Chapter 513 Equivalent Transaction
Here is a piece of common sense in heaven, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are not husband and wife, they are just colleagues, and even the Queen Mother is the senior of the Jade Emperor.

"Holy, holy monk, how do you know?"

Seeing that all his plans had been exposed, Yang Jian looked at Wang Ming in shock. He had never told anyone about these plans, not even his most trusted Xiao Tiangou.

This is completely his own secret, it is impossible for outsiders to know, but Wang Ming did not answer his question, instead he said it with a smile.

"In this case, I have a deal, would you like to do it with me?"

"Saint monk, please speak."

After Yang Jian heard that Wang Ming had made a deal, he cheered up and looked at Wang Ming very seriously. Wang Ming smiled lightly, and then said.

"It's very simple, I can help you change the rules of the sky, but in exchange, you have to give me the Lotus Lantern."

Wang Ming finally revealed his true intentions. He came here purely for the Lotus Lantern. Wang Ming is very poor now, so he urgently needs some innate or acquired spiritual treasures to fill his empty heart.

"Yes, as long as you can change the rules of the sky, I can make the decision on Sanmei's behalf and give you the Lotus Lantern!"

After Yang Jian heard Wang Ming's words, he nodded and agreed without hesitation. He knew very well in his heart that the difficulty of changing Tian Tiao was not as simple as paying an innate spirit treasure.

Even if Sanshengmu knew Wang Ming's conditions, she would directly nod and agree. After all, if the rules of heaven were changed, she would be able to reunite with her family in a legitimate way.

Compared to a family reunion, a mere foreign object is nothing. The Three Holy Mothers are not some stingy people who covet power or are very stingy.

In her heart, family and children are the most important, so Yang Jian dared to say what he promised on behalf of Sanshengmu, because he knew too well the temper of his third sister.

"Okay, then I'll help you with this."

Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction when he heard the words. It is almost impossible for others to amend the Tiantiao.

But it was very simple for Wang Ming, he didn't even need to go to Hongjun, after a perfect analysis of the Dao of Heaven, Wang Ming could also grasp a little bit of authority.

It is hard to say about other rules through one's own small way of heaven to influence the big way of heaven, but it is still possible to modify one, which is not particularly crucial.

"The holy monk, are you going to see the Jade Emperor now? Or Hongjun Daozu?"

Seeing that Wang Ming agreed, Yang Jian also asked with great concern, but Wang Ming's answer was beyond his expectation.

"You don't need to see me, just wait for me for a while."

After Wang Ming said something with a faint smile on his face, he stopped talking to everyone and began to close his eyes and concentrate.

Just when everyone was wondering what Wang Ming wanted to do, in the next second, a coercion comparable to the law of heaven erupted from Wang Ming!
An incomparably terrifying aura emanated from Wang Ming's body, and an incomparably sacred halo floated behind Wang Ming, exuding an aura that overwhelmed the world!
And this is the six reincarnation halos that have been completely completed. As the six reincarnation halos slowly rotate, the Dao of Heaven in the prehistoric world is also affected.

However, this did not alarm Hongjun, because Wang Ming used a legal method to enter the management system of Datian Dao.

Moreover, what Wang Ming is going to do is not a big deal. Strictly speaking, it is not serious. It can even be regarded as some optimization of the rules of the Dao of Heaven.

As long as there is a meaningful and reasonable suggestion, Datiandao will accept it. What Wang Ming has to do is not to forcibly modify the Tiantiao, but to let Datiandao adopt his suggestion through communication.

And Wang Ming's suggestion to Datiandao is to modify the rule of heaven that gods are not allowed to fall in love. Even gods have seven emotions and six desires, and they are not emotionless machines. It is normal to fall in love.

Therefore, Wang Ming's optimization suggestion is to transform from the original iron rule that gods should not fall in love to that if gods fall in love, they can become mortals by giving up mana and priesthood, and go to the lower world with their loved ones.

The former Kui Mulang wanted to take advantage of Tiantiao's loopholes, but his method was completely different from the one proposed by Wang Ming.

Kui Mulang is purely taking advantage of loopholes. Heavenly Court allows such behaviors as resignation. As long as you quit your job and enter reincarnation, it has nothing to do with Heavenly Court.

And at the critical moment, Kui Mulang was intimidated, and then a bunch of broken things in Baoxiang Kingdom would happen, but even if Kui Mulang didn't confuse, he would resign together.

In this vast prehistoric continent, among countless reincarnations, the probability of him being able to find the reincarnation of the maid of the Pixiang Palace is almost zero.

So Kui Mulang's cowardice was not because he was afraid that he would lose his mana, but because he was afraid that the two would not be able to meet again, so this method of taking advantage of loopholes was extremely risky and easily caused trouble.

And Wang Ming's optimization suggestion is to put this matter on the table. If the two gods are in love, if they really love to the point of death, then they will give up their mana together and become mortals, and live a vigorous life. There will be no future in the future.

So this suggestion is wonderful. He gave those who have true feelings a way out, and those who are not true love a way out.

If two gods fall in love, or a god and a mortal fall in love, if they are really in love and are willing to give up everything, there is really no need to stop that day.

Unfortunately, San Shengmu and Liu Yanchang were in the same situation, and Yang Jian's parents were in the same situation.

In a situation like this, in fact, it can be handled in this way, which can also reduce a lot of troubles. After all, love is indeed a thing that makes people crazy, even the gods of Daluo are no exception.

In fact, the rules of heaven are very perfect, and each one has its own reasoning, such as the one that gods cannot fall in love.

To put it bluntly, the gods are all civil servants, and they are basically non-stop types. Having a child involves energy and will affect their own job. If there are too many such examples, it will affect the operation of the rules of heaven.

Moreover, there are too many second generations of immortals, and it is easy to cause some troubles. These second generations of immortals are born with powerful mana.

If they get impatient in the heavenly court and run down to cause harm to the world, and when they are caught, should they be chopped or not?
If it is cut off, it will be troublesome, if it is not cut down, it will be even more troublesome, and Tian Tiao has been seriously provoked, so such things as gods falling in love and having children are originally the source of trouble.

This is still the love between gods and gods, and the love between humans and gods is even more troublesome. As for how troublesome it is, you can refer to Greek mythology for details.

A bunch of human-god mixed blood, the ability to do things has doubled, maybe one day there will be someone of Kui Ye's level, that will be even more troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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