Chapter 503 Lion Camel Ridge

And it is the mounts and brothers of the three Buddhist Bodhisattvas who caused all this. It is no exaggeration to say that the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in Shituoling was facilitated by Buddhism.

The eldest of the three monsters in Shituoling: the green-haired lion monster is the mount of Manjusri Bodhisattva.

The second child, the yellow-toothed elephant, is the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

The most famous third child, Dapeng Golden Winged Eagle is the younger brother of Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva, both of whom were born of Phoenix.

The Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva once swallowed the Tathagata, but later the Tathagata burst out of his belly, and then the Buddhist Bodhisattvas and Buddhas felt that this was also a kind of childbirth.

They believe that the Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva has the effect of giving birth to the Tathagata, so the Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva is also honored as the Buddha's mother.

As the younger brother of the Buddha's mother, the golden-winged roc can be regarded as Tathagata's nominal uncle. All in all, the three demons of Shituoling are all Buddhists.

Three days later, the master and apprentice finally arrived at the outermost edge of Shituo Ridge. Before everyone approached, they saw the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood from a distance, and Monkey King couldn't help sighing.

"Master, this place is no better than the [-]th floor of hell."

"Eight hundred miles of Lion Tuo Ridge, thousands of trillions of floating corpses and blood, although it is not in the underworld, it is better than thousands of them."

Wang Ming looked at the scene in front of him, and said with sincere emotion, this Buddhism is really a crime, and what everyone sees here is much more exaggerated than what is described in the original book.

It is described in the original book that the entire lion and camel country was destroyed, and everyone was eaten as food, but this is only what happened 500 years ago in the original book.

Now it is 500 years later, and those who died during these 500 years are really counted as tens of billions.

This is not an exaggeration at all, there are 8 little monsters in this Shituoling, and these little monsters eat at least [-] or [-] people every day.

And the three demon kings of Shituoling, who only ate a few hundred people at a meal, are considered to be losing weight. You must know that the boss of the three demons, the green-haired lion monster, has swallowed hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers in one mouthful. Not small at all.

It is conceivable how many people died in Shituoling in the past 500 years. The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in Shituoling in the eight hundred miles is not fake at all.

With the means of these three big monsters, it is trivial to go to other countries casually and snatch tens of thousands of people back. Therefore, the scourge of Shituoling is by no means as simple as a lion camel country.

The country around Shituoling is probably almost eaten up by these monsters, and the surrounding area of ​​Shituoling is also full of monsters, and there are not many living people in a radius of ten thousand miles.

"Master, what are we going to do? Shall we kill them directly?"

Even Sun Wukong had resentment in his eyes at this moment. Although he was not human, he hated this kind of indiscriminate killing of innocents the most.

"Then do you need to ask? The disciples took out their guns and followed the teacher into the lion camel cave, and all the evil spirits encountered on the way will not be left behind!"

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Wang Ming's face as well, and then he took out the Sand Eagle with two guns that he hadn't used for a long time.

clack clack...

After hearing Wang Ming's words, his five apprentices also took out their guns and loaded them one after another, ready to fight at any time.


After Wang Ming yelled, he rode the white dragon horse and rushed towards Shituoling in the lead!
Bang bang bang!
Sitting on the horse, Wang Ming kept firing two guns in his hands. Every gunshot meant that a little demon from Shituoling was blown up.

The two guns in his hands are extremely powerful, a little more advanced than those of Monkey King, so his bullets can directly explode the bodies of these little monsters.

Wang Ming's guns kept firing, like the western cowboys in the early [-]th century, with a chic and chivalrous style.

And the five apprentices were running at a speed not at all slower than him, running and shooting non-stop. The [-] little demons in Shituoling are a lot to say, but it is really not very good to face weapons like guns. Enough to see.

Gather them together, six masters and apprentices with six guns, and kill all these little monsters in a few minutes at most.

And the commotion made by the master and apprentice finally alarmed the monsters in the entire Shituoling, and monsters from other places came to support them in a steady stream.

But without exception, they all died tragically at the gunpoint of the six masters and apprentices. The lucky ones had two-thirds of their corpses left, and the unlucky ones turned into scum.

The scene in front of you, people who don’t know it at first glance, may think it’s some kind of zombie-fighting game. After all, the surrounding doomsday-like environment, combined with the strange monsters, and the desperate charge, is indeed a bit like a doomsday game. .

Soon the master and disciples were in front of the lion camel cave, and the monsters outside the lion camel cave were basically killed by them. This is the high efficiency of the firearms.

And this lion camel cave is so huge that it feels as if the entire mountain range has been hollowed out. The width and height of this lion camel cave alone exceeds a kilometer.

So just in front of the lion camel cave, there are a full [-] little demons guarding it closely, and it will be more profound to feel the cruelty of the lion camel mountain here.

Unlike the scenes outside the Lion Camel Cave just now, where human bones and human skins were everywhere, there is a continuous stream of human screams coming from it.

According to the description in the original book, the Lion Camel Cave is very large and is divided into three parts.

The first part is near the entrance of the cave. This is the human meat processing center of the entire Shituoling. The food for the [-] little demons in Shituoling is all produced from here.

The second part is the garden of the Shituo Cave. Although it is in the cave, there is still sunlight shining in. It is seven or eight miles long, and it is a garden like a fairyland on earth.

And here is also the forbidden area of ​​the Shituoling goblins. Except for a few specific messenger goblins, other goblins are not allowed to go to the deepest part of the garden through this garden.

The entire system of Shituoling is strict, not much worse than that of human society, with an orderly hierarchy from top to bottom, and any monster who dares to step up the ranks will die tragically.

Each of these little monsters even has their own ID card, that is, an identity plate hanging on their chest, with the name of the monster written on it.

And the deepest part of the lion camel cave is: the residence of the green-haired lion monster, the yellow-toothed old elephant, and the golden-winged roc. When the three of them are not going out, they are basically in the deepest part.

"My old grandson thinks he has seen many evil monsters before, but this is the first time I have seen such bloodthirsty and cruel monsters."

Sun Wukong, who saw the situation inside with his golden eyes, couldn't help sighing, these bodhisattva mounts are cruel and merciless.

"Let's go straight in. Actually, I haven't quite understood why they are so bloodthirsty as Buddhist mounts?"

The six-eared macaque also heard the movement inside and judged the situation inside. As a monster who wanted to become a Buddha, his eyes were also full of anger at this time.

And he suddenly wavered in his idea of ​​becoming a Buddha. Is Buddhism so universal to the world?
(End of this chapter)

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