"Tsk, look at your courage."

Wang Ming looked at Zhunti who had fled in the desert and curled his lips with some contempt, and Zhunti who had returned to the Western Paradise at this time looked at Jieyin and said.

"Brother, you also...?"

"Stop talking, forget about it."

Jie Yin expressed that he was quite tired, and then waved his hands, and the two of them fell silent in such a tacit understanding.

Suddenly, a bold idea rose from Zhunti's mind, and he glanced at Jieyin calmly, but the next second he was glared fiercely by the other party.

After Wang Ming's goal was achieved, he came to Wa Palace non-stop. His next target to compete with was Nuwa.

But this time Wang Ming was shut out, and Nuwa refused to see him, it seemed that Wang Ming's "fierce" battle with Jieyin and Zhunti just now frightened her.

Seeing this, Wang Ming was also very helpless, and finally had no choice but to give up. After all, this is a prehistoric place, and Hongjun suppressed the audience. If Nuwa did not accept the invitation to fight, Wang Ming would not be able to use force.

So Wang Ming ran directly to Yuanshi Tianzun's dojo, and then he was driven out by Yuanshi Tianzun with a dark face.

But Wang Ming did not give up, he persevered in harassing Yuanshi Tianzun, wanting the latter to fight.

But Wang Ming obviously underestimated the impact of his previous actions, the saints are not blind.

When Wang Ming fought with Yingyin and Zhunti, they didn't realize what was going on at first, but later they all realized it.

That's why the current situation happened. No matter how Wang Ming yelled, Yuanshi Tianzun remained unmoved. Among the two options of pretending to be dead and being killed for a thousand years, Yuanshi Tianzun chose to play dead very conscientiously.

"It seems that I did go too far before."

Wang Ming is also a little speechless now, he acted too hastily and cut the leeks in one wave, now the leeks are cowardly, and no one will play with him.

And Wang Ming had no choice but to give up, the bond between Nuwa and Yuanshi Tianzun was worthless, and now it seemed meaningless for him to stay in the prehistoric world, maybe it was time to leave.

But before leaving, Wang Ming still had to say goodbye to some acquaintances. After all, a world of the prehistoric world level was not something he could enter if he wanted to.

So Wang Ming returned to the human world again, and then gathered his former apprentices together for a drink, and then he went to say goodbye to the Master Tongtian.

Wang Ming even went to Laojun's place to order a few pots of pills, and Laojun was so angry that he scolded the bandits, but the other party just scolded them with a smile.

After all, because of Wang Ming's education, his two apprentices and a cow are very well-behaved now, and Lao Jun should thank Wang Ming.

After doing all this, Wang Ming had nothing to worry about in the prehistoric world. Immediately, he also took out the tablet and clicked the icon for traveling through the world.

In the next second, the familiar gray dimensional light curtain appeared in front of Wang Ming, and Wang Ming stepped in without the slightest hesitation.


"This world... feels so familiar."

After the dimensional light curtain disappeared, Wang Ming turned his attention to the newly traversed world. Now Wang Ming has gained experience in traveling.

Compared with the upcoming unknown world, it is better to be wary of whether someone will follow from the previous world, especially the high-level world like the prehistoric world.

But when Wang Ming brought his attention back, he realized that the new world in front of him gave him a very familiar feeling.

"This... seems to be the Masked Multiverse? I went around and came back?"

Wang Ming muttered in surprise, and the place he was at right now was a place similar to a guild hall, and there seemed to be a group of people having a meeting here.

"Thirty years ago, there was a great scientist who developed a device that can separate the devil from the human body. This device is the evil seal, and this scientist is my late father."

"However, there are some stupid guys who actually want to use the seal of crime to do evil, so I will inherit my father's unfinished business and fight these villains with all my strength."

"The human body not only hosts demons, but also has the genetic factors of some powerful creatures. Therefore, I developed a system that can mix the two and turn them into combat power. I named it the Levi's system."

On the podium, a young scientist in a white coat and glasses is introducing his invention to the audience and the audience watching the live broadcast.

Because the place where Wang Ming appeared was in the corner, the camera couldn't capture him, and no one noticed him.

"Interesting, it's new. I haven't discovered the Kamen Rider universe yet? It's the so-called new show? You can stay and play. It's a holiday. I've been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years. It's not bad. Such a period of time."

Wang Ming's interest was immediately aroused, and at this time the speech on the stage had come to an end.

"All in all, as long as this new weapon is used, everyone's future safety will be absolutely guaranteed!"

clap clap clap!
As the voice fell, there was warm applause from the audience, but accidents often happened under such circumstances.

Suddenly, a violent explosion frightened everyone. The wall of the guild hall exploded, and a huge pothole appeared in front of everyone. For a moment, everyone began to scream in panic.

"Is it really appropriate to boast in front of so many people?"

Just when the scene was in chaos, a very beautiful girl in red clothes and two weird men in top hats stepped out of the pothole.

While speaking, the red-clothed girl squatted down halfway, and stamped the devil's seal in her hand on the ground.

'Low! '

The moment the devil's seal was stamped, there was a muffled beep, and then many red rays of light flashed, and dozens of demons that looked like miscellaneous soldiers appeared in the field.

(This time, I wrote Levi’s voice directly in Chinese. I originally wanted to write Jihu, but I don’t know why, Jihu was removed from the shelves. For the sake of the audience, I rewritten Levi’s.)
"It's the Desperadoes!"

Someone at the scene recognized the identities of these people, but at this time the field began to become completely chaotic.

Seeing that things met his expectations so simply, the girl in red named Aguilera immediately gave out a crisp smile like a silver bell.

"Hehehe~ that's it, let's make a big fuss."

Then Aguilera picked up the live camera on the ground, pointed it at her pretty face, and made her announcement with a smirk.

"Hi everyone, after Lord Keef is resurrected, your life will not be easy. I really want to watch the listening drama of hell~"

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