Chapter 506 Speed ​​Run

Facing six people, the powerful firepower of eight guns, and Wang Ming's super-standard shooting, the green-haired lion monster, the yellow-tusk old elephant, and the golden-winged roc had no way to fight back and were directly beaten into pieces. Bloody corpses.

It's no wonder they are so vulnerable, after all, this time Wang Ming did it himself, and Wang Ming didn't participate in the suppression of everyone's firepower in the past.

It is because the power of Wang Ming's firearms is higher than that of everyone else. If he makes a move, the difficulty of the disaster will be greatly reduced, and the disaster will not have the desired effect, and there is no way to avert the disaster.

And this time until the three guys died, no Buddha or Bodhisattva jumped out to intercede, because everyone realized the seriousness of the matter.

Originally, the aura of Buddhism has been cut off, if anyone dares to come out to make trouble at this time, Jieyin and Zhunti can jump out with a slap and slap them to death.

"Master, let's cook the three of them here. If you like to eat people so much, let them taste what it's like to be eaten. My old grandson doesn't think they are dirty."

Sun Wukong looked at the corpses of the three demons and said so, and the others nodded in agreement. They may not be as outraged as Sun Wukong.

After all, the races are different, and there is no feeling of empathy. They just think that these three monsters are too cruel. It would be better if they can be fried.

"Okay, let me show you what real food is today."

Wang Ming also directly agreed, and he didn't resist these three monsters just because they like to eat people.

The reason is simple, pigs still eat pig feed every day, so eating pigs is equivalent to eating pig feed?There are also rabbits, this thing even often eats its own feces, and I have never seen anyone who hates spicy rabbit heads, spicy rabbits and so on.

So what this monster eats has nothing to do with his own meat quality, as long as he can overcome the psychological nausea, he can enjoy the delicious food of these monsters.

So just like that, Wang Ming made all the dishes for the Manchu Banquet directly on the spot, a total of 108 dishes, which was in line with the sum of Tiangang and Disha.

This is definitely the pinnacle of Wang Ming's culinary skills since his trip to the west. Many gods and Buddhas who secretly observe here have also raised their curiosity. They really want to know the taste of so many dishes. .

But at this time, no one dared to come down to touch the bad luck of Buddhism, and the gods and Buddhas could only look at it. Wang Ming's five apprentices had a huge appetite, and they couldn't be judged by their body size, after all, they were not human.

It took more than an hour for the meal to end. It was not the first time for Sun Wukong and the others to taste Wang Ming's cooking skills, so they didn't gobble up the meal, they were all savoring carefully.

After eating and drinking enough, Wang Ming directly let Honghaier burn down the entire Shituoling with the real fire of Samadhi. Only the real fire of Samadhi can purify this place.

Because if it is left alone, this place will definitely become a place of great evil in the future, giving birth to terrible monsters and ghosts.

After finishing all these aftermaths, the master and apprentice rushed towards the west again.

And then the four masters and apprentices didn't experience any decent catastrophe. It can be said that Shituoling is the most excessive catastrophe that Lingshan has done.

The difficulty of the latter is obviously reduced, and the master and apprentice are almost all speed passers.

Sun Wukong killed the heart-eating Bailu old demon in the Bhikkhu country with a single shot.

Wang Ming backhandedly suppressed the white-haired mouse spirit trapped in the bottomless pit of the empty mountain.

Red Boy shot dead the king of France who only killed monks.

The five apprentices shot and killed the leopard who was made into an emoji, that is, the leopard who was pictured wearing sunglasses.

The severe drought in Fengxian County is easier to deal with. It rained as soon as Wang Ming stomped his feet.

Then everyone met again, the nine-headed lion Jiuling Yuansheng who had been stolen in the original book, the three brothers and three weapons.

To deal with this nine-headed lion, Sun Wukong and the others spent some effort, but after only spending some effort, they put it to death.

The nine-headed lions were made into braised lion heads, and the master and apprentice had another full meal.

Then the master and apprentice continued westward to Jinping Mansion, where the three rhinoceros were located.

This time Wang Ming directly let go of these three monsters, they can be regarded as model monsters on the westbound road.

Don't kill, don't eat people, don't do any bad things, just pretend to be a god to enjoy the incense, and worship to bring good weather to the local elders all year round.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are three good monsters, and they are two extremes with the three monsters on Shituo Ridge.

And these three rhinoceros spirits are doing this to cast a golden body for themselves through the Taoist incense system, so that they can truly become immortals.

To put it simply, these three monsters and the people of Jinping Mansion are mutual achievements. The former guarantees them a peaceful life, and the latter provides incense to help the three become immortals.

So Wang Ming ignored them. After all, even in the original book, their catastrophe is quite low. One more of them is not much, and one less of them is not much.

In the original book, these three rhino monsters were directly beaten to death by Monkey King with a stick, and it is not known whether Monkey King did it on purpose.

After leaving Jinping Mansion, the six masters and apprentices finally came to the legendary Tianzhu Kingdom, and a little further there was Lingshan.

Basically, Journey to the West is coming to an end, and there will be some minor disasters in the future, and basically all of them can be speed-passed.

In the end, there are only three catastrophes left, the Jade Rabbit descends to the earth, Kou Yuanwai dies, and he obtains the false scriptures and is made things difficult by Ananda and Kasyapa.

At this time, the master and apprentice have successfully sent Yutu back to the Moon Palace, avenged Kou Yuanwai's family, and successfully arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

Now there is a final difficulty waiting for them, that is, after seeing the Buddha, they got false scriptures, and these fake scriptures finally fell into the river.

But everyone didn't go to Lingshan immediately, because one of Wang Ming's apprentices should have quit at this time, and that's right, the person who was about to leave was Hong Hai'er.

When the Bull Demon King sent him here, he originally planned to let him practice for a while, and avoid the karma of joining Buddhism by the way.

But now that they have arrived at Lingshan, Honghaier has to leave whether he wants to or not, because if Wang Ming takes him up to Lingshan.

Later, when the Tathagata conferred rewards, Honghaier would never be able to escape a Buddhist fruit position, so he was completely tied to Buddhism, and it was no different from the original book, it was just a matter of whether this good fortune boy was conferred sooner or later.

"Red boy, you should go too. You can't go up to Lingshan with us, because if you do that, you won't be able to turn back. Your father won't want you to join Buddhism."

"How cruel Buddhism is, your perception along the way is no worse than mine, so you go back to Jilei Mountain to find your parents, and we will see each other again in the future."

Under the Lingshan Mountain, Wang Ming said to the melancholy-faced Red Boy, obviously, the latter already knew the end of his departure.

(End of this chapter)

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