"Go back and take a bath!"

Igarashi Kazuki looked at the familiar younger brother back, and didn't blame anything, instead he extended his hand to him with a smile, and then the two brothers reunited.

"It's really a touching brotherhood."

After the two left completely, Wang Ming walked out slowly from a corner. He came to see his achievements.

Now he has almost figured out the rules of this world, so he can make as many sinful seals as he wants.

"Then let's make things more interesting."

Having been here for several days, Wang Ming felt that this world was a little boring, so he was ready to make troubles. As for how to make troubles?That's not easy.

Both the pros and cons are vying for the evil seal, so let's hold an event and wholesale the evil seal. The winner of the event can get the strongest evil seal developed by Wang Ming: Hell Demon King Satan!

So when people woke up the next day, they were surprised to find that the screens of all TVs and electronic devices were switched in an instant.

In the picture is a young man in a black suit with an evil smile on his mouth, sitting with his legs crossed on what looks like a throne, looking down at everyone.

"Good morning everyone, let me introduce myself, I am Decade, the destroyer of the world, and I have something to announce to you today."

"I brought a few of the strongest evil seals, and I named them the mythical series of evil seals. No matter you are a good person or a bad person, come and participate in the game. As long as you participate in the game, you may gain the power of gods and demons."

With a bad smile, Wang Ming made an opening statement that shocked everyone. After he finished speaking, the screen seemed to be filled with advertisements, and many evil seals and their introductions appeared.

After seeing these introductions, everyone took a deep breath. If what was written on it was true, then it really had the power to change the world.

"The seal of the gods, Archangel Gabriel."

"The seal of the devil, the fallen angel Lucifer."

"The seal of the devil, Satan, the king of hell."

"The seal of the gods, Susano."

"The seal of the gods, Zeus, the lord of the sky."

"The seal of the devil, Solomon the Demon King."

People unconsciously read one by one, the introduction of part of the seal that appeared on it, everyone couldn't believe their eyes, and even thought it was a prank.

Because how this kind of seal could be made is simply a fantasy. Of course, this is just the thinking of most ordinary people.

Only Kazuki Igarashi, who has seen Wang Ming's power, knows that what this guy said is very likely to be true.

Because of the power of the so-called god's seal, he has already experienced it personally. Since Kazuki Igarashi used the judge's seal last time, he carefully inquired about the identity of the judge, and then he found that it was actually a secret from the east. god.

And the main duty of this yin god is to judge good and evil, and to capture the souls of the dead, and the power it exhibits is indeed a crushing level of suppression against the mirage.

Moreover, Kazuki Igarashi also took the initiative to give this seal to George Karizaki for research, but the latter has no clue until now. He has no idea what the source of the power of these seals is.

"Asshole, what is this guy trying to do? Turn the world into his playground?!"

Igarashi Kazuki watched the live broadcast on TV, and felt a chill rising from the bottom of his heart. He really couldn't figure out what kind of thoughts Wang Ming had.

"This guy... If I remember correctly, the last time Ayaka Okaya used to defeat you, it seems to be the Lilith seal, right?"

Aguilera also looked at this scene with a frown. At this time, there were only the three of them in the headquarters of the exiles. Wang Ming and Ayaka Okiya had long since disappeared.

"It should be. If you look at it this way, the one that Ayaka Okaya defeated us last time should be one of the demon seals."

"What the hell is this guy thinking? Didn't he want to revive Lord Keef? Wouldn't it be better to just give us these seals? What kind of game are you playing? If these things fall into Phoenix's hands, then we will be miserable. "

Orotega and Frio also expressed their dissatisfaction, while Aguilera said something meaningful.

"That man will only do what he is interested in. Reviving Lord Keef is his interest, and the game in front of him is also his interest. He is really a wicked man, but he is also an interesting man."

"We can participate in this game, don't you have the confidence to snatch those brats?"

At the end, Aguilera asked a rhetorical question, and Olutega and Frio immediately stood up straight when they heard the words, and said quite proudly.

"How is that possible! We are Lord Keef's dearest children, how could we not be able to compete with those little human brats!"

Although the pros and cons had different views on this matter, they both made a decision to compete for these seals. At this time, the seal introduction on the screen disappeared, replaced by Wang Ming's familiar smiling face.

"Then the next step is the main event. If you want to get these seals, you can only participate in the game I made, and I will release the content of the first game next, you should listen carefully."

Wang Ming's smile became a little sly, and Phoenix and the desperadoes also cheered up and listened intently.

"I won't set it too difficult for you in the first game, so let's play a simpler one. The rules of the first game are very simple."

"No matter who it is, as long as whoever counts the number of large and small trees within the urban area first, and is the first to come to the top of Liangmu Mountain in the suburbs, and report the answer to me, if the answer is correct, he will be able to get the first seal. Rewards, and the reward for the first seal is: Demon Seal. Yamata no Orochi!"

"By the way, everyone has only one chance to submit an answer~"

Wang Ming mentioned a seemingly simple game, but in fact it was extremely torturous and frustrating. Everyone who heard his question was also a little confused.

Count trees in urban areas?What kind of game is this?

Many people think it is quite simple when they first hear it, but when they think about it carefully, their faces turn black. This matter is never as simple as it sounds.

After all, in such a large urban area, although the official green trees and shrubs have their own statistics.

But some facilities, such as shopping malls, kindergartens, schools, etc., are another set of data, and even some places grow trees when no one is there.

And some rich people, the trees planted in the private yards have not been counted. The combination of these factors, large and small, directly makes the difficulty of this question soar to hell.

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