Then Kazuki Igarashi and Weiss rushed towards the Vajra Demon, and the two directly pressed the Vajra Demon to the ground in a two-on-one situation.

Just when the Vajra Demon was about to die, Wang Ming took a seal and stamped it on the wall next to him.

In the next second, many low-level miscellaneous demons jumped out of it, and the appearance of these demons immediately attracted Kakki Igarashi's attention.

After all, protecting the people is the number one priority compared to eliminating demons, so Kazuki Igarashi also shifted his target and began to clean up these miscellaneous soldiers.

And Wang Ming walked to Tong Gu Caixia and said with a smile.

"Hurry up and make a second contract, or you will be in trouble later."

"it is good."

After hesitating for a while, Ayaka Oketani took the demon seal and came in front of the King Kong demon. After seeing her actions, Igarashi Kazuki yelled anxiously.

"Ayaka, don't!"

'King Kong! '

Unfortunately, he was still one step too late. By the time he arrived, Ayaka Okaya had already completed the second contract with the Vajra Demon.


Igarashi Kazuki yelled to stop all this, after all Ayaka Okaya was his first love and childhood sweetheart.

But when Kazuki Igarashi rushed to Ayaka Okaya, the latter had just completed the fusion with the Vajra Demon, and the terrifying air wave instantly sent Ayaka Okaya away.

"Mom, it's my turn to torture you this time, hehehe~"

Ayaka Okaya looked at her mother and said to herself in a very strange tone, while Kazuki Igarashi looked at the scene in front of her in great pain.

"Ayaka, she has become a demon..."

At this time, Ayaka Kobutani was already walking towards her mother and sister who were forced to the corner, and the sophomore Igarashi raised his gun to block in front of them.

"No, Caixia, they are your family!"

"Not from now on, from now on I will be Master Keef's child"

Igarashi Kazuki became anxious immediately, and immediately wanted to rush up to stop Ayaka Okaya, but Ayaka Okaya's answer was very firm.

And at this moment, a magenta figure suddenly emerged from the side, and a box sword stopped in front of Kazuki Igarashi.

"This is their family business. You are an outsider, so you can't take care of it?"

"Who are you? Don't stop me, I'm going to stop this tragedy!"

Igarashi Kazuki saw someone blocking him, so he said that subconsciously, but when he saw the figure of the person coming, he was a little dumbfounded.

"Huh?! Decade?!"

"Huh? Decade!?"

Igarashi Kazuki exclaimed in disbelief, and he also exclaimed Igarashi sophomore.

That's right, as I said before, other Kamen Riders here exist in the form of special photos. To put it bluntly, they have grown up watching Kamen Riders since they were young, so of course they will recognize Decade.

Therefore, not only the people at the scene were shocked, but the members of Phoenix who monitored the scene through technical means were also dumbfounded.

"Oh, Decade!? It's Decade! One of my favorite Kamen Riders!"

George Karizaki, a genius scientist at Phoenix and developer of the Revice knight system, was very excited at this time, and even wanted to go to the scene immediately.

There is no other reason, because he is a fanatic fan of Heisei Knights, he has collected all Heisei series figures, and even the Revice system was developed based on this template.

At this time, everyone's thinking is almost equivalent to that a certain two-dimensional character in the real world has traveled to the third dimension.

"Not good! Whether you are Decade or not, get out of the way quickly, don't you want to watch a child kill his mother!"

After recovering from the shock, Kazuki Igarashi also rushed forward again, but he was cut back by Wang Ming with a light sword.

A large number of sparks erupted from Igarashi Kazuki's body, and his whole body was chopped upside down, and finally hit the ground fiercely. This was the result of Wang Ming's considerable effort.

"That's not okay, junior, don't be so naive. In your heart, the concept of family may be the most important thing, but you have to know that not all family members can bring happiness to each other."

Wang Ming's tone was a little teasing, but he was telling the truth, but Kazuki Igarashi obviously disagreed with Wang Ming's statement.

"Don't talk nonsense, family is the most important thing in the world, nothing compares to family!"

"Oh, if you put it that way, why would Ayaka want revenge?"

Wang Ming did not refute, but directly gave an example on the spot. This time, Kazuki Igarashi was questioned by Wang Ming, but soon he thought of a new statement.

"Right now, Caixia is just playing with her temper, and you guys are using her!"

"Let's not talk about whether we are using Caixia, but according to what you said, if Caixia is playing a small temper, then she shouldn't kill her own mother. Let's just look at it."

Wang Ming's words silenced Kazuki Igarashi again, because Kazuki Igarashi found out that he couldn't speak to the other party, nor could he beat the other party.

"Mom, it's your turn to be tortured now, hehehe~ I will kill my sister in front of you, I will destroy your most proud work, hehehe~"

Ayaka Okaya, who had turned into a demon and looked very ugly, came to her mother and let out a crazy laugh. The latter also showed a very scared and shocked expression.

"No, Caixia, you can't do this! She is your own sister!"

"Hehehe~ dear sister? You ask this bitch, does she have my sister in her eyes since she was a child? In the past three years, I have not spoken more than three sentences to her. In terms of the so-called family affection, she is even more important to me. worse than strangers!"

"So, I'm looking forward to killing her soon~"

After hearing her mother's words, Ayaka Okaya became even more irritable. The so-called minefield dancers may be talking about this kind of thing.

After saying this, Ayaka Okaya walked slowly towards Miharu Okiya. Her pace was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow.

Because Ayaka Okaya is not in a hurry to kill each other, death is not the most tormenting thing in this world, the most tormenting thing is waiting for death to come.

At this time, Miharu Okaya was already trembling with fright, and even when Ayaka Okaya came to her side, the former was already so frightened that she lost control of her urine.

"My dear sister, how are you?"

", don't kill me..."

Miharu Kookaya was almost dumbfounded, and Ayaka Okiya suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of boredom when she watched the scene in front of her.

Is my younger sister, who can be called the proud daughter of heaven, such a virtue?In this case, it seems that killing her will not relieve her anger, but will make herself more irritable, right?

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