And you can't report numbers indiscriminately. After all, everyone has only one chance, so even the controversial numbers have to be consolidated and reported one by one by a unified person.

"This guy really gave us a headache, but in terms of numbers, we have an advantage!"

"Olutega, Frio, immediately send out all the low-level Kief demons and let them count the numbers by division!"

Aguilera's reaction was also very fast. She immediately ordered and activated her own power, compared to the human camp that was not united and intriguing.

Under the condition that their strength can be twisted into a single rope, the outlaws can still exert extremely high efficiency. From this point of view, their unity and cohesion far exceed that of the human camp.

"Is it such a game? This is very beneficial to us, because we have municipal greening data in our hands, we only need to mobilize these data, and then count those areas that have not been counted, which is very convenient."

In Phoenix, Kazuki Igarashi clapped his hands happily, thinking that they should be sure of the game this time.

And his plan has also been recognized by everyone. Compared with the exiles who have no government foundation, it is much more convenient for Phoenix to investigate the number of trees, and he has even won at the starting line.

Of course, the premise is that there are no insiders in Phoenix. If there are insiders, then the starting point of both parties is the same, and even the outlaws have a greater advantage.

"Okay, let's do it like this, let's investigate! We must find out the specific number before the desperadoes!"

Hiromi Kadada also clenched his fists with great enthusiasm, and then he led a group of Phoenix members to investigate the number of trees.

Phoenix and the Desperadoes are not the only ones taking action, and these two groups of people are not the only ones yearning for power, there are quite a few careerists among the people.

So some big chaebols and big companies also organized people to investigate. Although they are useless to use the evil seal, they can use it as a bargaining chip to obtain greater benefits. This is the main reason for their participation in the competition.

For a while, the police in the entire urban area, ordinary people, Phoenix and the outlaws were all mobilized.

Everyone is doing one thing, holding a notebook in their hands and starting to record the quantity, and even some smart big companies have come up with zoning statistics.

After the person in charge of each area has finished counting, the summed total number is the number of all trees.

Then it was the turn of the Desperadoes to be depressed, because as long as human beings unite, it is indeed not something they can release a few low-level demons to fight against.

They have fallen into the vast ocean of the people's war, no matter in terms of number or efficiency, they are no match for the human side.

Both sides are scrambling for time, and the time is passing bit by bit. Finally, a big company has calculated a figure that is barely reliable.

So they immediately got a helicopter and flew towards Liangmu Mountain where Wang Ming was located without stopping.

At this time, Liangmu Mountain has completely changed. It was originally a barren mountain, and most of the places were even stones. The reason why it was named Liangmu Mountain was just a good hope for this place.

In fact, this is not the case. This is the famous barren mountain nearby, and at this time, on the top of this barren mountain, suddenly there is a throne exuding divine light.

On the throne there is a god-like man, crossing his legs and looking down at all beings with a smile. This man is the instigator of all this, Wang Ming.

"I see, I see him! Hurry up and fly over and land directly in front of him!"

The people on the helicopter were very excited, but he couldn't laugh in the next second, because after entering the airspace of Liangmu Mountain, the propeller of the plane lost power instantly, and the whole plane fell towards the foot of the mountain uncontrollably.

But one second before it was about to crash, the plane landed at the foot of the mountain like a miracle, and the people on the plane were still in shock.

Then they got two new pieces of information. There is an air-forbidden area within the range of Liangmu Mountain, and no flying objects can get close. Then there is no signal here, and the phone cannot be made.

This group of people had no choice but to run towards the mountain. The Liangmu Mountain was more than 800 meters high. If it was converted into a winding road, the group ran for more than ten kilometers before reaching the top of the mountain to meet Wang Ming.

"Your Excellency, we counted the number of trees, a total of 214588."

These people didn't talk nonsense. After bowing to Wang Ming very respectfully, they reported the statistics they had obtained.


But the answer they got made them feel a little chilled, and then several other people in the group also reported a few spare numbers, but they all got a negative answer.

This made this group of people extremely disappointed and frustrated, but they felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all, the quantity of this thing itself was too abstract, and it was normal that some places were not counted, so the group went down the mountain in despair.

Then in the next few hours, more than a dozen groups of people came to report the numbers one after another, but they all got a negative answer from Wang Ming.

Now everyone was a little depressed, but as the finale, Phoenix and the Desperadoes, no one came to report the numbers.

Because they would rather choose to report after getting the safest answer than to report it with inaccurate numbers.

In this way, the time came to the next morning, and Phoenix finally sent its own representatives, Kazuki Igarashi, Sophomore Igarashi, and Hiromi Kadada came to check the numbers.

The three of them happened to have three Phoenixes, the most probable numbers they calculated, and it was a coincidence that they set off with them, as well as the desperadoes, that is, Aguilera and the three of them.

Even Aguilera and the others were faster than Igarashi and the others. By the time Igarashi and the others reached the foot of the mountain, the Aguilera and the others had already arrived in front of Wang Ming, ready to report the numbers confidently .

"You bastard, do such meaningless things, do you know how much effort we have wasted?"

Aguilera complained with some dissatisfaction, but judging from the confident smile on her face, she should be very confident in herself.

"If you are so confident, tell me the answer?"

Wang Ming also said to Aguilera with a smile, and the latter said it confidently immediately after hearing the words.

"Then listen carefully, there are a total of 234578 trees in the entire urban area."


Then in the next second, Aguilela was slapped in the face by Wang Ming, but the confident expression on the latter's face did not disappear. After all, according to the news from the insider, this was only one of the three numbers.

There are still two numbers left, which can only be reported by Orutega and Frio. After all, a person can only report once.

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