Chapter 507 End of Journey West
"Master, I..."

Hong Hai'er was still a little bit reluctant, after all, during this period of time, he followed Wang Ming to kill everywhere, and he couldn't return to his usual peaceful life.

It's much more comfortable to hang out with Wang Ming than he was in the withered pine stream before, and Wang Ming laughed and scolded.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking. How old are you and you're still so petty. It's like you and your senior brothers won't teach Buddhism in the future. Even if I'm not around in the future, you can go out to play the autumn breeze with them."

"Then, then I'm leaving, Master."

Although there was a lot of reluctance in his heart, Honghaier knew that his parents would not be at ease if he did not leave, so he also drove his own fire cloud and galloped in the direction of Jilei Mountain.

With his speed, it must only take half a day to return to Jilei Mountain, and now everyone is justified and set foot on the steps to Lingshan.

After the crowd walked for about ten minutes, they finally came to the halfway up the mountain. The Buddhas of Lingshan are all on the top of the mountain, and the halfway up the mountain is mostly the residence of some Venerable Arhats.

And the same plot as in the original book happened, Venerable Kasyapa and Venerable Ananda ran over to ask for bribes. Seeing the philistine smiles that they deliberately pretended, Wang Ming replied with a smile.

"You two, don't make any small moves with me, otherwise, you will be killed."

The two were startled, and they held back what they were about to say. After all, the reason why the two dared to take this challenge in the original book was because Tang Seng was not Wang Ming.

Tang Seng in the original book has a very good temper and is not strong, so he can bully him at will. Now it is Wang Ming, whoever dares to make small moves will die miserably.

In this way, the two honestly led Wang Ming to the Lingshan Mountain. Monkey King was already very familiar with this place. After all, he had been here several times, although they all came to ask for help.

Now that the merits and virtues are consummated, Sun Wukong actually feels a little lost. After all, this means that in the future, the master and apprentice will not be able to eat together like before, eating meat, drinking in big bowls, and killing monsters that don’t like it. Enmity.

"Amitabha, I Buddha Tathagata, I waited for the road to the west, and came here to seek the truth. I hope you will not be ignorant."

At the last level, Wang Ming was too lazy to act, and his words were quite rude. It felt like a worker who had signed a resignation form and dared to yell at the boss.

"Amitabha, you have worked hard. If this is the case, take the scriptures away. You have made outstanding achievements. The reason is to sit on the Buddha seat of my Lingshan and save all living beings in the world."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were a little sullen when they heard Wang Ming's words, but the Tathagata said it nonchalantly, and even began to prepare for meritorious deeds and rewards.

After hearing his words, Wang Ming glanced at his disciples calmly. Before going up to Lingshan, Wang Ming had already told them that if anyone didn't want to join Buddhism, he could leave directly. He helped with it.

But what was unexpected was that among the five disciples, except for Hong Boy who was unwilling, everyone else was willing, so there was no need for Wang Ming to stop it. Tathagata drew Sun Wukong and the others into Buddhism. Everyone has his own ambitions, and there is no way.

It would be better to say that many people who want to enter the top ranks of Buddhism have no chance. Even if they just dawdle in the top ranks without real power, they are backed by the mountain of Buddhism, and even the heavenly court would not dare to touch Buddhism casually.

Even after death and reincarnation, there are Buddhists in the underworld. It is no exaggeration to say that Buddhism is indeed a good destination, at least for the unambitious Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

As for Sun Wukong, Wang Ming didn't know what he was thinking, while the six-eared macaque always wanted to embrace Buddhism's lap, and the white dragon horse was because of family reasons.

All in all, his mount, including these four apprentices, has various reasons for joining Buddhism.

If these people are real masters and apprentices, Wang Ming will definitely stop them and become their backer, but Wang Ming is just a passerby to the prehistoric world.

So there's no need to cheat people. After all, no one will be afraid of him after he leaves.

If Wang Ming really followed his own ideas and forcibly got them out of Buddhism, then after he left, Monkey King and the others would usher in an extremely terrifying revenge from Buddhism.

This is why there is no need to deceive people. The degree of shamelessness in Buddhism is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Amitabha, the lifelong wish of the poor monk is to educate the people, and it is absolutely impossible to become a Buddha."

Wang Ming also directly rejected the Tathagata's proposal to confer rewards, and then he directly cut off the causal line that was secretly thrown over by the lead and Zhunti.

Tathagata didn't dare to force him when he saw this. After all, Wang Ming's strength was such that he didn't even dare to say a word that was too much, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​wooing Wang Ming.

"Since this is the case, I will not force it anymore. How many of you are willing to join my Buddhism?"

Tathagata could only change his mind and put his mind on Sun Wukong and the others, but Sun Wukong and the others made an answer that satisfied all the Buddhas.

"I am willing to join Buddhism."

Several people answered in unison, uniformly, and then it was time for Tathagata to title them, exactly the same as in the original book.

Zhu Bajie took the idle job of a clean altar envoy.

Sun Wukong became a fighting Buddha.

The six-eared macaque became a widely heard Bodhisattva.

The little white dragon became the eight dragons.

The worst one has to be Sha Wujing. After all, he has no background and no strength, so he only got a small position as a golden arhat.

And after Wang Ming saw that his apprentices were all mixed up with titles, he also took the scriptures and stepped back to Chang'an in one step.

For several of his apprentices, the journey to the west has come to a perfect end, but for Wang Ming it has not yet, he has yet to complete the last step.

The last thing on the westward trip is to spread Mahayana Buddhism, which is also the most meritorious thing.

Wang Ming would not just give up the opportunity of free prostitution with such great merit, so he successfully transformed into the Tang monk in the original book, and began to preach Mahayana Buddhism for 70 years.

After all, this job is the simplest. If Wang Ming is not willing to preach, there will be a lot of people waiting for him in Buddhism. There is no Bodhisattva who will not be tempted.

After 70 years of preaching, Wang Ming ascended to heaven in full view and passed away completely.

And this also means that all Mahayana Buddhism has been preached, and at the moment Wang Ming pretended to pass away, great merits and virtues descended from the sky, golden lotuses sprouted from the earth, and hymns were sung from the sky.

A terrifying power of merit instantly poured into Wang Ming's aura of merit, and this also represented the complete end of Journey to the West and his mission completed.

(End of this chapter)

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