Facing the menacing attack of the two, Wang Ming just waved the God-killing Spear in his hand, and the whole chaos was stirred up immediately.

A bloody vortex expanded outwards centered on Wang Ming, and the monstrous bloody aura made Jieyin and Zhunti extremely frightened.

Although the two had known that Wang Ming was very strong in advance and had made some psychological preparations, they realized that they had underestimated Wang Ming after they actually fought each other.

This guy was simply unbelievably strong. At this moment, the two felt a strong sense of oppression from Wang Ming.

And in the entire prehistoric world, there is no one other than Hongjun who can make Jieyin and Zhunti feel oppressed.

Although Wang Ming's current strongest state is only equivalent to one-thousandth of a Hongjun, the suppression power against these heavenly saints is still quite strong.

And what happened next made Jieyin and Zhunti panic even more. After the two were drawn into the bloody vortex, they couldn't escape for a while.

They were like two little mosquitoes flying onto a spider's web, being firmly absorbed in the bloody vortex.


Just when the two of them were trying to get rid of the bloody vortex, Jieyin suddenly let out a scream, and his ass was savagely drawn by Wang Ming's gun barrel.

It can be seen that Wang Ming is messing around again. As we all know, spanking is second only to slapping, and it usually comes from the elders of the immediate family.

For example, parents or grandparents, it doesn't matter if they are knocked down by these people, but it is indeed quite insulting to be treated like this by an outsider.

However, if you think that Wang Ming's intentions are as simple as the above, then you underestimate Wang Ming's integrity, the real operation is yet to come.

It is impossible for Jieyin not to understand the truth, but just when he was furious and wanted to argue with Wang Ming, the gun barrel of the God-killing Spear hit Jieyin's ass again.


The forceful blow just now was different, but this time Wang Ming slapped it rather ambiguously. When he received the lead, his chrysanthemum tightened and he let out an incredible scream.

He thought of a very bad possibility. Could it be that Wang Ming is as good as Long Yang? !

To be honest, he was really a little scared to receive and guide this time, he was afraid that Wang Ming's next attack would directly stab him in.

And this is Wang Ming's strategy. Swiping the bond value is originally based on attacking the mind. Whether it is like, anger, or fear, these are all kinds of emotional fluctuations.

As long as the emotional fluctuations are provoked to the greatest extent, the accumulation of bond points can be accelerated, and here Wang Ming wants to make the reception mistakenly think that Wang Ming has a special orientation, so that the other party will feel scared.

After all, even a sage would be afraid of things like popping an ass, no matter how shameless you are, you can't tolerate such things spreading.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhunti looked at Jieyin strangely, because Wang Ming's speed was too fast, and Zhunti, who was not the person involved, didn't notice it.

"I feel... Whoops!"

"Hey hey, fellow daoist is pretty cool."

Just as Jie Yin was about to explain, his buttocks were whipped again, which made him even more frightened. The worst thing was that Wang Ming even let out such an obscene laugh.

At this moment, the fear in Zhunti's heart was magnified infinitely, he felt more and more that Wang Ming was a pervert, and the sparring was just a cover, his real goal was himself!
"Fellow Daoist, don't be kidding me. With my old bones, I can't afford to spend so much effort on my part."

Jieyin could only force a smile on his face, and even though he said so, the movements in his hands were not slow at all.

Qinglian Baose Banner, Jieyin Baozhu, Jieyin Whisk, Seven Treasure Qianye Gold, and even the third rank was sucked away by Taoist Mosquito, and only the ninth rank of meritorious golden lotus was sacrificed by him.

Other than these magic weapons, Yingying is like crazy, releasing all his supernatural powers, such as Nirvana Buddha Light, Nirvana God Thunder, throwing them out like they don't want money.

He even almost accidentally injured Zhunti, which made Zhunti puzzled, and he looked at Jieyin with some puzzlement and said.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Junior brother, come and help me, his target is me, he wants to break us down, we can't let him succeed!"

Some words are hard to say, after all, he can't say that Wang Ming is a gay, and he is targeting him, right?If this got out, his reputation would be completely ruined.

What's more, the people watching the battle here are all saints. With such a big movement between the two sides, there will definitely be people watching the battle.

"So that's the case, then I really should use my full strength!"

Zhunti also started to use all his strength to bombard the surroundings indiscriminately after hearing the words of the guide, because neither of them could catch Wang Ming's figure, so they could only attack indiscriminately.

But this still couldn't stop Wang Ming's "sexual harassment" from Dianzhi, who became more and more frightened as he beat him.

And the last straw that overwhelmed the camel was that Wang Ming was so desperate to smoke, he used the butt of the God Killing Spear to show Kakashi's profound meaning: Millennium Kill!

"Ouch, what the hell!"

Jie Yin was directly stabbed and jumped up, and at this moment, Wang Ming and his bond value were completely maxed out.

That's right, from the beginning to now, the reason why Wang Ming has been targeting the introduction is that Wang Ming first bound the bond value with him.

"Junior brother, I won't play anymore! There are dirty things!"

Jieyin finally couldn't stand Wang Ming's perverted style of play. After being killed by the millennium, Jieyin screamed and ran away.

Only Zhunti was left with a confused face and didn't know why, but seeing that his senior brothers had all run away, Zhunti almost subconsciously wanted to follow suit.

But in the next second, a strange thing happened. It was very easy to receive the lead just now and teleported away, but when it was Zhun's turn, something was wrong.

"what happened?!"

Zhunti muttered with some doubts, because he could feel that the attraction of the bloody vortex hadn't diminished, and he still couldn't move it out.

All avenues like space are blocked, and Zhunti is still a flying insect on a spider's web. Just when Zhunti was puzzled, he received the heavy blow that Jieyin had just suffered on his ass.


Zhunti uttered a scream, which was almost exactly the same as the Jieyin just now, and what happened next was almost a replica of what Wang Ming did to Jieyin.

"Ouch, what the hell!"

Finally, amidst an unbelievable scream, Zhunti and Wang Ming's bonds were also maxed out.

Having achieved his goal, Wang Ming also immediately released the bloody vortex. After all, it takes a lot of strength to perfectly trap a saint of heaven.

Zhunti also fled the scene immediately after feeling the disappearance of the bondage, without even saying a word. Now he finally understands what happened to his senior brother just now.

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