Chapter 509

But such a powerful thing has a fatal flaw, otherwise Hongjun would not have given him to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Apart from refining saints, the refining sky coffin does not have any functions, such as absorption, control, defense, etc. functions do not exist.

It is equivalent to a cremator specially prepared for saints. It is also very simple to use this thing to refine a saint. In theory, it can be done. It is to bind a saint into it forcibly and suppress him for 49 days. That's it.

But which of the six prehistoric saints is so easy to be tied up?Unless a few saints shot together and forcibly tied it and threw it in.

Just throwing it in is not enough, and it takes 49 days to suppress him. If a saint is completely crazy, it may be difficult to suppress him for 49 days.

So the function of this thing is extremely powerful, and its practicability is very hip. The Sky Refining Coffin and Meteor Saint Pill are both of that kind, functional treasures of the evil spirit of heaven, and in terms of practicability, it is incomparable with Zhuxian Sword Formation and God Killing Spear.

Compared with the God-killing Spear, the Zhuxian Sword Formation was inferior. After all, if the God-killing Spear pierced a saint's heart or head, it would be able to kill a saint with one blow.

Simply summed up in one sentence, the damage of the Jade Sword Formation is not as high as that of the God-killing Spear.

Each has its own advantages, but Wang Ming still thinks that the God Killing Spear is better. This thing has a buff that can kill in one hit. Was instantly killed.

Now Wang Ming finally understood why he was on the top and felt the real threat of death.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you stab the Mercury Snake with this thing, he will die instantly, without any possibility of going back in time and resurrecting.

"Recently, the Dao has changed. I'm out of skills. You just need to leave as soon as you finish your work."

Hongjun didn't care, Wang Ming would continue to stay for 3 years, after all, for an existence like him, 3 years and three days are not much different.

And after he finished saying this, the gate of Zixiao Palace was completely closed, cutting off all contact with the outside world. Wang Ming did not lose his courtesy when he saw this, he respectfully clasped his fists and saluted before leaving.

"The kid left first."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he came to Tushitian with the God-killing Spear. He didn't return to the Great Desolate Continent immediately.

Because although he has obtained the God-killing Spear now, he has not yet refined it. The fierce aura on the God-killing Spear will have a terrifying impact on the human world.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you just throw this thing in a place, that place will be polluted into a demonic land that cannot survive, and a large number of monsters that only know how to kill will be born.

Wang Ming had to recognize the owner of this thing and refine it, and restrain all its evil spirits before he dared to return to the human world, otherwise he would owe another big karma.

Maybe Tiandao would come out and deduct his merits, but even if Wang Ming didn't return to the human world.

But when he appeared in Tushitian with such a thing, the bigwigs living on this floor were shocked, and all of them cast terrified and curious eyes.

"This is what my ancestor Hongjun just gave me. How is it? Not bad, right?"

Wang Ming wanted to tease these people, so he swung the God-killing Spear a few times, playing a trick, but these few times, he produced incomparably terrifying power.

Wang Ming swore that he absolutely didn't use any strength. He simply waved it a few times, and then streaks of blood-colored gun energy burst out from the God Killing Spear.

Whoosh whoosh!
From Wang Ming's place, only a few crackling sounds could be heard, and the landing point of these guns was really bad luck.

The Buddha Kingdom of Maitreya Buddha was pierced directly, and a blood-colored ravine that ran through the entire Buddha Kingdom and stretched for trillions of miles appeared in front of Maitreya Buddha.

The tiles of Lihen Tiandousita Palace were blown away, and the Liuding Divine Fire that Laojun had just ignited was directly wiped out by the gun wind.

Seeing this, Laojun shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly. There were also disasters in other places, but they were not serious.

"Fuck, is this thing so powerful?!"

Wang Ming was a little startled, and he could clearly feel that the eyes watching him were even more frightened.

After witnessing the power of the God Killing Spear, Wang Ming didn't dare to waste any more. He quickly put the gun back, squeezed out a drop of his own blood, and dripped it on the tip of the gun. up.

And the process of identifying the owner was not as easy as Wang Ming imagined. Although the brand of Luo Hu, the former owner of the God-killing Spear, had been completely expelled by Hongjun, this gun was originally wild and difficult to train.

So Wang Ming had to boil it slowly like an eagle. It was quite easy for other spirit treasures to identify their masters, but it was particularly difficult for the God-killing Spear.

But Wang Ming is also patient. After all, the power of this thing is really fierce. If he gets this thing, he will also have the capital to compete with Sanqing.

After all, what makes Sanqing stronger than Wang Ming lies in their various powerful magic weapons, and the appearance of the God Killing Spear made up for Wang Ming's shortcomings in magic weapons.

It is no exaggeration to say that after Wang Ming refines the God-killing Spear, he can definitely be regarded as the strength of a top saint, and this is only the character card of Mercury Snake.

After turning on the god-lord mode, Wang Ming's combat power can be improved to a higher level. It is no longer possible for Sanqing to defeat him in a one-on-one fight.

In this way, Wang Ming started his long refining process. Although the God Killing Spear is powerful, it is not so simple to make him surrender.

As for Wang Ming's refinement, it took a full hundred years to refine it. After a hundred years of hard work, Wang Ming finally completely refined the God Killing Spear into his own.

The reason why it took so long is because Wang Ming forcibly defeated the weapon spirit that was about to be born from the God Killing Spear. The higher the level of the magic weapon, the easier it is for the birth of wisdom and tool spirit.

In Wang Ming's view, tools are just tools, and they don't need to have their own consciousness. Tools with their own consciousness are prone to problems. They may rebel or be confused. All in all, it is very troublesome.

Wang Ming just wanted a pure tool, not a so-called combat partner, he didn't believe in that kind of thing.

Therefore, other people's magic weapon can fight independently without a master, but Wang Ming's God Killing Spear can't, because Wang Ming spent a lot of effort to defeat the born weapon spirit.

When the tool has consciousness, no matter how loyal he has shown before, he cannot be trusted.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary Lingbao, but the Godkiller Spear was too powerful, and Wang Ming was afraid that the former owner Luo Hu would do something in it.

He reads a lot of novels. After many powerful men fall, they will leave behind their weapons or belongings, waiting to be resurrected or even seized in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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