"I suddenly changed my mind. Now I'll play a game with you, dear sister. As long as you strangle your mother to death, I'll let you go. How about it? It's a fair deal, isn't it?"

"Mom likes you so much, surely she won't resist?"

Suddenly, a devilish smile appeared on the corner of Ayaka Okugaya's mouth. After hearing her words, Kazuki Igarashi's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe that the ruthless devil in front of him was his once innocent and kind childhood sweetheart.

"Mom, yes, I'm sorry!"

Under the threat of death, Miharu Bukitani still couldn't hold back, she actually rushed towards her mother, and then grabbed her by the neck.

"Mei, Miharu, you!? You ungrateful bastard! Without me, you would not have achieved what you are today. You still want to attack me. You really disappoint me!"

After a brief shock, Caixia's mother was also completely angry. She directly kicked Miharu Kougani away. After all, Miharu Kougani was only an underage girl.

In terms of strength, it is impossible for her to compare with an adult, but in order to survive Miharu Obutani also went all out, and the two scuffled together in an instant.

"You see, not every family member loves each other deeply. In the real critical moment of life and death, there are many family members who cannot stand the test."

"Boy, I'm not denying you, I'm just letting you see the reality clearly."

Seeing this, Wang Ming also said to Igarashi Kazuki jokingly, and then he saw that the matter was about to end, so he went directly to Ayaka Ookaya and said.

"You are almost out of anger, let's go, these two people will not be mother and daughter in the future."

"Let's go, anyway, I've seen what I want to see."

Ayaka Yabuya didn't refuse either, and the next second, the two of them turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated in the field, leaving only chicken feathers on the scene.

After seeing Wang Ming and Wang Ming leave, Miharu and mother also stopped fighting, while Kazuki Igarashi looked at them very disappointed and sad.

Even if the performance of these two guys is a little better, he still has an excuse to persuade Ayaka Okaya to change his mind, but now it seems that Kakki Igarashi already understands why Ayaka Okaya has become so extreme.

But at this time, Ayaka Okaya was no longer the focus of everyone's attention. After all, she did not cause any casualties.

Now whether it is Phoenix or the Desperadoes, they are all wondering a question, who is Decade?How did he come to real life?

At this time, Wang Ming had brought Ayaka Kobuya back to the headquarters of the Desperadoes. After seeing Wang Ming's return, Akileira immediately said with a smile.

"It turns out that Mr. Decade, our Kamen Rider, is back. I thought you were joking, but I didn't expect what you said was true."

"So, what is your origin?"

Akileira squinted at Wang Ming with a half-smile, but Wang Ming ignored their ignorance.

He directly lay down on the sofa, Erlang raised his legs, put his hands behind his head, and said very leisurely.

"I'm Decade, the destroyer of the world. Isn't it natural to travel to your world? It's like asking why the sun shines. It's a stupid question."

Wang Ming's tone was very firm, as if he was stating a fact, and the three of Aguilera were also lost in thought when they heard the words.

Because according to Decade's setting, what Wang Ming said just now seemed to be true, and several people were suddenly silenced.


At the same time, on Phoenix's side, George Karizaki was studying the battle data just now, especially the data that Wang Ming's sword cut Igarashi Kakki until he lost his combat effectiveness.

"The data came out. The sword that Ikki received on his chest had a force of two hundred tons. No wonder Ikki couldn't stand it after just one blow."

"According to what you said, that Decade is real?!"

After hearing this, Kazuki Igarashi immediately expressed his shock, and the other members of Phoenix were also taken aback.

"But if he is a Kamen Rider, why would he help the Desperadoes?"

"It's not very clear. We don't have any more information about him now, so we can only take one step at a time."

Kazuki Igarashi is still a little strange, and George Karizaki has no choice, so this matter can only come to an end here.


"Where are Frio and Orotega?"

A few days later, in the headquarters of the Desperadoes, Wang Ming entered the room of the headquarters with Ayaka Okaya who had transformed back into a human form, and then Wang Ming casually asked Aguilela.

And ever since Wang Ming helped Ayaka Kogaya restore her adult form from the demon form, this little girl has become Wang Ming's loyal follower.

No matter where Wang Ming goes, she will follow, because except for the three of Akilela and the others, it is impossible for the rest of them to change from the demon form back to the human form if they enter into a second stage contract.

After other people have entered into a second-stage contract, it is equivalent to becoming a real demon. There is no such thing as a human form.

But Wang Ming saw that this girl was quite pitiful, so he casually got her a suppressor so that she could return to her human form.

For a girl who loves beauty, being able to get rid of that ugly look is simply a great kindness, so she became Wang Ming's little follower.

"The two of them are on a mission, saying that they want to recover a criminal seal."

Akileira looked at Wang Ming and Ayaka Sugaya with a smile and said, she didn't know what she was thinking, but at this moment, the door was opened.

Orotega and Frio led a handsome young man dressed in black and full of the style of a dark knight into the room, but Wang Ming took a closer look and found that this guy is Igarashi sophomore?
"What's the matter with him?"

Aguilera looked at the sophomore Igarashi with some doubts, and Olutega immediately introduced after hearing the words.

"This also wants to cooperate with us and join the camp of the desperadoes."

"I think you may have misunderstood. I never said that I would join you. My purpose is to kill Kakki Igarashi. I am just using each other with you."

Igarashi sophomore said with an evil smile on his face, and Wang Ming also saw the way.

"So that's it. Are you a demon born from this body? Now you are in a state where doves occupy the magpie's nest."

"You human beings have a bit of vision. That's right. I'm not that wasteful sophomore Igarashi. Please call me Mirage."

When Milou heard that Wang Ming revealed his current state immediately, she glanced at Wang Ming in surprise, and then decisively admitted her identity.

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