Chapter 511 The Lotus Lantern

The main reason that led to the downfall of the Tang Dynasty was that the Buddhist forces were becoming more and more rampant in the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Several courageous kings of the Tang Dynasty actually launched several operations to destroy the Buddha.

And it is because of these few actions to destroy Buddhism that Buddhists feel that this country, which they once regarded as the best missionary place, is not cute at all.

Therefore, in the last years of the Tang Dynasty, the world was in chaos, and all the heroes rose together. One by one, the strong men deliberately supported by Buddhism led their troops to compete in the Central Plains, causing chaos in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

The history of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms here lasted for thousands of years, until finally Buddhism felt that the chaos was almost over, and supported a mortal named Zhao Kuangyin to expand the territory and establish the Great Song Empire.

The current Great Song Empire is not as weak as Wang Ming saw in history. The current Great Song Empire is undoubtedly the most powerful human empire in the entire Great Desolate Continent.

Its territory is even larger than that of Datang, which is only half of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The territory of the Great Song Empire directly occupied two-thirds of the territory of the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou. The most important thing was that the founding emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, was not dead yet, he had lived for hundreds of years.

The Great Song Empire in the Great Desolate Continent and the Great Song Empire on Earth are simply two extremes. This Great Song Empire is so belligerent that it can be said that it emphasizes martial arts over culture.

The main reason for this phenomenon is also because of the existence of Buddhism. The Song Dynasty on Earth suppressed generals because Zhao Kuangyin started his career by rebellion, so he was afraid.

And the prehistoric Song Dynasty can be said to have been supported by Buddhism. With such a big backer in Buddhism, how could they value literature over martial arts?
Now the next plan of the Song Empire is to unify the entire Dongsheng Shenzhou, and Buddhism, as the state religion of the Song Dynasty, naturally supports their plan very much, and even secretly sends people to pretend to be soldiers to help.

This is the current situation of the Great Desolate Continent 12 years after the Journey to the West catastrophe. The biggest change is Dongsheng Shenzhou. The other states are almost the same as before, and there is not much change.

"Huh, have you realized the upper limit? It seems that I have to create the rest by myself."

In an unknown cave, Wang Ming slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a sigh of relief. After more than 7 years, almost 8 years of comprehension, he finally completed his comprehension of the Great Six Paths and the Great Heavenly Dao.

Comprehension is just for reference, and to compare the differences between the two sides, not to copy homework directly, so there is an upper limit to this thing.

After reaching the upper limit, it is necessary for Wang Ming to turn these perceptions into his own things to create a new creation, otherwise the things he perceives will never be completely his own.


Just when Wang Ming was about to leave the customs, he felt that the mountain he was on began to vibrate violently, and the sound of weapons colliding could be heard from time to time.

"What's the situation?"

Wang Ming was a little puzzled, so he flew out of the cave he opened up, came to the sky, and looked towards a barren mountain next to him.

Then he saw a lot of acquaintances, to be precise, a group of people were besieging a person.

"The Bull Demon King, Red Boy, Zhu Bajie, Monkey King, there seems to be a dragon, a human, and a demigod. The one in the middle seems to be Yang Jian, right?"

Wang Ming looked at the battle below with some interest. At this time, on a barren mountain below, Yang Jian was fighting against the heroes alone with a three-pointed two-edged knife.

Bull Demon King, Red Boy, Zhu Bajie, Monkey King, and three other unknown guys are besieging Yang Jian.

And Yang Jian is much more fierce than what Wang Ming saw at the beginning. If Wang Ming saw it right, Yang Jian at this time has already broken through to the realm of Da Luo.

No wonder facing a group of top Taiyi Golden Immortals to besiege, they still managed to survive the siege, with one enemy outnumbered.

However, facing the top Taiyi Jinxian like the Bull Demon King and the others, even Yang Jian, who had just broken through to the Daluo realm, was somewhat unable to withstand their siege.

As time went by, Yang Jian also gradually fell into a disadvantage. There was no way, he had only broken through for a short time, and his realm was not yet stable, not to mention that Monkey King had also broken through to the Daluo realm at this time.

Moreover, Bull Demon King and the others are not vegetarians, one is more fierce than the other, it is not very strange that Yang Jian is suppressed.

"You forced me!"

Yang Jian suddenly yelled, and then sacrificed a small emerald green lamp. The next second, this small lamp burst out with great power, and immediately knocked out the people who besieged him!
"This thing is the Lotus Lantern, right? Could it be that now is the beginning of the story of the Lotus Lantern? Yes, it seems that the time is about the same."

When Wang Ming saw the Lotus Lantern in Yang Jian's hand, his eyes lit up immediately. Although this thing is not the best among innate spiritual treasures, it is still top-grade.

"Well, Yang Jian, you actually used the Lotus Lantern to deal with us!"

Sun Wukong was dizzy from the shock, and he was also a little angry, while the other people also had blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, and they were staring at Yang Jian with great fear.

"With so many of you besieging me, why don't you allow me to use the magic weapon? What's the reason? Chen Xiang, you'd better go back to the Heavenly Court with me to accept the punishment, otherwise your mother will never be released in this lifetime!"

Yang Jian directly ignored Sun Wukong, and instead stared at a young man holding a small ax with a look of hatred on his face, and that person was his nephew, Liu Chenxiang.

Wang Ming also understood when he saw this, it turned out that this is really the plot of the Lotus Lantern, if nothing unexpected happens.

It won't be long before the third riot in the Heavenly Court's history will come, and the instigator is Chen Xiang, and the accomplices are Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and the Bull Demon King and other big monsters. Of course, such things are usually indispensable. Aberdeen: Nezha.

"Hehehe, what day is it today? It's quite lively."

Just when several people at the scene fell into a stalemate, Wang Ming's voice suddenly sounded in the field. He didn't know when he had already come to the side of several people.

"Master, Master!? Why did you come here, old man? I haven't seen you in 10,000+ years!?"

The moment he saw Wang Ming, Sun Wukong suddenly let out a voice of shock. After hearing what Sun Wukong said, Yang Jian also subconsciously shifted his gaze over.

After seeing Wang Ming's true face, Yang Jian immediately cupped his fists and bowed.

"Yang Jian, I have seen the holy monk."

As for the others, they looked at each other in confusion and bewilderment, as if they didn't understand what was going on.

Including Zhu Bajie and Hong Haier all looked confused, but it's not their fault, after all, Wang Ming was pretending to be Tang Seng's face.

Now he has removed the disguise, revealing his own face, and among all the people present, only Yang Jian with sky eyes and Sun Wukong with piercing eyes have seen Wang Ming's true face.

Others don't know what Wang Ming really looks like. Of course, if the six-eared macaque can tell the difference here, this is his master.

(Just an update today, the author is positive, his whole body hurts, and he has a fever, too uncomfortable.)
(End of this chapter)

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