiting for us."

As soon as Sun Wukong saw the magnificent city gate of Zhu Ziguo, he felt that something was wrong. As long as they passed through a country with a small scale along the way, they would encounter trouble.

"What are you afraid of? You are Monkey King, Monkey King. Can this little difficulty stump you?"

Wang Ming smiled and said to Monkey King, and Monkey King was also choked by Wang Ming's words, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment, and stopped talking.

Now Sun Wukong also knows what it means to be someone outside of people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. He deeply realizes that his rioting in the Heavenly Palace was actually a joke.

The various powerful monsters encountered on the journey to the west, even he found it difficult, and even the monsters that he couldn't beat, were actually the mounts or pets of the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Looking back now, the gods and Buddhas never had a real fight with Monkey King. After all, their mounts and pets could embarrass Monkey King so much, let alone them.

So with Sun Wukong's intelligence, he already guessed that he was being calculated, and now his behavior is much lower-key, and Wang Ming's words are based on the fact that Sun Wukong has self-knowledge to tease him.

In fact, this point has been hinted many times in the original book. When those gods see Monkey King, they call him the Great Sage. Although they seem respectful, they are actually making fun of him.

Then Wang Ming and the others prepared to visit the king according to the usual practice, but this time the king had something wrong again. The king of Zhuzi Kingdom was seriously ill.

The kind that was about to burp, but fortunately, Monkey King urinated and rubbed a mud ball, which saved the king of the Zhuzi Kingdom.

Then the king of the Zhuzi Kingdom cried so loudly that he didn't care whether Wang Ming and the others liked it or not, he just talked about his wife being taken away by a monster.

"Holy Monk, you must help me! He took my wife away for three years, and now he probably gave birth to a litter of little monsters!"

The king of the Zhuzi Kingdom is also an infatuated seed. He knelt on the ground while crying, and kowtowed to Wang Ming. He made Wang Ming a little embarrassed, and Wang Ming simply agreed directly.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, I will help you get your wife back."

"Thank you holy monk!"

The king of Zhuzi Kingdom also cried with joy when he heard Wang Ming's promise, and kowtowed to Wang Ming twice. I have to say that the king of his country has a bad habit of kowtowing to others.

"In that case, let's go meet that monster, it seems to be called Sai Taisui."

Wang Ming didn't care about the king of Zhu Ziguo who was lying on the ground, he directly turned his head and said to his apprentices, just like that, the group of people rushed towards Xiezhi Cave on Qilin Mountain outside Zhu Ziguo.

This is exactly the cave of Sai Taisui. This guy actually has a great background, but his combat power is not very good. His cultivation base and Sun Wukong are on the same level.

But Sai Taisui has a relatively powerful magic weapon called Zijinling. Of course, this thing is not up to the level of Lingbao. device.

But this Zijinling is indeed biased towards the offensive magic weapon, so it can suppress Monkey King in the original book.

Speaking of which, this purple golden bell was also refined by Laojun, just like Ruyi's golden cudgel and nine-toothed rake, it is Laojun's work.

And this Sai Tai Sui is the mount of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Its body is a golden retriever. It can be regarded as an ancient beast, but its intentions are not right, and it is quite lustful. The degree of lust is comparable to that of Zhu Bajie.

And it's quite like Cao Wei's style. If you don't want a big girl with a yellow flower, you have to go and grab someone else's queen. In terms of perversion, it is still higher than Zhu Bajie.

Of course, the original book said that the reason why he did this was because the king of the Zhuzi Kingdom shot and wounded the youngest son of Peacock Daming King when he was young. As for whether it was really because of this reason, no one knows.

However, the Queen of the Golden Palace of the Zhuzi Kingdom has not been violated, because the founder of the later generation of Taoism, Ziyang Zhenren. Zhang Ziyang gave her a treasured garment.

With this precious garment, no one would dare to touch the Empress of the Golden Palace. Even if Sai Taisui tried to touch her, his hands would be covered in blood and his whole body would twitch.

So even if Sai Taisui kidnapped the Empress of the Golden Palace for three years, the latter has nothing to do with it. From this, it can be seen that the cultivation level of this future Southern Patriarch of Taoism is definitely at the Da Luo level.

The so-called Southern Sect is a Taoist sect based on Zhang Ziyang's concept of dual cultivation of life and soul, and the Northern Sect corresponding to the Southern Sect is the lineage of the Heavenly Masters of Longhu Mountain that everyone is very familiar with.

The status of the founders of the two factions is comparable, and this real Zhang Ziyang can be said to be a figure comparable to the first generation of Tianshi in Longhu Mountain.

Of course, this is just a sect derived from Taoism in the human world, and has nothing to do with explaining and cutting off teaching. If you have to say it, they should be regarded as Laojun's lineage.

After all, many spells of the Southern Sect and the Northern Sect are related to the Heavenly Court, such as inviting gods or swaying ghosts. The core of these spells is actually related to the Heavenly Court.

And the only one who has an official position in the Heavenly Court, except Laojun, the remaining two saints in the Sanqing almost disdain to deal with the Heavenly Court.

Both Chanjiao and Jiejiao don't have a good opinion of Tianting, because most of the gods in Tianting used to be disciples of the two religions, and they went up because of the battle of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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