"Well, it doesn't matter who it is, as long as it can help us find the sacrifice."

At this moment, Aguilera spoke. As she said before, she didn't care about the identity of the people who joined the Desperadoes. She only cared about whether these people were useful to her.

"Okay, I should leave too, otherwise they should be suspicious. I just came here today to identify the door, and I will inform you of any news later."

Mirage roughly looked at the people and decorations in the room, and then got up to leave. Now his identity has not been revealed, and if he disappears for too long, it will arouse suspicion.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Wang Ming looked at the back of the mirage leaving, with a very expectant smile on his face. Since entering this world, he has blocked most of his perception.

Otherwise, if he sees through the timeline of this world in an instant, then he won't be able to look forward to the following plot, and he doesn't want to be spoiled.

Wang Ming is simply looking for fun, not for any purpose, so he still has to limit some of his passive abilities.

Just like that, several days have passed, and today, Mirage finally seized the opportunity to attack Igarashi Kakki, just when he transformed into Kamen Rider Evil and prepared to attack Igarashi Kakki when.

Transformed into Kamen Rider Demons, Phoenix's former squad leader Hiromi Kadada suddenly appeared to stop him.

"Ikki, take this and stop that demon. Let me deal with this guy."

Hiromi Kadoda threw the jackal seal to Igarashi Kakki, and then took a fighting posture facing the mirage, and Igarashi Kazki nodded seriously when he heard the words.

"give it to me!"

After saying this, Igarashi Kazuki chased after the fleeing cheetah demon, and only Hiromi Kadada and Mirage remained on the scene.

"Really, the great opportunity was delayed by you. It's boring. See you next time."

After Mirage saw Kadoda Hiromi, he didn't have any fighting spirit in his heart, so he ran away directly.

"Hey, you guy!"

Kadoda Hiromi wanted to catch up, but was thrown away after a few strokes. There would have been a fierce battle, but now it's just nothing.

But opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Although Mirage lost this precious opportunity, he found another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Igarashi's family wanted to celebrate the recovery of their mother who was discharged from the hospital, so they planned to go to a hot spring hotel to celebrate. Mirage was going to pick this opportunity to start.

Mirage's idea is to destroy the entire family and plunge him into complete despair when Igarashi is at his happiest.

For this reason, he sought the help of the Desperadoes, and Aguilera also wanted to get rid of Kazuki Igarashi who was in the way, so the two hit it off and began to arrange plans around this hot spring hotel.

Then Aguilera disguised herself as the proprietress. When she was wearing a kimono and wearing gold-rimmed glasses, Wang Ming had an illusion for a moment. He felt that Aguilera looked like Mr. Fukada at the moment...

On the other hand, Orotega and Frio were disguised as waiters, and Ayaka Okaya was too familiar with Igarashi's family, so she couldn't pretend because she would be recognized at a glance.

So, like Wang Ming, she was hiding in a corner of the hotel, quietly watching all this.

"Master Wang Ming, won't you make a move?"

"Children are just playing house, there is no need, just watch."

On the top floor of the hotel, Wang Ming stood in front of the railing, quietly looking at Igarashi's family, talking and laughing as they walked towards the hotel, and Ayaka Ookaya stood beside Wang Ming very quietly.

"By the way, I made a good thing, you can try it."

Suddenly, Wang Ming seemed to think of something. Like magic, he took out a Levi's driver from his pocket, and handed it to Ayaka Okaya.

"Lord Wang Ming, is this?"

"Lilith Driver, this is the evil seal that goes with it, with it you can transform into Kamen Rider Lilith."

Ayaka Okiya took over the driver from Lilith with some doubts, while Wang Ming explained it casually.

He made this thing according to the driving principle of this world, and in order to have more local characteristics, Wang Ming directly put a contract with Lilith into it.

One of the most famous witches, Satan's wife, Lilith.

It is almost the top-level demon contract. After Ayaka Barokaya transforms with it, she will not be much worse than Kamen Rider Bell in the original book.

"Thank you Lord Wang Ming, I will definitely cherish it!"

When Caixia Tongya heard that Wang Ming personally made it for her, she knelt down on one knee even more gratefully, declaring her loyalty.

This was the first time in so many years that she felt warmth from someone else, because she was born in such a deformed family, her childhood was destined to be difficult.

Although Kazuki Igarashi is her childhood sweetheart, and even loves her unrequited love, Ayaka Okutani doesn't like Kazuki Igarashi.

This is also the reason why the relationship and relationship between the two are getting weaker and weaker, because every time Ayaka Okaya wants to get approval from Kazuki Igarashi in discussions about family members.

The latter always puts on the biggest face of everyone in the world, which makes Ayaka Kobutani very disgusted, and finally starts to distance herself actively, and does not conspire with each other when they disagree.

After all, you let a child who lacked love since childhood get along with a child who was surrounded by love since childhood.

After a long time, the former will hate the latter from the bottom of his heart, because of jealousy, it is impossible for the two to come together.

However, Wang Ming is completely different for Ayaka Tongaya. Wang Ming understands her, agrees with her ideas, and even helps her at any cost.

Sometimes people really don't ask for much, just have a friend who can identify with him from the bottom of his heart. For Ayaka Okokaya, Wang Ming is a special existence.

This is a wise adult, this is a kind and amiable gentleman, if anyone dares to hurt Wang Ming, Ayaka Oketani will not hesitate to rush forward and fight the other party desperately.

Sometimes it is really not difficult to gain a loyal subordinate. Throughout the ages, there have been many heroes and righteous men. Isn’t it because they share the same ideals that they are willing to be the lord or the officer?

"Don't worry, when you come on stage later, hehehe, the actors are all here, how will this big show be played? I'm really looking forward to it."

After watching Igarashi's family all enter the hotel, Wang Ming smiled expectantly.

This feeling is very good, like watching a TV drama live, if I have to describe it, it is probably a joy that can only be understood by a trader.

It can also be understood that this is Wang Ming's own bad taste, hiding in the dark and manipulating everything, making fun of everyone, isn't it cool?

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