"Weird, who's got my idea again?"

Master Tongtian said something suspicious, and then began to deduce the secret, but the speed at which he deduced the secret was not as fast as Wang Ming reached him.

As soon as he calculated the result, Wang Ming had already arrived outside Biyou Palace, so Master Tongtian also stopped calculating, got up and walked towards the outside of Biyou Palace.

"Fellow Daoist, what is the purpose of coming here?"

Master Tongtian asked knowingly, according to his divination results, he would have a fight with Wang Ming later, but he still wanted to ask the reason clearly before the fight, since he didn't mess with this guy, why did the two sides fight?

"Hehehe, the leader is polite. I am here to present a poem for the leader. Will the leader accept it?"

"All ears."

Wang Ming said with a smile, Master Tongtian also wanted to see what Wang Ming wanted to do. At this time, Wang Ming had already equipped the role card of the Golden Beast.

In other words, his current combat power is also at the peak of infinite diversity, so Wang Ming came to find the leader of Tongtian without the slightest fear.

"Fellow Daoist, listen carefully, the title of the poem I gave you:

Hongmeng judged Shiwu to be his venerable, and Xuanhuang evolved to refine the true god.

Created the world as the leader of the sect, Hunyuan was born with all his thoughts. "

"Hahaha! Great poem, great poem! Fellow Daoist has a brilliant literary talent, and I admire it."

After hearing Wang Ming's poem, Master Tongtian immediately burst out laughing. Although he didn't know why the other party came to pat his rainbow farts, he felt that this poem could completely express his fame and endless supernatural powers.

"Fellow Daoist admits that it is a good poem, but I did not write this poem for nothing. Fellow Daoist, you have to pay me some money."

Seeing that the other party was so happy, Wang Ming also knew that his goal had been achieved. This was a plan he had thought up before.

Master Tongtian is straightforward, and it can be said that he has a violent temper, so if Wang Ming chooses to fight against the other party, if the two fight, they will really fight to the death.

The one who wants to work hard, at least with the personality of the leader of Tongtian, is very likely to be like this, so Wang Ming is going to explain it to him first, and give him some benefits.

In this way, when the other party agrees to compete with each other, it is best for the two to fight without being acquainted. Many heroes throughout the ages have cherished each other during the sparring, and finally became good brothers.

When Zhang Fei and Guan Yu met for the first time, they even fought. Most of the good guys in Shuibo Liangshan had a fight when they met, and then they started to call each other brothers.

So Wang Ming is going to take this route of congeniality and goodwill, and strive to get the opponent's character card after a fight, and then make more friends.

Otherwise, Wang Ming's brains are too funny, and he will make up such a poem name, and come here specially to flatter him first, just for the next thing he plans.

In fact, there are only Sanqing, worthy of Wang Ming's careful planning, like Nuwa and Jieyin Zhunti, just come to the door to force a discussion and it's over.

After all, the combat power of the three of them is not in the same dimension as that of Sanqing, so Wang Ming is not prepared to deal with them very seriously, and it will be enough to deal with them perfunctorily.

Especially the two shameless things of receiving and guiding and quasi-mentioning, Wang Ming is really ready to teach them a lesson, as long as it is not too much, Hongjun will not care.

After all, in Hongjun's eyes, this is all children's fights. As long as no one is killed, he doesn't even bother to look at it. After all, Hongjun said before that he has important things to deal with, and now he has no time to deal with these stupid things.

"Oh? I don't know what kind of reward you want?"

"It's not a big deal, but a few days ago, I got a new magic weapon from Daozu. I wanted to try its power, so I wanted to find someone to compare it with. The one with the best strength will go, but how about friendship?"

Master Tongtian asked curiously, but Wang Ming's answer directly confirmed the deduction and calculation of Master Tongtian just now, he now understands that the so-called First World War came about like this.

However, Master Tongtian heaved a sigh of relief after he understood it. Originally, he thought that the comer was not kind and there would be a fierce battle.

It turned out that it was just a discussion to make friends, which made him feel much better, so the Master Tongtian agreed to Wang Ming without much hesitation.

"Hehehe, since fellow daoist thinks highly of Tongtian, it's okay for Tongtian to compete with fellow daoist, but this sword has no eyes, so fellow daoist should be careful."

"Hahaha, the leader is really heroic. You and I are just sparring. Even if the sword has no eyes, it can reach the point. Let's go to the chaos to fight, and don't affect the creatures of the Great Desolate Continent."

Seeing that the other party had agreed, Wang Ming also responded with a very happy laugh, and then the bodies of the two disappeared in place almost at the same time, entering the depths of chaos.

When Pan Gu opened up the world, he only opened up a great desolate continent in the vast chaos, not turning all the chaos into a great desolate continent.

In that case, Chaos would be too small. Pangu just didn't have enough power when he opened the sky, so he slaughtered the three thousand demon gods of Chaos and merged into the Great Desolate Continent.

There is a saying that Yang Mei, the space-time demon god, escaped Pangu's beheading, and in the end Pangu sacrificed himself because he was not strong enough to open up the world.

Otherwise, according to Pan Gu's own calculation, it would be enough to cut off three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, but Yang Mei escaped, and only Pan Gu himself was the top one.

The body of Yang Mei is a huge poplar tree, which grows in the innate soil, and there is a small earthworm in the soil, which is called a cricket according to the ancients. In fact, these two are one thing, that is, an earthworm.

After Pangu created the world, Yang Mei also traveled in the prehistoric land, and then a small piece of soil fell off from its roots and fell on the prehistoric land.

Hongjun's body was like this, it appeared for the first time on the Primordial Continent not long after it was born, and it is no exaggeration to say that nothing appeared at this time.

Hong Jun and Yang Mei were almost the only living beings on the Great Desolate Continent, and it started from this moment.

Hongjun seized opportunities everywhere on the prehistoric continent, seized opportunities, and grew up step by step to become an invincible Taoist ancestor like the later generations, even surpassing the original Pangu.

The whole person is like a template of a protagonist, which is why Hongjun took special care of Sanqing later on. Above Baoyan, the best things were distributed to Sanqing.

Because Sanqing was transformed by Pangu's three souls, Hongjun owed Pangu the great cause and effect. As for why he became so ruthless later, it was purely influenced by the way of heaven.

Under the influence of Tiandao's will, Hongjun's behavior has become more stern and selfless. From the standpoint of Tiandao, every saint is a potential threat.

That's why Hongjun gave the red pill later. At this time, Hongjun has almost lost his true self.

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