Chapter 501 Multi-eyed Monster

"Hey, it's really wonderful that there are seven female fairies."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie and the others rushed over and completely surrounded the seven spider spirits.

"You bloody pig, you can also deal with the seven spiders?"

Sun Wukong scolded angrily, and when Honghaier heard his words, he was a little disappointed and sighed.

"Hey, how could it be a spider? It has little meat and is disgusting. It doesn't taste good at all."

Hong Haier's tone was full of disgust, and the six-eared macaque and Monkey King, who had seen through the seven spider spirits, had long since lost their appetite.

They basically don't eat bugs and the like, that's why they have no appetite for the spider spirits. At this time, these spider spirits were already trembling and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Gentlemen, spare your lives! We just happened to pass by without any malice!"

"Master, why don't you let them go, it's useless to keep them."

Zhu Bajie couldn't bear to see so many little ladies crying with pear blossoms and rain, so he said directly, while Wang Ming shook his head and showed a weird smile.

"They are useless to us, but it doesn't mean they are completely useless. If I remember correctly, you seem to have a senior brother? What is the name of the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord? He is a big centipede."

"No, that's right, how did you know? Could it be that you and our senior brother are old acquaintances?"

The eldest of the seven spider spirits looked at Wang Ming in surprise, but Wang Ming's answer made them shudder.

"I know him, but he doesn't know me. You have to listen to me and do as I say."

"Wait a minute, take us back to Pansi Cave, and then send someone to tell the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord that you have caught Tang Seng, and you want to invite him to eat Tang Seng's meat, trick him to me, and finish this matter , I will let you go."

"Remember not to play any tricks, otherwise I will roast all the remaining six people."

Wang Ming had a smile on Wang Ming's face that scared the spider spirits, and they understood now that the other party was not coming for them at all, but for their senior brother.

In other words, it was possible that I was targeted by these strong men because of my senior brother's involvement. Thinking of this, the guilt in these spiders' hearts was swept away immediately, and they even felt a little annoyed.

Because they felt that they were cheated by their senior brother, and now that the enemy came to them, even if they sold their senior brother, it was only right and proper, after all, they didn't mess with this group of people.

All in all, the spider spirits quickly prepared themselves for self-comfort and psychological balance, and the eldest sister of the spider spirits immediately stood up and said.

"Okay, I promise you to bring him here, let me go, and my six sisters will be temporarily handed over to you as hostages."

"Very well, those who know the current affairs are brilliant. That senior brother of yours is cunning and selfish, and he forgets righteousness for profit. It's not fun, and you don't have to have any psychological burden."

Seeing this, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction. The reason why he wanted to create multi-eyed monsters was purely to abet disaster. After all, with the strength of a spider spirit, there is no way to avert a disaster.

Only a spider spirit and a multi-eyed monster can make up a difficult situation. The former is purely an addition, and the big head has to be a multi-eyed monster.

Just like that, Wang Ming and the others escorted the six spider spirits back to Pansi Cave, and the boss, Black Spider, went to lure the multi-eyed monsters over.

These seven spider spirits have seven colors in total, of which the black spider is the boss, and the other spiders have no names, so they can be called blue spiders, green spiders, red spiders and so on.

This silk hole is not as sloppy as everyone imagined, it is full of spider webs and poisonous insects, on the contrary, it is very clean and tidy, with a faint fragrance, it has the feeling of a girl's bedroom.

Zhu Bajie, the leader of the sex critics, has never paid attention to these six beautiful female fairies. He doesn't care what kind of race they are, as long as they are human after transformation.

After all, he himself is not a human being. Of course, Zhu Bajie can only think about it, and he doesn't dare to act. Even so, his current behavior is much more reckless than in the original book.

In the original book, he did a good job on the surface, after all, Tang Seng in the original book would not allow him to be so presumptuous.

The current Wang Ming is simply turning a blind eye, even if Zhu Bajie really wants to play with women, he can go away and don't dirty Wang Ming's eyes, then Wang Ming won't bother to care.

After all, with their strength, it is only a short time to fly back to Dongtu Tang from here. If Zhu Bajie really wanted to, he could travel west during the day and visit the brothel at night.

Work and entertainment are the same, but Wang Ming didn't make it clear that Zhu Bajie didn't dare to do such a thing. In fact, Wang Ming doesn't care. What does the Buddhist precepts have to do with Wang Ming?He is not Tang Seng.

Just like that, everyone was lying in ambush in Pansi Cave, and more than two hours passed in a flash. Just when everyone was getting impatient, there was a sound of talking and laughing at the door of Pansi Cave.

"Hahaha! Junior sister, when I was apprenticed to a teacher to learn art, I did not take care of you in vain. I didn't expect you to catch Tang Seng, and you can still think about me, brother. It's really rare!"

"Senior brother, where is this? If it weren't for your careful teaching at the beginning, how could our junior sisters have learned this skill so quickly, it would be better to say that it is time to repay the great kindness of senior brother."

There were two voices speaking, one of them was the voice of a middle-aged man with a rough voice, and the other was that of a black spider.

It seems that she did attract the multi-eyed monster according to the original plan. After hearing these voices, Monkey King and the others held the guns in their hands, ready to shoot at any time!
Soon the sound of the conversation between the two was getting closer, and they walked into the Pansi Cave after a while, and the moment the multi-eyed monster stepped into the Pansi Cave, the black spider's body violently retreated.

"I brought him here for you!"

When he left, the black spider yelled, and now the multi-eyed monster instantly understood what happened, he was sold by others!
"You bitch!"

Da da da!
The multi-eyed monster yelled furiously, but before he could finish his sentence, there were dense gunshots in front of him, and six firearms formed a firepower net, pouring on him immediately!


The defense of the multi-eyed monster in human form was far inferior to his own body, so the moment he was hit, green blood spurted out from at least hundreds of places on his body.

Of course, for a powerhouse of his level, the sneak attack is only a momentary damage, because the multi-eyed monster reacted in the next moment, and instantly manifested its own body!
After a terrifying roar, a huge centipede tens of meters long and comparable to a dragon appeared in Pansi Cave!
(End of this chapter)

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