Chapter 505 Killing the Lion and Camel Mountain Three Demons

And at the moment when the Buddhist aura fell, all Buddhist disciples above the Bodhisattva level cast their eyes in horror on the Tathagata Buddha on the Lingshan Mountain.

"Amitabha, it's too late to go too far. This kalpa should be taught by me."

After the Tathagata felt the abnormality, he also quietly glanced at Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva.

After all, it was the three of them who were in charge of arranging this disaster, so Tathagata directly blamed the three of them.

Tathagata only needs to give Jieyin and Zhunti an explanation. For him, the decline in the energy of Buddhism is at most just a slowdown of cultivation speed, and the rest is harmless.

But for the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti, this almost means that their own qi has declined, and a decline in qi will increase the probability of catastrophe.

This is quite bad for a saint. Don't say that a saint will never be saved, this is just fooling people who don't understand.

The so-called saints do not add to the body, just refers to ordinary catastrophes and minor catastrophes, such as Fengshen and Journey to the West, saints cannot escape, and they are likely to be involved.

The battle of the Conferred Gods was because the saint himself believed in it, and his own disaster did not add to his body, so all the saints behind him participated in the battle.

So after the battle of conferring the gods, the saints didn't quite believe that they would not be saved from adversity.

And when the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West came, the saints began to make strict arrangements and arrangements, just to prevent themselves from repeating the same mistakes and being involved in the decline of Qi.

"Bastard! Which bastard arranged this difficulty!"

"I'm mad at me, really mad at me!"

After feeling that his energy had dropped, Jieyin and Zhunti were completely unimpressive and yelled at him in his dojo.

With the strength of the two of them, they have already found the root of the problem with just one thought. Of course, Wang Ming is equal to them, and they don't dare to vent their anger on Wang Ming.

So they could only pour out their anger on the few people who arranged the Shituoling disaster. To be precise, the problem was originally caused by the three Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas.

If they hadn't gone too far, Heaven would not have given Buddhism a red card warning.

After all, it is true that the Dao of Heaven wants Daxing Buddhism, but Daxing Buddhism is not for them to push their noses.

At this time, Wang Ming deduced the secret of heaven through the six reincarnations, and also discovered the whole story, and immediately a strange smile appeared on his face.

"I really don't know what to say."

It has to be said that at this time, the Qi of Buddhism is still quite valuable. The Qi that was deducted from Buddhism was transformed into the power of success and fed back to Wang Minghou.

It actually directly doubled the merit halo behind Wang Ming, which is equivalent to directly doubling the power of his merit.

Wang Ming really didn't expect that his momentary goodness could actually cause this butterfly effect, which can only be regarded as a windfall.

"This is called self-inflicted evil, forget it, don't care about it, disciples follow me to kill all the lions and camels, and we cooked those three monsters!"

After reorganizing his mood, Wang Ming also put on a rare happy smile on his face, and then he took the lead again, rushing towards the lion camel cave.

Monkey King and the others followed non-stop, their eyes were full of greed and appetite.

How to say that sentence, the cannibal will eventually be eaten.

In this way, the six masters and apprentices moved forward quickly, and soon came to the second floor of the lion camel cave, a garden like a fairyland on earth.

But everyone can see clearly that under this fairyland-like garden on earth, there are dense bones and flesh and blood buried. This entire garden is cultivated with the remnants of the human body.

"What a paradoxical beauty, Red Boy, burn this place down."

Wang Ming looked at the beautiful seven-kilometer-long garden in front of him, sighed, and then said to Honghaier, Honghaier, who already had a strong desire to destroy, nodded excitedly in agreement.

"Well, Master!"

After the red boy let out a cry of excitement, he began to breathe out the real fire of Samadhi with all his strength. In just a few breaths, the garden was turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, everyone finally came to the deepest part of the lion camel cave. As long as they opened the door in front of them, they could see the three most powerful demon kings on the lion camel's collar.

"Listen to the monsters inside, your grandpa is here to collect you!"

Sun Wukong directly enlarged the golden cudgel in his hand, blasted the huge iron gate into pieces with a savage blow, and then yelled very domineeringly.

At this time, the green-haired lion monster, the yellow-toothed old elephant, and the golden-winged roc were drinking and having fun. It looked like they didn't care about what happened outside.

But when everyone broke in, the three monsters were a little surprised. They stared at Wang Ming and the others for a while, and the green-haired lion monster murmured a little doubtfully.

"The guy who came to die this time has some skills. He can actually kill through the ten thousand demon formation outside. Tell me, which force you are sending to subdue the demons. I will give your master a message later."

The attitude of the green-haired lion monster can be described as arrogant. It can be seen that this is not the first time that someone wants to get rid of the malignant tumor of their lion camel mountain, but without exception, they have become the ghosts of the three men.

This can also explain why the three of them didn't show up when they heard such a big commotion outside just now. Seeing the three demons who were so arrogant when they were about to die, Monkey King also sneered.

"Hmph, if you don't know when you're about to die, then just be a fool, no, you won't even have a chance to be a ghost!"

Da da da!
After Sun Wukong said this, he didn't talk any more nonsense. He was already simmering in his heart, and he pulled the trigger on the green-haired lion monster without hesitation!

As soon as Sun Wukong fired, the six-eared macaques also fired, and Wang Ming took out his own guns as if joining in the fun, and shot wildly at the three of them.

The catastrophe at Shituoling has almost reached the standard, so Wang Ming is not going to act anymore, just shoot and send these monsters to the dining table.

"Ugh! What is this!"

The green-haired lion monster, the yellow-toothed old elephant, and the golden-winged roc were caught off guard and were severely injured in an instant!
Even if they had changed back to their original bodies immediately, they still couldn't withstand such a terrifying fire suppression. After all, they didn't have tough carapaces to protect their bodies like the multi-eyed monsters and scorpion spirits.

The cultivation bases of the three demons are all at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, half-step multi-level, no different from scorpion spirits and multi-eyed monsters.

The two were able to withstand the bombardment of the guns because of their strong body defense, but the three monsters in Shituoling did not have such terrifying defense power, so even if they returned to their original forms, they would only end up being shot to death .

(End of this chapter)

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