Chapter 508 Hongjun's Reward

It can be said that the greatest merit of the entire Journey to the West catastrophe was cut off by Wang Ming alone, and Buddhism was also ruthlessly squeezed by him.

Originally, these merits and virtues should belong to Jin Chanzi, and Jin Chanzi should have cultivated into a true fruit and become the Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha of Buddhism, but the greatest benefit for the individual was taken away by Wang Ming.

As for Buddhism as a whole, Buddhism is actually profitable. After all, although they did not get merit, they got the power of heaven, and the day of Buddhism's great prosperity has really come.

This is the most important thing for Buddhism and Jieyin Zhunti. The merits that Wang Ming has obtained are nothing to the two saints. These merits can only attract quasi-sages.

The reason why Wang Ming is happy about this is purely because he is too poor, or because the prehistoric world is too rich.

At this time, Wang Ming's aura of merit has been completely completed. It is no exaggeration to say that if his aura of merit is used to infuse a certain artifact, it can be instantly promoted to a spiritual treasure of acquired merit.

To use an analogy, Wang Ming shattered the halo of merit and virtue, and poured all the power of merit into the Aurora Sword, and the Aurora Sword can also become a spiritual treasure of acquired merit.

But Wang Ming would not do this, because doing so would be too wasteful, because as long as there is a halo of merit, even if Wang Ming goes to other worlds, he can still use its characteristics to continue collecting the power of merit.

It stands to reason that the power of merit is useless outside the prehistoric world, and this thing is considered a specialty of the prehistoric world.

But Wang Ming is different, and I don't know if it's because he is bound to the super-dimensional Decade belt. Wang Ming himself has some super-dimensional attributes.

As long as it is something he has cultivated or created by himself, the power that belongs to him is universal in all worlds, and the six paths of reincarnation are a good proof.

So the same principle is the same in the merit halo, so in order to continue to collect the power of merit in the future, Wang Ming can only keep it temporarily.

The merits of the prehistoric power are difficult to obtain, because this place has basically been calmed down, and there is a unified order.

But his world is different, there are countless chaotic worlds, and earning merits in this chaotic and orderly world is simply getting twice the result with half the effort.

After Wang Ming left Tang Chang'an, he also planned to go to Zixiao Palace to seek benefits from Hongjun. To be on the safe side, he inserted the character card of the Mercury Snake into his belt in advance.

After all, this guy has the ability to backtrack, which is still very powerful. In terms of attacking, Wang Ming would choose the Golden Beast, to save his life or play tricks, or the Mercury Snake is more suitable.

Although I don't know if Hongjun will be affected by the ability of the mercury snake, Wang Ming can use the moment of death to go back in time and let himself leave Hongjun's side.

Then directly use the belt to leave this place of right and wrong. Of course, the above situation is based on the premise that Hongjun doesn't talk about martial arts and is ready to play black hands.

Wang Ming is still willing to believe that he is trustworthy, after all, he is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, so he should have some credit.

So with the idea of ​​giving it a try, Wang Ming came to the Zixiao Palace. The Zixiao Palace is above Lihentian, and in the chaos farther away, a saint must not come, because the wind in the chaos can blow the capital of the quasi-sage. Get out of your wits.

Without the protection of a saint, or Hongjun's initiative to invite him, even a top quasi-sage like Zhen Yuanzi would lose his life if he came here.

"Ancestor Dao, the great calamity of traveling westward has been completed, I'm here to chat with Ancestor Dao."

Wang Ming did not directly enter Zixiao Palace, but bowed respectfully outside Zixiao Palace and said, but Hongjun didn't seem to want to talk to him very much, he must be busy with something.

Before Wang Mingduo could say a few words, a fierce weapon that radiated bloody light shot out from the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Wang Ming could see it clearly. It was a long spear, a long spear with a boundless murderous aura and a magical weapon. Even on this long spear, Wang Ming felt a deadly threat, a real deadly threat. Time went back. The kind that can't be saved.


Wang Ming looked at the long spear in front of him with some doubts. When he saw the long spear, he was indeed stunned for a while.

Then Wang Ming suddenly seemed to think of something again, his expression changed instantly, but Wang Ming was not sure if his guess was true.

Just when Wang Ming was a little dazed, Hongjun's indifferent and emotionless voice came from Zixiao Palace.

"This is the spear of the demon ancestor Luohu: the god-killing spear. After Luohu was beheaded by me and Yang Mei, I secretly hid it and suppressed it under Zixiao Palace."

"This thing's killing spirit is too violent, even higher than the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. I dare not give it to the saints today, for fear that they will cause trouble."

"Since you are from the outside world, then taking this ominous thing away will be considered a favor to me, otherwise this ominous thing will definitely cause trouble in the future."

Hongjun's words completely verified Wang Ming's thoughts. The moment he saw the gun, he felt that it was very likely that it was the legendary god-killing gun.

"Thank you Daozu for giving me the treasure. I will keep it safe. Daozu can rest assured that within 3 years, I will leave the prehistoric world and go to other worlds. I may not come back in the future."

Wang Ming's reaction was not slow either. He grabbed the God Killing Spear and forcibly resisted the killing intent and devilish energy that wanted to erode his consciousness.

It has to be said that the weapon Hongjun gave was simply beyond Wang Ming's imagination. It was a treasure of the same level as the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

The God Killing Spear is the same level of treasure as the Chaos Clock, Pangu Banner, and Taiji Diagram, even when it comes to the power of attacking and killing, it is even higher than it.

This thing is specially designed to kill saints, and the evil treasures of heaven and evil are all designed to restrain saints, and even beheaded saints.

There are four treasures in total, namely: Refining Heaven Coffin, Falling Saint Pill, Killing God Spear, and Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

This order is also the ranking of the power of these four heavenly and evil treasures. That's right, the famous Jade Immortal Sword Formation can only be ranked last.

There is no need to introduce more about the Meteor Pill, it is commonly known as the Red Pill, Sanqing ate one alone, and the God Killing Spear was also introduced just now.

And the most powerful treasure of heaven and evil is this little-known refining sky coffin, but this thing is now given to Yuanshi Tianzun by Hongjun.

This thing is transformed by the primordial spirit and blood essence of the Great Dao Demon, and no one knows who made it into a coffin. The so-called Great Dao Demon is transformed from the source of the Heavenly Demon Dao in the Nine Thousand Great Dao.

To put it simply, it was transformed by an existence second only to Hongjun. This thing should have a strength below Hongjun and above all saints.

If a saint lies in it, he will fall completely after 49 days, and no one can revive him, not even the almighty cosmic-level Hongjun.

(End of this chapter)

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