Chapter 512 Yang Jian's Plan

But when everyone saw that Wang Ming was able to make Erlang God and Monkey King so respectful, they also cast curious eyes.

"Idiot, red boy, why are you still standing there? This is Master!"

Seeing that Zhu Bajie and Hong Haier were indifferent, Sun Wukong immediately became angry. He slapped Hong Haier on the forehead, and then grabbed Zhu Bajie's big ears.

"Hey, brother monkey, what are you doing? Is he the master? Isn't the master a monk?"

"This is the original appearance of Master. When traveling west, Master was transformed into a golden cicada. You can't see the face, can't you hear the voice?"

Sun Wukong immediately scolded, Zhu Bajie and Hong Haier immediately understood when they heard the words, they all knew that Sun Wukong had sharp eyes that could see through all falsehoods.

So on the westbound road, except Monkey King and the six-eared macaque, no one could tell that Wang Ming was not using his real body. After the two realized this, they immediately knelt down and kowtowed to salute.

"Disciple, see Master!"

"Hehehe, after 10,000+ years of separation, you are getting more and more energetic, but red boy, why do you still look like this?"

Wang Ming also showed a kind smile after seeing the two, but he was also a little strange. It has been 10,000+ years, why is the red boy still not growing up?

"Master, even if you ask me, I don't know..."

Hong Haier also lowered her head in distress, but at this time Sun Wukong pulled Chen Xiang over and introduced.

"Master, this is my new disciple, Liu Chenxiang, who is also Erlang's nephew, Chen Xiang, hurry up and call me Master."

"Disciple Liu Chenxiang, meet Master!"

When Chen Xiang saw this, he knelt down on the ground with a wink, and bowed down. Although he was young, he was eccentric.

After seeing that Sun Wukong and Yang Jian were so respectful to Wang Ming, he could basically be sure that his master was probably some kind of big shot.

If he could ask his master for help, it would be easier to save his mother.

After Erlangshen saw this scene, his face was a bit gloomy, and he was quite afraid of Wang Ming's background.

He doesn't know much about other things, but Yang Jian knows that this big boss who turned into a golden cicada to learn scriptures from the west, is an existence that even the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata are afraid of.

"Hehehe, get up quickly, it's the first time Shigong sees you, and it's unreasonable not to give you some greetings. How about this, I'll give you these two Desert Eagles."

Wang Ming lifted Chen Xiang up from the ground with his hands empty, and then handed the Desert Eagle that he had made at the beginning to the other party.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Honghaier were also very envious after seeing this scene, because all three of them knew that the gun Wang Ming used was more powerful than the one in his own hand.

"Thank you, Master!"

Chen Xiang is also knowledgeable, after all, he worships Wukong as his teacher, so he naturally knows that Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and the others have this kind of firearm in their hands, which looks a bit strange but is extremely powerful.

Now that he also got one, Chen Xiang is naturally very happy, and he also understands where the firearms in his master's hands come from, and I am afraid that they are all given by this master.

"It's okay, it's just a little gadget, but you guys are so lively, what are you doing together?"

Wang Ming still had a kind smile on his face, and he looked like a good old man. When Chen Xiang saw that Wang Ming took the initiative to ask about this matter, he immediately stood up and said.

"Master, you have to decide for me! This Erlang God captured my mother and put her under Mount Hua, and now he wants to take me to heaven!"

Chen Xiang pointed at Yang Jian with righteous indignation and said, Yang Jian's face suddenly became ugly when he heard the words, and immediately he stood up and clasped his fists and said.

"Holy Monk, everything this little god does is to enforce the rules of heaven. He has no personal feelings at all. He is just enforcing the law impartially and destroying relatives."

"You bastard, you!"

After Chen Xiang heard Erlang God's words, he immediately exploded and cursed directly. What he disliked Erlang God the most was that Erlang God was so selfless and put his own sister under Huashan Mountain.

"Don't get excited, listen to what your uncle said."

Wang Ming comforted the irritable Chen Xiang, and then looked at Yang Jian, indicating that he had a chance to explain, but Yang Jian was stubborn, and turned his head to the side and didn't even bother to explain anything.

"I just enforced the law impartially and did nothing wrong."

"Okay, you are arrogant, if you don't want to say it, then I will help you."

Seeing this, Wang Ming also smiled helplessly. Yang Jian is still planning to hide his plan. I have read Wang Ming in the original book, so I naturally know Yang Jian's good intentions, so I am also planning to expose him directly.

"Chen Xiang, don't blame your uncle, he put your mother under Mount Hua, he is actually helping your mother, you only know that Yang Jian put your mother under Mount Hua, but you don't know that he has blocked all news from outside. "

"Before you made things big, no one actually knew that Sanshengmu had a son, or that Sanshengmu had broken the rules of heaven."

Wang Ming explained with a smile, but Chen Xiang was obviously not convinced, he still stared at Yang Jian viciously and said.

"Then why didn't he let my mother go, let my family reunite, and keep this matter a secret?"

"Then you've got to the crux of the question. Your uncle Yang Jian's ultimate goal is not to let the Heavenly Court pardon the Three Holy Mothers. If that's the case, then with your uncle's status and strength, you can still do it by selling yourself off." .”

Wang Ming paused at this point, then looked at Erlangshen with a half-smile and said.

"Your uncle is pursuing a much bigger goal than you imagined. He wants to change the rules of heaven, but the rules of heaven are actually not made by the Jade Emperor, but the way of heaven."

"It's something that the Jade Emperor can't decide. No matter how much your uncle begs for mercy, he can't do it. If you want to change the tune, you can't do it unless you can get Patriarch Hongjun to take action."

"Your uncle's purpose is to put pressure on the Heavenly Court, and ask the Jade Emperor to ask Patriarch Hongjun to change the content of the Heavenly Rules a little bit."

"So what he has to do now is to gather all the people in the heaven who resist the rule of falling in love with gods, and use him as a target to set up a group of enemies, and finally cause chaos in the heaven, trying to use this to force The Jade Emperor went to help Patriarch Hongjun."

Wang Ming slowly revealed all the plans of Erlang God Yang Jian. He had been laying out this plan a long time ago, even before the Battle of Conferred Gods.

If the outside cannot defeat the Heavenly Court and change the Heavenly Court, then it will disintegrate the opportunity from the inside and force the Heavenly Court to change itself. This is also the main reason why Erlang God agreed to the Queen Mother to take the position of the Judicial God.

(End of this chapter)

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