"Thank you very much, we are Desperadoes."


After saying these words, Aguilera left with the strange people around her, leaving only the chicken feathers on the scene.

Dozens of miscellaneous demons, two inferior demons, although it sounds quite lame, but this is based on the presence of Kamen Rider.

The current situation on the scene is not very optimistic, because the Kamen Rider of this world, that is, the protagonist, has not yet begun to transform for the first time.

"So that's it. Is it the setting of the fusion of demons and humans? It's quite interesting. It's a bit like the demon god in Electric King, but it's different."

After watching it for a long time, Wang Ming finally figured out the situation of this masked universe, and it looks pretty good.

Then Wang Ming turned around and left here, because the scene in front of him was obviously the plot of the protagonist's first transformation.

If Wang Ming intervenes at this time, the protagonist will not be able to transform, so the next thing will be left to the protagonist.


A few days later, in the headquarters of the Desperadoes, Aguilera half-kneeled in front of an ugly, indescribable statue, and said coquettishly.

"Master Keef, I'm really sorry for keeping you in this small place."

"Master Aguilera, keep an optimistic attitude."

Frio ran to Aguilera's side and said courteously, but Aguilera hummed very arrogantly.

"Hmph! Haven't you found the new sacrifice yet? You need six sacrifices to revive Mr. Keef."

"Master Aguilera, don't worry too much, not everyone is like me and Frio, who meet the conditions of being a sacrifice, and they cannot become Keef Screws"

Orutega, who is Akirela's right-hand man, also stood up and explained at this time.

"The demons bred with the seal of evil are also of good or bad quality. Generally speaking, it is not bad to be able to bred "Desperadoes"."

"Ordinary people can only give birth to low-level Keef at most, and only humans who can sign a high-level contract with the born outlaws and successfully integrate into one body are eligible to be sacrificed."

While the few people were chatting on their own, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a voice with an unpredictable smile came into the ears of the few people.

"Oh, really? Sounds interesting."


After hearing the voice, Olutega immediately shouted and asked vigilantly, and at this time Aguilera also saw the face of the person coming.

This is a young man in a black casual suit with a strange camera around his neck. At this time, the young man is looking at them with his hands in his pockets and half leaning on the door frame.

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider."

With an unpredictable smile on Wang Ming's face, he answered the other party's question, but Olutega retorted without giving Wang Ming any face.

"What Kamen Rider? When we were three-year-olds? I'll ask you again, how did you get in, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Here I want to explain that in the masked multiverse, before the first knight was born in some universes, the existence of other knights existed in the form of special photos in most of the universe.

As we all know, the main audience of special photography works are children, so Olutega felt that Wang Ming was playing him.

After all, Kamen Rider and so on are just special photos here. There are also a bunch of Kamen Rider figures in the Phoenix headquarters, which are very complete.

Levi's previous Kamen Riders are among them, which can be called a paradise for special photography lovers.

"It seems that some people are not very polite."

Wang Ming didn't seem to care much about Olutega's aggressiveness. He walked in very familiarly, then sat down on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"You bastard, don't be too arrogant!"

Finally, Olutega couldn't bear Wang Ming's domineering appearance, so he directly waved his fist and hit Wang Ming!
In the next second, a crisp collision sound resounded throughout the room, and Wang Ming firmly held the fist that Olutega hit.

"Young people, listen to the advice of the seniors, arrogant people naturally have the capital of arrogance, don't always think that you are invincible, you will suffer a lot."

With an unpredictable smile on Wang Ming's face, he said lightly to Oulutga, the latter only felt a coercion comparable to the Dao of Heaven sweeping over him at this moment!


Seeing Orutega who suddenly knelt down to Wang Ming, Frio couldn't help shouting in amazement, and Aguilera also looked at Wang Ming in amazement.

"who are you?"

"I've said it all, I'm just a passing Kamen Rider."

Aguilera stared at Wang Ming very seriously and said, but Wang Ming replied in the same unfocused manner, Aguilera had no choice but to follow what Wang Ming said.

"Okay, Mr. Kamen Rider passing by, what are you doing?"

"I can't say you are expensive, I just want to cooperate with you. My goal is the same as yours. I also want to revive Keefe."

Wang Ming picked up the red wine on the table very familiarly, poured himself half a glass, and then he just held the red wine and shook it slowly, looking very leisurely.

"Oh? Do you want to revive Lord Keef too? What's the reason?"

"Yeah, what's the reason? I'm looking for it myself, probably because I find it interesting."

After hearing that Wang Ming had the same purpose as herself and the others, Aguilera immediately became interested, but Wang Ming's answer left her speechless.

What is fun?Resurrection of a demon capable of changing the world, just for fun?

Also, doesn't this guy call himself Kamen Rider?Shouldn't Kamen Rider be a hero of justice?Why help them?

Aguilera felt that there were too many flaws in it, and she was unable to complain.

However, the current situation does not seem to be harmful to her. From this point of view, it is not impossible to agree to the other party's cooperation.

After all, the guy in front of him was unfathomable, and Orutega completely lost all will to fight just by being glared at by the other party.

It is impossible to say that his strength is not strong, so after weighing the pros and cons, Aguilera still made a decision that best suits her own interests.

"Okay, since we have the same goal, it is not impossible to reach a cooperation like this."

"Wise choice."

Akileira extended her right hand to Wang Ming with a smile like a flower, and Wang Ming also shook the other half's palm in a very gentlemanly manner, which meant that the two parties had formally reached a cooperative relationship.

"Then buddy, we happen to have something to deal with here, but I changed my mind temporarily, so I'll let you do it for me, buddy, just let us see your strength."

As soon as the two parties reached a cooperation agreement, Aguilela unceremoniously arranged an errand for Wang Ming.

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