Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 516 The battle between heaven and demon

This is also the reason why Wang Ming chose to find another way. Although Hongjun has gained great strength, it is no different from death. After losing his true self, he is no longer himself.

And when Wang Ming and the leader of Tongtian appeared in the chaos, the other saints also cast curious eyes.

After all, there has been no movement in this empty chaos for a long time, and the arrival of the two will naturally attract the attention of the saints.

Chaos is extremely large, and the entire Great Desolate Continent is less than one-tenth of a millionth in front of Chaos, so as a battlefield, it is indeed a good place.

"Fellow Daoist, be careful, the weapon Daozu bestowed on me is quite powerful."

Wang Ming said with a smile, and then with a casual move, a simple silver gun was added in his hand. He just took the big gun and stirred it a few times at will, playing tricks.

The entire chaos was turned upside down and shaken thousands of times. This is a weapon that surpasses the innate treasure and is infinitely close to the treasure of chaos: the God Killing Spear!

There are only three Chaos Supreme Treasures in total, Pangu's Heaven-opening Axe, Hongjun's Good Fortune Jade Tablet, and the Chaos Green Lotus that gave birth to Pangu.

However, among the three great chaos treasures, the only one that is still intact is Hongjun's Good Fortune Jade Book, the God of Opening Ax and the Chaos Qinglian, which have all disintegrated and turned into some innate treasures and even innate spirit treasures.

In fact, the Good Fortune Jade Document cannot be said to be complete, it is already somewhat damaged, but it has not yet reached the point where it has disintegrated into various innate spiritual treasures.

The esoteric meaning of the Three Thousand Ways is recorded on the Good Fortune Jade Document, which is why Hongjun is called a saint of the Way, and he can become a saint after comprehending one of the Ways.

And Hongjun holds all the mysteries of the Three Thousand Ways in his hands. Compared with ordinary saints, this gap is not at 01:30.

"This is... the God Killing Spear? It seems that Daozu really loved you so much that he would give you this kind of murder weapon."

Master Tongtian was also a little surprised when he saw the God-killing Spear in Wang Ming's hand, and the other saints who were observing here secretly also had different reactions.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and was a little displeased, while Nuwa was a little curious. As for Jieyin and Zhunti, they were blatantly jealous and envious, and the two began to be sour without any image.

"How can a mere outsider obtain such a magic weapon as the God-killing Spear? The teacher is so eccentric!"

"That's right, we are all so poor, the teacher doesn't even want to help out, it's really partial to give such good things to outsiders!"

Jieyin and Zhunti seemed to be all kinds of envious and jealous, but they didn't dare to have any superfluous thoughts against Wang Ming, who was holding a god-killing gun.

After all, if this thing stabs them, they will be seriously injured if they don't die. The Heavenly Dao Fierce Treasure is designed to kill saints. The two of them are not so stupid as to run over and call this treasure to be destined for me.

If they really did this, Wang Ming would definitely backhand him with two shots.

"Since Fellow Daoist has a magic weapon of this level, then Tongtian is not welcome. Otherwise, Tongtian may not be the opponent of Fellow Daoist."

Seeing this, the leader of Tongtian also silently took back the innate treasure Qingping Sword that he had just taken out, and then he sacrificed the Jade Immortal Formation and the Jade Immortal Four Swords.

Only the Ominous Treasure of the Heavenly Dao can deal with the Ominous Treasure of the Heavenly Dao. After all, the Master Tongtian doesn't have the Supreme Treasure of Chaos, so he may not be able to beat it.

The moment the Immortal Jade Formation was sacrificed, an incomparably terrifying and fierce aura enveloped the entire Chaos, and when the Four Swords of the Jade Immortals were released, the entire Chaos seemed to boil.

In the originally gray and empty chaos, at this moment, it has been stained with a layer of blood-colored murderous aura. This is the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation!

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation is boundless and only divided into four directions. That is to say, the range covered by the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is not limited. As long as the Master Tongtian wants, he can include the entire chaos within the scope of the sword formation.

The number one killing formation under the Dao of Heaven, the terrifying sword formation that dominates the murderous aura of the Dao of Heaven, is so powerful!

The non-four sages can't be broken means that the four sages must attack at the same time, resist the pressure, and forcibly explode the entire sword array with their own strength.

In addition, it is almost impossible to break the formation alone, but there are exceptions to everything, and Wang Ming is such an exception.

Because he has a rare treasure of the same level that can fight against the Zhuxian Sword Formation: the God Killing Spear!
Just after the Sword Formation of Executioning Immortals was unfolded, Wang Ming also directly released his suppression of the God-killing Spear. The next second, an incomparably terrifying blood-killing aura erupted from the God-killing Spear, turning the red in the chaos, It was dyed more vividly.

But at this time, the murderous aura and aura erupted by the God Killing Spear were no weaker than that of the Jade Immortal Sword Formation, even in terms of purity, it was even better!
This starts with the origins of the two parties. The Immortal Jade Formation represents the murderous power of the Heavenly Dao, while the God Killing Spear represents the integration and crystallization of the murderous Qi created by Luo Hu back then.

One is the killing of the heavenly way, and the other is the murderous aura of the devil's way. Under the confrontation of one righteous and one evil, an extremely terrifying collision of momentum occurred. Don't think that the heavenly way is not as good as the devil's way.

If Rahu had succeeded in the past, it would not be the Dao of Heaven but the Dao of Demons that ruled the Great Desolate Continent now. The Demon Ancestor Luohu is the origin of all demons.

In terms of personality, they are not much weaker than the current Hongjun. Both of them are existences of the same level of identity. There is no third person in the prehistoric world who can be more noble than the two.

Although the aura of the two sides collided in the depths of the chaos, it was faintly transmitted to the Great Desolate Continent.

In just an instant, the sky of the entire Great Desolate Continent, including the sun and the moon, were dyed a strange blood red.

Countless creatures looked up, showing terrified expressions, but in the next second, Da Tiandao took action to suppress these influences.

Just like a hallucination just happened, everything in the world returned to normal after a few seconds, but if someone with great supernatural powers observes, he will find it.

A layer of light blue light curtain enveloped the entire Great Desolate Continent, as well as billions of stars, isolating all these murderous auras from the Primordial Desolate Continent.

Otherwise, even the most fringe Great Desolate Continent, if it is slightly contaminated with these incomparably terrifying murderous auras, the creatures on the ground, especially the weak creatures, will basically become lunatics who only know how to kill.

This is just the impact of the initial momentum collision. Wang Ming and Tong Tian haven't made a move yet, and at this time the two are preparing to fight formally.

Wang Ming held the God Killing Spear, and his body exuded a golden light, which was a special effect caused by the power of the Golden Beast.

And the God Killing Spear in his hand was an incomparably alluring blood-red color, which indeed looked a bit weird under the gold-red color scheme.

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