"That's of course no problem."

Wang Ming also directly agreed to Aguilera, he really didn't have any other meaning in doing all this, he really just thought it was fun.

With his current strength, if he doesn't do something for fun, it's really quite boring, so it's just a game of life.

By the way, when Otto, the knight, and the armor fight, only the knights before the timeline of the Holy Blade appear on the knight's side.

The reason is similar to what was mentioned before, because the concept of Kamen Rider Levis has not yet been born.

"Good luck then."

Akirela also had a lovely smile on her face, and then Wang Ming left the room, and after Wang Ming had gone far, Olutega got up from the ground.

"Olutega, are you okay? What did that guy do to you?"

Frio approached Orutega curiously and asked, but the latter seemed to have just woken up from a dream at this time, and he muttered to himself in shock.

"Then, that guy is not human."

"Not human? Could it be that he is also a demon like us? No wonder he also wants to revive Master Keefe."

Frio heard Orutega immediately started his guess, but Akilela interrupted the chat between the two.

"It doesn't matter whether he is human or not, as long as he can do things for us, we don't ask where he is from."


"Love you!"

"Love you!"

In a medium-sized arena, an idol concert was being held, and the otaku audience in the audience shouted wildly.

This is the current situation of young people in Japan. Young people in Japan can be divided into three categories: imperial residences, abandoned residences, and social animals.

In addition, only a few of them can drive the whole society to move forward, but in fact such a society has lost its motivation to move forward.

The young people below are collectively bad, and no matter how powerful the geniuses above are, they can't hold back the social development of a country.

"Have you really decided? Once you sign the high-level demon contract, you can't change back, and you will become an ugly monster."

In the corner of the concert, Wang Ming said to Ayaka Kobuya that his mission this time is to help Ayaka Kobuya sign a contract with a superior demon.

"I, I still have something to ask, please wait for me."

Ayaka Oketani's determination is obviously a little bit short. To put it bluntly, her current state is not completely blackened, and she needs the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

"Go, I'll be right here waiting for you."

Wang Ming also nodded, and then Ayaka Okaya walked towards the other side of the venue, where her mother was.

And the protagonist of this concert is Ayaka Okaya's younger sister, a manager's mother who is matching her idol sister, and finally Ayaka Okaya herself who is just plain old.

Wang Ming didn't need to know what happened to them at all, he could guess many things just from this relationship.

Mostly because her mother favored her younger sister and left her alone, Ayaka Okaya gradually turned black, and even reached the point where she wanted to obtain the power of the devil to take revenge on her mother and younger sister.

How to say that sentence, most perverted criminals have a distorted childhood, that's probably what it means.


"Caixia, you're here, I thought you wouldn't be here."

Ayaka Oketani came to her mother and whispered, but the latter just turned her head to look at her, and then continued to help her little daughter, which was more exciting and excited than a real fan.

"Mom, why didn't you answer my phone when I was kidnapped that day?"

Ayaka Okaya asked the question she always wanted to ask. If she didn't get a satisfactory answer to this question, Ayaka Okiya would make up her mind to sign a contract with the devil.

"I didn't expect such a big thing to happen. Didn't you sometimes answer my calls?"

Ayaka Okaya's mother's answer was still casual, and she even felt that she was not wrong.

At this time, the concert was over, and Ayaka Okaya's mother trotted towards Ayaka Okaya's younger sister, Miharu Okeya.

"Thank you, Miharu, today is also super cute!"

"Hehehe, it turns out that's the case, I'm superfluous."

Ayaka's face became more and more gloomy, and then she walked towards Wang Ming's position without saying a word.

"Have you decided yet?"

"Well, I want revenge."

At this moment, there was no bright light in Caixia Tongya's eyes, and it seemed that she was completely blackened. Wang Ming didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, he directly threw the evil seal with the power of King Kong at Caixia Tongya.

"I'll teach you how to use it, don't forget the second contract."


Ayaka Wutani took the seal thrown by Wang Ming, and without hesitation, she pressed it against her chest!
'King Kong! '

With an unknown notification sounding, a huge contract filled with the language of the devil appeared behind Ayaka Okaya.

In the next second, the contract was established, and a very origami-style King Kong demon appeared in the field. This is the case for demons who have only experienced one stage of the contract.

They all look like they were folded out of paper, and they look very crude. Only in the second stage, when the demon and the host are integrated, will they become weird people in the traditional sense.

"Ah! There are monsters!"


"Call Phoenix!"

Seeing the demon that suddenly appeared in the field, people immediately yelled in panic, and the moment the vajra demon appeared, it began to destroy according to its own instinct.

The scene suddenly lost control and became a complete chaos, but soon the King Kong demon received the order from Ayaka Okaya, and it rushed straight towards Ayaka Okaya's mother and sister!

Bang bang bang!
And at this critical moment, members of Phoenix arrived in time, and Igarashi shot and temporarily repelled the King Kong demon.

And the hero of this work, Kazuki Igarashi also took out the drive at this time. He was originally invited by Ayaka Okaya, because the two were childhood sweethearts.

Igarashi held the mammoth's sinful seal, and pressed the switch on top of it!

'bring it on! '

'Mammoth mammoth! '

'Partner, show up! '

'Ivory is super long, king on land, mammoth! '

'Come up is full firepower! '

After going through a period of embarrassing and scalp-numbing voice, and very gorgeous special effects, Kakki Igarashi successfully transformed into the mammoth form of Kamen Rider Revi!
And after Igarashi Kazuki successfully transformed, not just one figure appeared on the field, but two, because he was a Kamen Rider who belonged to two people in one body.

The demon Weiss residing in Igarashi Kazuki's body will also transform and manifest to participate in the battle.

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