"That's 231155 trees!"

After seeing Aguilera's failure, Frio also walked up directly and reported the number he got, but Wang Ming still shook his head.

"Still wrong."

"That must be my number, 236589!"

Seeing this, Olutega immediately showed a confident and proud smile and said, but his smile froze in the next second.

"No, no."

Wang Ming smiled and shook his head, the three of them were left speechless, and at this moment Kazuki Igarashi and the three of them also ran over.

"You came quite early, but it seems that you have failed."

After Igarashi Kazki saw the three of Aguilera, he was surprised at first, and then showed a relieved expression, but Akilela and the others had already expected Igarashi Kazki's failure.

Because the numbers they got were provided by Phoenix's inner ghost, so the numbers Kazuki Igarashi and the others will report next are the same as those of Aguilera and the others.

And the facts have also proved that these three numbers are indeed wrong. When Kazuki Igarashi and the others reported the three numbers one by one, they all got a negative answer.

"That's not right. These three numbers include saplings, but not saplings, and even shrubs. It makes no sense not to include any of them."

Hiromi Kadada muttered to himself with some doubts, but Kazuki Igarashi was very optimistic.

"After all, with such a large base, missing one or two trees will lead to failure, so let's go back and check again!"

"Things can only be like this now, anyway, they didn't get the answer to the desperadoes."

The sophomore Igarashi also nodded in agreement, and then the group hurried down the mountain again to go back and recalculate the quantity.

At this time, Aguilera and the three of them were not in a hurry to go down the mountain, because if they were really asked to investigate, they couldn't find anything, so they could only wait for the answer from the inner ghost.

To put it bluntly, they regard Igarashi Kakki and others as working for nothing, but even villains who don't like to use their brains have flashes of inspiration.

Frio, who usually looks the most reckless and brainless, suddenly thought of a very constructive suggestion.

"Hey, I suddenly thought of a good idea, why do we have to count these trees? Let's think in reverse."

"Instead of worrying about one or two minor variables, why don't we just set fire to all the trees in the entire urban area? Wouldn't that give us a definite answer?"

"If you can't define it, destroy and burn all the green plants in the entire urban area, then the only sure answer will appear? Isn't it 0!"

Frio suddenly slapped his thigh and yelled ecstatically. After hearing his words, Aguilera and Orotega's eyes lit up.

"Frio, you are really smart!"

Olutega also clapped his hands excitedly, and then Aguilera said with a smile.

"Hehehe, we've won this time, let's go ahead and tell all the low-level Keefs to destroy all the green plants in the urban area. Let's set off together and send someone to guard at the foot of the mountain until all the trees are destroyed. , notify him to come up and report at any time."

Aguilera arranged everything in an orderly manner. After being the boss of the outlaws for so many years, Aguilera's leadership ability is still recognized.

Under her order, the entire desperadoes began to move, and the entire urban area began to become chaotic in an instant.

After all, a large number of low-level Keefs suddenly appeared and began to destroy all kinds of green plants, and even accidentally injured ordinary people. It was normal. For a while, the phone calls of the police station and Phoenix were about to explode.

Orutega and Frio directly used their demon form, releasing large and small fireballs in the air, just like two humanoid bombers, bombarding all the green plants in the urban area crazily.

"Hahaha! This feeling is not bad!"

Frio let out a hearty laugh. As the proposer and executor of the plan, he is now very proud.

However, they destroyed the city so recklessly, Phoenix would naturally not let them go just like that, so the two were quickly attacked by Kazuki Igarashi and the others.

"What the hell are you guys trying to do!"

"Why do you want to destroy the city so well?"

Kazuki Igarashi and Hiromi Kadada, after using the flight module, came to question Frio and Orotega in mid-air.

"We can do whatever we want, can you control it!"

Frio's answer was very arrogant and domineering, they would not be so stupid as to tell the truth of the matter, but this thing is not difficult to guess, it can be guessed by a slightly smarter person, such as Hiromi Kadoda.

"No, they should want to destroy all the trees, so that they can get the most accurate answer, 0!"

Hiromi Kadoda combined what happened before, and after thinking about it, he guessed the purpose of Frio and the others in an instant.

"You're not stupid, but so what if you know? You can't stop us, we have more people than you!"

After being guessed the purpose, although Frio and Orotega were a little flustered, on the surface they still looked like they had the chance to win, and they couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

"Damn it, these greens are planted by people with hard work, and you actually want to destroy them all!"

"No, Ikki, in a sense, their method is quite feasible."

Kazuki Igarashi suddenly felt a sense of justice, and wanted to go up and hammer these two guys, but Hiromi Kadada had a different opinion.

"Huh? Captain Kadoda, what are you talking about?"

"Trees and greenery are gone, and they can be replanted. At the cost of more than 20 trees, in exchange for a demon series of evil seals, it seems to be a good deal in a sense?"

Hiromi Kadoda expressed his thoughts bluntly. After hearing his words, Kazuki Igarashi immediately felt that it made sense. After all, he knew the power of the devil's seal.

"Although that's what you say, you can't really let them destroy it, can you?"

"That's for sure!"

Although Kazuki Igarashi was shaken, he still did not compromise. Hiromi Kadada obviously said that casually, and did not really want to put it into action.

Then the two fought with Orotega and Frio in mid-air, and on the other side, the sophomore Igarashi was also doing his best to prevent other low-level Keefs from destroying the greening of the city.

But their numbers are clearly not that large. Even if Phoenix's three major powers are all dispatched, there are still many other demons created by Aguilera with the seal of evil.

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