So to sum up, in the eyes of Datiandao, whether it is the love between gods and gods, or the love between humans and gods, it is the source of trouble.

And if you want to eliminate this kind of trouble, you have to cut off the source from Tiantiao. From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with Tiantiao.

It's just that it's too one-size-fits-all. Wang Ming just improved it a bit. This one-size-fits-all approach gave better suggestions.

In fact, from this point of view, Tiantiao is indeed very useful, Wang Ming finally understands now.

Why in modern film and television dramas, those gods, immortals, or demons want to destroy the world for the sake of love, and they will die or live.

That's because there is no rule of heaven in these worlds, and there is no such strict rule maker as the Dao of Heaven, so the gods in it are too indulgent, and they are all like crazy.

Of course, this is not the fault of the gods inside. If you want to blame, you can only blame these worlds for being too low-level, and there is no way to give birth to rule-makers at the level of the Great Heavenly Dao, or even the Little Heavenly Dao.

Being affected by the environment is understandable. I have lived in a lunatic asylum since I was a child. It is strange not to go crazy.

What is a fairy?Justice, fairness, strict observance of the rules of heaven, all actions in accordance with the avenue of heaven and earth, guardians of the rules of the world, defenders of the order of the three worlds, without any selfishness, are called real gods.

Only such gods can completely protect the order of the Three Realms and prevent the Three Realms from being chaotic. Otherwise, the Three Realms would have been in chaos long ago, and the Heavenly Court exists for this.

In fact, most of the rules of heaven are to protect mortals. After all, gods cannot fall in love, and new gods can only ascend through cultivation.

Mortals are the gathering places of the gods in the future, and mortals are the future of the Three Realms. The seemingly inconspicuous human race is actually the most important race in the Three Realms.

The gods in the heavens are mortals ascending to the throne, and most of the hundreds of millions of dead souls in the underworld are also mortals, with outstanding aptitude, it is not that they cannot become ghost cultivators, and jointly maintain the order of the underworld.

So the core point of Tiantiao, in addition to maintaining order, is to protect mortals.

Just after 3 minutes of in-depth communication between Wang Ming and Da Tiandao, the latter decided to adopt Wang Ming's suggestion, and soon, something happened that shook the entire heaven.

That is, the Tiantiao has been modified!
There is a huge stone tablet behind the Nantian Gate, on which the Tiantiao is engraved, and just now, the content of the stone tablet has changed, and the Tiantiao has been revised.

As the master of the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor noticed these anomalies, and those gods who were responsible for guarding the Nantian Gate also noticed this anomaly.

"What happened? The rules of heaven have been modified! Let me see which one was modified."

"Since the founding of the Heavenly Court, the rules of the sky have never been modified, and now it has been modified. This is really a rare thing."

"Why is this? It stands to reason that before such a major event happens, it will definitely be notified first. Why haven't we received any news?"

All the immortals at Nantianmen were talking about it, and they were all more excited than the New Year, while the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were also frowning and puzzled at this time.

"Why did the rules change as soon as they said they would? Daozu didn't notify us in advance."

"Not sure, but since the rules of heaven have changed, we must act in accordance with the new rules of heaven."

But at this time on a barren mountain in the world, Wang Ming suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"It's done, do you see if the rules of the sky have changed?"

"Good monk."

Hearing this, Yang Jian immediately opened his sky eyes, and began to check the situation in front of the Nantian Gate. As a judicial god, he was quite familiar with all kinds of sky rules, and after a cursory scan, he found that the sky rules had really changed.

Among them, the rule that gods are not allowed to fall in love has become, if gods fall in love, they can give up their mana and priesthood and go down to earth, and the heaven will no longer employ them in this life.

"Thank you holy monk!"

Yang Jian immediately knelt down on one knee and thanked Wang Ming after reading the new rules of heaven, although the new rules of heaven were still strict and he had to give up all his mana and priesthood.

But this is actually not a big deal. Even if San Shengmu gave up her mana and priesthood and became a mortal, but with Yang Jian covering her, who would dare to touch her?
As for mortals, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to re-cultivate and it will be over. After re-cultivating, you will no longer be a person in the heavenly court.

In fact, this new rule of heaven seems to be strict, but it also gives a lot of retreats, especially for those who have a lot of connections in the sky.

Among them, the Three Holy Mothers are a model. After all, it is not stated in the new Tiantiao that after giving up mana, one cannot practice again.

With Yang Jian's help, it is not very difficult to live forever, so what Wang Ming did completely solved Yang Jian's problem.

"Holy Monk, this is the reward I promised you earlier."

Yang Jian was also a happy person, he directly offered the lotus lantern with both hands, Wang Ming stretched out his hand, and the lotus lantern fell into his hands.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, but I took advantage of it, Chen Xiang, let's go with your uncle to release your mother."

"Thank you, Master, for your help!"

Chen Xiang clasped his fists excitedly at Wang Ming, in his eyes the Lotus Lantern was just a foreign object, the most important thing was his mother.

Then he and Yang Jian headed towards Huashan. It is estimated that Yang Jian will take the three virgins back to the heaven, cut off the priesthood and mana, and then Chen Xiang's family of three will be reunited in Liujia Village, which is basically the same as the original book.

After solving the problem on Yang Jian's side, Wang Ming had a reunion with Sun Wukong Zhu Bajie and the others, and Wang Ming called his former disciples to have a dinner and drink some wine.

Then Wang Ming left without saying goodbye. He was not a grumpy person. After Wang Ming left, he found another place and began to retreat to refine the lotus lamp.

When the Lotus Lantern was in Wang Ming's hands, its mark had already been erased, so Wang Ming's refinement was considered smooth, at least much smoother than the God Killing Spear.

So after only two days of refining, the Lotus Lantern was also taken into the Sea of ​​Consciousness by Wang Ming. Basically, Wang Ming has nothing to do here.

But before leaving, he still had to swipe the cards of several saints. Except for Lao Tzu, the five saints were all Wang Ming's targets.

Wang Ming didn't attack before, because he didn't have magic weapon, it would be very difficult to fight, and he might be rebelled against.

At that time, the other party's mood swings will not be too strong, but Wang Ming may drive himself to death.

"The first one is to choose the leader of Tongtian. This old man has a rather violent temper. It is really good for brushing bond points."

Wang Ming rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, but at this time in the Zizhiya Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, the Master Tongtian, who was teaching his disciples, suddenly felt a chill behind him, with an ominous premonition.

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