At this time, the battle between the two has entered a fierce state, but they still can't win each other. After all, Kazuki Igarashi is a former football player.

In terms of physical strength, it is basically an instant kill, the mirage that occupies Igarashi's sophomore body, so when Igarashi Kazuki is thoroughly serious, the mirage is still somewhat unbeatable.

"Give me back my sophomore year!"

Igarashi Kazuki yelled angrily at Mirage, and Mirage laughed very eccentrically.

"Hehehe, don't you understand? Since I can take over this body, your brother is already dead."

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Kazuki Igarashi was completely annoyed by Mirage's words, and then the two wrestled together again, engaging in the most primitive hand-to-hand combat.

At this time, the two of them have completely lost their rules, and even their skills are useless. They don't look like they are fighting for life and death, but they seem to be venting their anger at each other.

If you really want to describe it, this is a fight between a pair of brothers who have lost their temper. It is completely different from the life-and-death struggle of Kadota Hiromi. The fight there is much more intense than here.

"Looks like it's time to persuade the fight, Ayaka, transform yourself, let me see Kamen Rider Lilith."

"As you wish, Lord Wang Ming."

Ayaka Wutaya also showed a sweet smile when she heard the words, and then she took out the drive that Wang Ming gave her, and Lilith's sin seal, and started her first transformation.


'Lilith! '

'contract! '

'The contract was successful! '

'Depraved, seductive, glamorous! '

'Kamen Rider Lilith! '

With the sound of the voice and a flash of crimson light, Ayaka Okaya successfully transformed into Kamen Rider Lilith.

This is a Kamen Rider whose main body is dark red, and the auxiliary colors in some places are white and pink, giving people a feeling similar to the Queen of Hearts.

"Go, let them experience what is truly powerful."

"Obey, Lord Wang Ming."

Ayaka Kobuya didn't know if it was because her personality was affected after the transformation, so she gave Wang Ming a western-style knight salute uncharacteristically.

In the next second, her vigorous figure came to the field after a few jumps, and Ayaka Okokaya's priority target was not Kakki Igarashi.

Instead, she came first, the battlefield between Kadada Hiromi and Orotega, and without saying a word, she began to help Kadada Hiromi to attack Olutega and Frio.

Ayaka Oketani was very upset to see these two people, to be precise, Akilela and the three of them were very upset, because the attitude of the three of them talking to Wang Ming was not respectful enough.

If it weren't for Wang Ming's constant pressure, she would have fought with the three of them a few times. Although she joined the Desperadoes, the target of Ayaka Ogaya's allegiance from the beginning to the end was only Wang Ming.


Ayaka Okutaya bowed left and right, and kicked Orutega and Frio away with both feet. Hiroshi Kadoda was a little puzzled when he saw this.

"Who are you? The doctor's newly adapted Kamen Rider?"

"Unfortunately, it's not."

Ayaka Okaya didn't intend to explain, and after she casually dealt with it, she walked towards Orotega and Frio.

"You two, practice with me."

Ayaka Suketani said in a calm tone, even contemptuously, and Olutega and Frio also looked at each other and laughed disdainfully.

"Just you?"

"What a pompous fool."

After the two of them finished saying this, they rushed towards Ayaka Kobutani on their own initiative, with weapons in their hands and a hidden weapon hidden in the other hand.

Whoosh whoosh!
Before the two got close, the patch bombs and darts in their hands had already shot towards Ayaka Sukaya.

"Tips for carving insects."

Regarding this, Ayaka Yabuya just snorted in disdain, and the next second, a red whip appeared in her hand!

clap clap clap!
As Ayaka Okaya swung the whip quickly, all the hidden weapons thrown by the two were blasted in the air in an instant. The whip waving by Ayaka Okaya was very powerful, and the accuracy and speed were also quite high.


"what's the situation!?"

After the hidden weapon was blown up, the screams of Orutega and the two of them also came immediately. They just felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they flew out.

This was because the speed of Ayaka Oketani's whip was so fast that Orutega and the two had no time to react, and even when they reacted, everything was over.

The two who were still clamoring for arrogance just now were instantly killed by Ayaka Oketani in the first round of meeting.

"I thought you guys are so powerful that you are nothing compared to Master Wang Ming."

"You, you are Ayaka Okaya?! Why did you attack us? Aren't we in the same group!"

After hearing Ayaka Okaya's words, Olutega finally came to his senses, and the two of them felt like beeping a dog at this moment, but what Ayaka Okaya said next made them even more mad.

"You are so weak, what if I hit you twice?"

"Hey, you said that you are Ayaka Okaya? Then I can't just sit idly by."

Kadoda Hiromi, who was watching in a daze, finally found a breakthrough to intervene, but he just said this sentence.


In the next second, a crisp sound of the whip directly whipped Hiromi Kadota out of his transformation, and it wasn't until then that Ayaka Okaya's voice came slowly.

"Uncle, you are very noisy."

After solving the three of them, Ayaka Okaya rushed towards the direction where Kazuki Igarashi and Mirage were. When Ayaka Okaya arrived, the two were in a confrontation.

At this time, both of them were out of breath, very tired, and seemed to have no energy, but when Ayaka Okaya came here, she also successfully attracted the attention of the two of them.

Regarding the new Kamen Rider who appeared, the two of them were wary, not knowing which side Ayaka Okaya belonged to.

"According to the order of the adults, come to declare war on the two of you, you go together."

Ayaka Kobuya didn't need two people to guess, she directly stated her position, no one would help, the two fought together!

"Hmph, it's inexplicable."

Mirage snorted disdainfully, but he regretted it in the next second, because Ayaka Wutani had a whip in her hand, she really dared to hit it!


Mirage, who was disdainful one second, received a whip on his back the next second, and even almost canceled the transformation directly because of the severe pain beyond comprehension.

Ayaka Yakiya's whip can directly hit the soul, that is to say, no matter how high the defense power of the Kamen Riders' armor is, all beings are equal under this whip.

That's why, Ayaka Obutani solved the problem just now. Hiromi Kadada and Orutega couldn't bear the pain of directly hitting the soul.

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