Chapter 500 Spider Spirit

"Go, go, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill him."

Wang Ming had no respect for Guanyin at all, he waved his hands arrogantly, making it seem like he was the superior.

After coming out of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Ming didn't like acting much anymore. Anyway, he was almost at Lingshan, and the disaster was almost over, so it would naturally be like this.

"Amitabha, then I will take this evil animal back."

Guanyin also breathed a sigh of relief, and then led Sai Taisui away from the spot without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

At this time, Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque were also staring at Wang Ming with very strange eyes. They seemed to want to ask, where did Wang Ming have the confidence to talk to Guanyin like this.

Although they know that the master of this family seems to be very strong, but Guanyin is one of the elders of Buddhism, and his status is not even lower than the three Buddhas. Isn't it a bit wrong for Wang Ming to talk to her like this?

"Okay, don't be dumb, let's go on, alas, it's a pity for my braised lion head."

After Wang Ming saw Guanyin running away, he sighed with some regret and shook his head. Just like that, the master and apprentice started their westward journey again.

And the next catastrophe they will experience is one of the most famous catastrophes in Journey to the West. In terms of fame, it is not much worse than the three beating bone spirits and wreaking havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

That's right, the catastrophe that Wang Ming and the others will experience at the next stop is the spider spirits in Pansi Cave. They also live in the cave, and there are also seven people.

The difference is that there are seven spider spirits in the east, and seven dwarfs in the west. From this point of view, the west has already lost too much.

The crowd ran all the way, and after walking for more than a week, they finally stopped in a beautiful mountain stream.

"Master, there is a demonic aura here, and there must be another big demon haunting it."

Monkey King looked at the surrounding environment. Although it looks beautiful and pleasant on the surface, it is actually full of evil spirits and extremely gloomy.

"Isn't that good, it's time for a toothbrush again."

Zhu Bajie looked around expectantly, while still in the dark, there were seven beauties in various colorful costumes, tremblingly looking at the master and apprentice.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that Monkey King and the six-eared macaque frightened them with the undisguised horror and evil spirit on their bodies.

They grew up so big, and they have never seen such a powerful big monster. The monsters on Monkey King and the six-eared macaque did not hide it at all.

If it was in the original book, Monkey King would restrain himself a bit, but after being with Wang Ming, he found that there was no need to do such unnecessary things.

Although the cultivation bases of these spider spirits are good, they are only at the level of golden immortals. The seven of them teamed up can barely deal with an ordinary Taiyi golden immortal.

In the original book, Zhu Bajie beats seven of them, and all of them fled. This shows that they are talented.

But their food does not represent the people behind them, and these seven spider spirits have a senior brother named Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, also known as the multi-eyed monster.

This guy's cultivation is also proper, Taiyi Jinxian peak, his body is a big centipede, and there are thousands of eyes on his chest.

Through these eyes, the multi-eyed monster can display a talent formation, which is called the thousand-eyed golden light and yellow mist formation. It is this thing that directly blinded Monkey King's eyes in the original book.

Moreover, the multi-eyed monster itself is also a poisonous centipede, so he is also very good at using poison, and his ability to use poison is not much worse than the scorpion spirit that the few people encountered before.

So in terms of overall combat power, he is even higher than the scorpion spirit. After all, apart from using poison, the scorpion spirit only has a hard carapace.

The multi-eyed monster is different. Not only does he have many eyes to release formations, but his carapace is not much weaker than the scorpion spirit. After all, both are crustacean Zerg monsters with the same cultivation level.

So the multi-eyed monster will only be more difficult to deal with than the scorpion spirit, but now with the addition of the six-eared macaque, several people should be able to fight against it.

It is worth mentioning here that the multi-eyed monster has the best record among all monsters. In the original book, he directly poisoned Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Tang Seng to death with a cup of poisoned tea.

That's right, it was directly poisoned to death, not fainted by poison or other words. This is the only monster on the Westward Journey that has a record of killing the master and apprentice.

In the original book, it was Pilanpo Bodhisattva, who finally saved the three Tang monks, master and disciples. The only one who was not poisoned was Monkey King, but he was also tortured enough by the multi-eyed monster.

"Master, there are some monsters watching us."

At this moment, the six-eared macaque came to Wang Ming calmly and said, Wang Ming naturally didn't need his reminder, but this guy's intention was good, so he nodded and said.

"Go and catch them and ask them to see if they can be eaten."

"Good master."

The six-eared macaque also nodded understandingly. He and Monkey King are really a perfect match.

Sun Wukong has piercing eyes, and the six-eared macaque has six ears, one can see through the falsehood of the world, and the other can hear everything in the world.

The pairing of the two is a bit like Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear, or it can be said that they are super enhanced versions of Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Ear.

In front of the two of them, the average Da Luo would not even try to pretend, he would be seen through, this is the power of the supernatural power.

"Brother Monkey, let's attack together."

The six-eared macaque came to Sun Wukong and said in a low voice, the two of them have gotten to know each other thoroughly after getting along, after all, they are both monkeys, and there is no deep hatred.

So the six-eared macaque is also very familiar, and like Zhu Bajie and others, they call Monkey Brother. The whole team, except Sha Wujing and Wang Ming, are called Monkey Brother Monkey.

The main reason is that Sha Wujing's personality is a bit old-fashioned. He feels that calling Monkey Brother is disrespectful to this big brother, and Wang Ming needless to say, he dares to call Monkey King but he dare not respond.

"Okay, wait a minute, I will go from the left, you will go out from the right, and catch them all."

Sun Wukong also nodded directly and agreed. At this time, the seven spider spirits who were hiding in the dark did not expect that they were being targeted, and they were still looking at this side stupidly.

And when they wanted to retreat and wanted to run away, they suddenly found that Monkey King and the six-eared macaque who were still in the field just now disappeared strangely.

And when they discovered this, Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque had already arrived at the left and right sides of the seven spider spirits.

"Hey! You monsters, what are you doing in a sneaky way? You look uneasy and kind!"

Sun Wukong yelled loudly, making the seven spider spirits tremble with fright. They subconsciously ran in the opposite direction of Monkey King, and were driven back by the six-eared macaque with the iron soldiers.

"Monster, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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