After all, this is equivalent to the fact that the damage that Ayaka Obutani deals is real damage, and this is her strength.

"This voice... are you Ayaka?!"

On the other hand, Kazuki Igarashi recognized Ayaka Okaya directly through the voice. After all, the two were childhood sweethearts and were very familiar with each other's voices.

"That's right, we meet again, Ikki."

Ayaka Okiya didn't attack Igarashi Kazuki immediately, instead she replied calmly.

"Caixia, turn around quickly! Don't stay in the Desperadoes, they are not good things!"

When Igarashi Kazuki opened his mouth, he looked earnest, but it was obvious that his words were very inappropriate, and Ayaka Okaya was already a little angry.

"Bastard! What do you know! If it weren't for that lord, I can only endure everything in silence until now. It is that lord who gave me hope!"

Ayaka Okaya didn't show any mercy to Kazuki Igarashi at all, and immediately whipped him over.

Even if Kazuki Igarashi was the main character, after being whipped on his soul, he was so painful that he couldn't speak at all, and could only curl up on the ground like a boiled prawn.

"I thought you were so powerful, but I didn't expect you to be so vulnerable. My lord is really worrying too much."

Seeing that everyone at the scene had basically lost their combat effectiveness, Ayaka Okiya chuckled with some disdain.

clap clap!

Then she hit Igarashi Kakki and Mirage with two more whips, respectively, and after receiving the second whip, the two of them were also directly beaten out of their transformations.

Mirage was directly knocked out, and Igarashi Kazuki, because of his strong willpower, forcibly withstood the severe pain that could make people unconscious.

"Ayaka, you did a good job."

At this moment, Wang Ming's voice came from not far away, Igarashi Kazuki forcibly opened his eyes and was about to close his eyes, staring firmly at Wang Ming who was walking towards this side.

Because he knew that the so-called lord that Caixia spoke of might be this guy, and this guy was most likely the mastermind behind the scenes.

"It's not dizzy yet, good willpower, if this is the case, I will give you a little something to play with."

Wang Ming squatted on the ground and looked at Igarashi Kazuki with a smile, then squeezed a criminal seal from behind and threw it directly on his chest.

"Don't you want to save your brother? Then try this judge's seal."

"Thank you, my lord."

At this time, Ayaka Obutani had also released her transformation, and she stood obediently beside Wang Ming. Seeing Kakki Igarashi's ignorance, her brows frowned again.

"Let's go."

Wang Ming didn't care too much, he put his hands in his pockets and left the scene, leaving only Igarashi Kakki a mysterious back.


"why why why!"

"Why are you obstructing our actions!"

In the headquarters of the desperadoes, Akilela was so angry that what happened today, thanks to Wang Ming, all their actions in the past few days were in vain.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'm helping you test your own strength, who knows that you are so weak, you can't even catch Xiao Caixia's two moves, blame me?"

"You bastard!"

Facing Aguilera's complaints, Wang Ming said quite rascally. After hearing his words, Olutega suddenly became angry. Just as he was about to explode, Ayaka Okaya gave him a threatening look. He stared back.

But this matter can only be let go in the end, and they have nothing to do with Wang Ming, after all, they can't beat Wang Ming.

On the other side, after obtaining the judge's seal given by Wang Ming, Kazuki Igarashi has been hesitating whether to use it or not.

After all, Wang Ming's origin was unknown, he didn't dare to use the things given by the other party, but when the mirage started to wreak havoc outside again, and even started to hurt civilians.

Kazuki Igarashi finally made up his mind, and he rushed directly to the place where Mirage was wreaking havoc, and the reason why the latter wrecked it was to force him out.

"Hehehe, you are finally willing to come out, you little tortoise, so let's continue the unfinished battle between us."

Mirage also showed an evil smile after seeing Igarashi Kazki appearing, and Igarashi Kazki also said with firm eyes.

"I will definitely defeat you this time!"

After saying these words, Kazuki Igarashi took out his driver and the judge's seal that Wang Ming gave him, and started to transform.


'Judge! '

'Ask for a verdict! '

'The request was successful! '

'Fair, just, soul-stirring! '

'Kamen Rider Revi! '

And when Kazuki Igarashi used the judge's seal, a Chinese voice came out from his belt.

Then there was a taller looking figure, holding a huge judge pen, appearing behind Kazuki Igarashi, as the judge pen lightly tapped towards Kazuki Igarashi, he also successfully completed this transformation .

At this time, Mirage, who was facing Kakki Igarashi, also completed his transformation. Mirage looked at Kakki Igarashi in this state with some surprise.

"What are you?"

"Things that can defeat you!"

Mirage asked with some doubts, but Igarashi's answer was indeed quite affirmative, and then Igarashi took out the weapon in this form, which was a judge's pen.

Igarashi Kazuki held the judge's pen, and before he got close, he waved at Mirage from the air, and the next second, a blood-colored ink smear appeared out of thin air, and was drawn fiercely on Mirage's body.


Originally, Igarashi thought it was useless, but in the end, Mirage's reaction was beyond Igarashi's expectations.

The mirage let out an extremely painful howl as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid, and Kazuki Igarashi could clearly see it.

After drawing a picture of the mirage from a distance, the latter's entire soul body almost separated from his brother's body in an instant.

"Really useful!"

Igarashi Kazuki was suddenly a little excited to discover that now in this form he seemed to have the power to peel off the demon soul.

"Then go all out and get out of my sophomore body!"

Igarashi Kazuki shouted excitedly, then rushed directly in front of Mirage, and waved the judge's pen close to his face without hesitation!
Swish swish!
"Ugh! No!"

The judge pen hit Mirage quickly, and the latter let out a terrified scream, only about two seconds later.

Kazuki Igarashi could clearly see that a wisp of black air was stripped from the body of the sophomore Igarashi, and then the black air immediately dissipated in the sky and the earth, never to be seen again.

It was also at the same time that the sophomore Igarashi directly canceled the transformation, and the whole person collapsed on the ground unconscious. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Igarashi Kakki in a daze.

"Brother, I, I'm sorry."

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