Chapter 504 The Power of Merit
"Then let's kill!"

Bang bang bang!
The red boy who looked the most harmless but actually had the hottest temper immediately fired, and the shot he fired was like a starting gun.

Sun Wukong and the others also started shooting one after another, and these monsters rushed up bravely, but under the absolute suppression of firepower, all their actions were just to die.

These little monsters were determined, with red eyes, and rushed towards the master and apprentice like crazy monsters. It was obvious that they had serious mental problems, and they were not normal monsters at all.

But no matter how crazy they were, they could only be harvested piece by piece like wheat. If they scattered and fled, it would be a little more troublesome for Wang Ming and the others to mend their guns.

But the current suicide attack saved Wang Ming and the others a lot of effort. In less than 2 minutes, the 1 monsters guarding the entrance of the cave were all dead.

"Master, what should these people do?"

After cleaning up all the little monsters, the master and apprentice also came to the first floor of the Lion Camel Cave, which is the location of the previously mentioned human meat processing factory.

At this time, there are a large number of living people and people here, as well as many half-dead people, such as those who have been skinned and still alive, or whose hands and feet have been chopped off.

This kind of undead but half-mutilated people is waiting to be processed, and some complete human beings are unprocessed. This base is the largest, because they are kept in cages.

At this time, in the entire lion camel cave, there were only the screams of the half-processed humans, but the people locked in the cage were eerily quiet, neither barking, making noise, nor crying.

In their eyes, Wang Ming couldn't see any other emotional fluctuations. This was an expression of their complete silence and despair. Although these people were still alive, their hearts had long since died.

What everyone saw in front of them was nothing more than walking corpses, Zhu Bajie also stood up and sighed when he saw the tragedy in front of him.

"Even if these people are saved by us, it is unlikely that they will change back later. They have been completely useless."

Zhu Bajie's words were very realistic and cruel, but it was true and no one refuted it. Seeing this, Wang Ming said it expressionlessly.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. They will live in this world and die. It is better to send them to reincarnation as soon as possible."

Wang Ming is already a little angry now, and what he said, in this world of reincarnation, is indeed the best choice for these ordinary people.

Now the hearts of these people are dead. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of moving meat with only biological instinct left.

There is no such torture law in hell. Instead of letting them go through this life in a daze, it is better to send them to reincarnation now.

"In that case, let me help you."

After thinking for a while, Wang Ming made a decision, a decision in line with his own heart.

A halo of merit suddenly emerged from behind Wang Ming, golden lotuses gushed out in an instant, and the gospel came down from the sky, and people with great merit would enjoy special treatment at the same level as saints.


Wang Ming looked at these human beings who were treated as domestic animals, and said something lightly. While speaking, he waved his hand violently. In the next second, an invisible force instantly enveloped the hundreds of thousands of human beings present.

The bodies of these human beings immediately began to turn into little golden particles, dissipating and disappearing between the heaven and the earth. After a while, all the human bodies present on the scene completely disappeared into the heaven and the earth.

This is equivalent to a method of painless cremation, and after these human beings died, they left behind hundreds of thousands of resentful souls.

Just when these unjust souls were about to explode into riots, an invisible force directed them towards, and the merit halo in the sky behind Wang Ming absorbed them.

These unjust souls full of dark and negative emotions, after passing through the aura of merit, instantly turned into a pure and colorless appearance.

At the same time, another door between heaven and earth was also opened, which was the door leading to the six realms of reincarnation. The innocent souls purified by Wang Ming directly opened the back door, and jumped into the six realms of reincarnation for reincarnation.

This can also be regarded as the harvest of Wang Ming's comprehension of the Six Paths of Reincarnation during this period of time, and these innocent souls purified by Wang Ming were bestowed with a little bit of merit by Wang Ming.

Although there are not many, it can also guarantee that their next reincarnation will be cast into someone who has no worries about food and clothing. After Zhu Bajie saw Wang Ming's operation, he was a little stunned.

"Master, you are the real Living Buddha, you are willing to use your merits to help them reincarnate."

"Everything in the world has a definite number for every drink and peck. Don't ask for rewards for doing good deeds. Heaven will naturally repay you."

Wang Ming replied with a smile, the reason why he would do this is also out of his own heart, since seeing it is fate, so it is easy to do it, and it is not necessary to help.

Of course, things like merit are indeed very precious. It is not surprising that Zhu Bajie would be surprised, because if the amount of merit is enough.

You can use merit to create a weapon of merit. The peak of a weapon of merit is the acquired merit treasure. In terms of power, this thing is not much worse than the congenital treasure and the acquired treasure.

That is to say, this is a universal material, and no great power in the past would think it is too much, because if the power of merit reaches a terrifying amount of qualitative change.

Then even the Dao of Heaven will take care of it, and open the back door, and even achieve sanctification of merit without using the majestic purple energy.

This can also be regarded as a road to holiness, and there is a great Buddhist master who is walking on this road, trying to accumulate a large amount of merit to break through the barriers of quasi-sages and reach the realm of a true saint.

And this great power of Buddhism is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who made the oath that the hell is not empty and that he will not become a Buddha. He has been doing meritorious deeds in the underworld.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fulfills his great wish, then the day he becomes a Buddha will be the day when he becomes a saint.

I don't know if it was in response to Wang Ming's words, but as soon as Wang Ming's words fell, a beam of virtuous light descended from the sky and earth, directly covering Wang Ming's body!

"The way of heaven manifests its holiness, and a person with great merit is born!"

At the moment when the virtuous beam fell, countless great powers focused their eyes on Shituo Ridge. They all looked greedily at the growing virtuous halo behind Wang Ming.

At the same time, the aura of Buddhism dropped by a notch in an instant, and the Dao of Heaven has its own standards of good and evil.

Wang Ming's actions are great good in the eyes of heaven, and correspondingly, the Buddhism that caused all this is great evil. If Wang Ming doesn't purify these wronged souls, it's nothing.

Now that Wang Ming is doing this good thing, the Dao of Heaven must respond, punish evil and promote good, this is the principle of Dao of Heaven.

Therefore, Wang Ming's merit has increased, and the energy of Buddhism has decreased. One increase and one decrease are just balanced.

This wave belongs to Wang Ming's inadvertently pulling away the wool of Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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