In the next second, Jieyin and Zhunti appeared in front of Wang Ming. Although their words were very polite, their expressions were very vigilant, and they even looked at Wang Ming as if they were facing an enemy.

"I, Mr. Wang, did not come here for any serious matter. I just wanted to have a discussion with two fellow daoists. I wonder if the two fellow daoists can give me face?"

Wang Ming is also a cheerful person, he directly stated his purpose, and Jieyin and Zhunti couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, but there was Wang Ming's previous discussion with the leader of Tongtian as a foreshadowing.

The two of them also had some psychological preparations for Wang Ming's request. Now that Wang Ming took the initiative to come to the door, the two of them became more active.

After all, this is an opportunity that comes to your door, and it would be a pity if you don't grasp it. Jieyin and Zhunti have been working together for many years, so even if they don't use sound transmission, they can know what the other is thinking just by looking at each other.

"It's not impossible for us to compete with fellow daoists, but we have a few small requirements."

Zhunti rolled his eyes, and immediately thought of it, he thought of a good idea to deceive people, but Wang Ming has confidence in his own combat power, so he is not afraid of what tricks they will play.

"Appreciate further details."

Wang Ming was still so calm and calm, he wanted to see what kind of medicine the two guys were selling in the gourd, and when the guide saw this, he stood up and laughed.

"Fellow Daoist is far superior to us, so in this matchup, we want to fight between two fellow Daoist and one fellow Daoist."

"no problem."

Wang Ming agreed without even thinking about it. After all, the one-qi Hua Sanqing who faced the leader of Tongtian before was equivalent to one against three.

"The second request is to give this competition a good start. How about this? The two brothers and I admire the demeanor of fellow daoist very much. If I win this competition, then fellow daoist will join Western religion, how about becoming the third saint in the West?"

The second request of receiving and guiding was his real purpose, but Wang Ming didn't care about their purpose at all. After all, these two guys didn't know that he and Hongjun had made a three-pronged agreement, and they were going to leave at some point.

So it doesn't matter if they agree, anyway, Wang Ming can run away anytime he wants.

Moreover, Wang Ming didn't think these two guys could beat him, even if they used some dirty tricks, so Wang Ming nodded and agreed.

"No problem, I agree to your conditions, that is still the old rule, let's fight in the depths of chaos."


"Fellow Daoist is indeed a cheerful person."

Jieyin and Zhunti immediately showed satisfied smiles when they heard the words, and then the two stepped forward directly, and they came to the depths of chaos in an instant.

Wang Ming didn't follow immediately. Instead, he took out the tablet first and started preparing to transform into a god-lord mode. Unlike the previous Tongtian leader, the reception and quasi-mention were both non-martial arts.

So just to be on the safe side, Wang Ming decided to transform first before going over. After clicking six times with the tablet, Wang Ming re-selected a new deck.

"Mercury Snake!"

"Golden Beast!"

"God Lord Dum!"

"Doctor Strange!"


"Master Tongtian!"



After a while, with a burst of purple light flashing, Wang Ming successfully transformed into a brand new God Lord state.

And now that Wang Ming has become a god master, his combat power has also been greatly enhanced compared to before, with three cards of the peak of the infinite multi-level.

The remaining cards are at least infinitely multi-level. Now Wang Ming is not panicking even if he is one against two, let alone one against two, and he still has a high probability of winning.

After completing these preparations, Wang Ming also stepped out into the depths of chaos.

Jieyin and Zhunti were a little surprised when they saw Wang Ming, but they immediately realized it. After all, they also saw Wang Ming using the God Lord mode last time.

But the two didn't care about it, because they just thought that the god master mode was a rather peculiar set of armor.

After all, even if Wang Ming told them the truth, telling them that this set of armor could bless him with exaggerated strength.

Those two people would definitely not believe Wang Ming's nonsense, because it was too beyond their understanding. In their understanding, there was a limit to the power of a magic weapon, and it was impossible to strengthen it so much.

"I don't know, are fellow daoists ready?"

Jieyin and Zhunti also greeted Wang Ming with a smile when they saw Wang Ming coming. The two had great confidence in this battle.

Otherwise, they would not rashly agree to Wang Ming's request. After all, now that the Dao of Heaven is promoting Buddhism, the two want to take advantage of the Dao of Heaven to see if they can subdue Wang Ming.

It's okay even if they fail, the two of them see very clearly that if they succeed, they will make a lot of money, a lucrative business.

Even if they failed, the two of them would lose face at most. For the two with thick skins like a city wall, losing face is not a big deal at all.

Anyway, the purpose of Jieyin and Zhunti taking over Wang Ming's discussion is very simple, and it can be explained in one sentence.

Take a gamble to convert a bicycle into a motorcycle, and lose without any loss. This is equivalent to a gamble with no chips. Why not participate?
What the two of them didn't know was that they thought they were prostitution to Wang Ming, but in fact they were the ones who were prostituted for nothing.

But this is also very good. Both parties think they have made a profit, so everyone is happy, right?

"Ms. Wang will accompany you at any time."

Wang Ming still said confidently. While speaking, he took out the God-killing Spear and held it in his hand. Jieyin and Zhunti also showed solemn expressions after seeing the God-killing Spear in Wang Ming's hand.

Then the two also took out their housekeeping magic weapon, Jieyin took out his Jieyin treasure building, and Zhunti took out his seven treasure tree.

I have to say, these two guys are really poor enough, look at Sanqing next door, they have to struggle with what kind of innate treasure to use.

And when it was the turn of these two guys, there were only two pitiful top-grade innate spirit treasures, and this was already the best magic weapon they could get.

It makes sense for these two guys to cry poor when they disagree, because they are really poor, and this is the main reason why they have developed such a bandit character.

"Fellow Daoist, the two of us are not welcome!"

After Jieyin yelled, he rushed towards Wang Ming, waving the Jieying Baozhu in his hand, looking full of momentum.

And Zhunti also held the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand, and shot out the seven-color divine light, trying to brush off Wang Ming's weapon.

However, the thinking of the two of them was somewhat naive. Although Kong Xuan's five-color divine light claimed to be able to brush everything, Zhun's Seven Treasure Tree was even better than it.

But if it was really that simple, and the two of them brushed off Wang Ming's God-killing Spear, then they would look down on the God-killing Spear to some extent.

A horizontal comparison is that it would be ridiculous for Zhunti to use his own Seven Treasure Tree to wipe out the Zhuxian Sword Formation of Master Tongtian.

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