So even if Phoenix tried its best, it still failed to stop the destruction of the city's greenery by the exiles.

As time goes by little by little, large tracts of urban green trees are cut down or burned, and the greenery is disappearing from the urban area little by little.

Ordinary policemen can't stop demons and low-level Keefs at all, and the only three Kamen Riders so far are all dragged down by the desperadoes.

The balance of victory was gradually tilting towards the Desperadoes. In this way, the protracted battle lasted from morning to afternoon, and the Desperadoes completely destroyed all the green plants in the urban area with their overwhelming group strength.

Then the desperate members who had been waiting at the foot of the mountain ran up the mountain immediately, came to Wang Ming, and shouted loudly and excitedly.

"We found the answer! The exact answer is 0!"

"Congratulations, the answer is correct, you can accept the evil seal of Yamata no Orochi."

Wang Ming kept his word and completely followed the rules of the game. He directly threw Yamata no Orochi's evil seal to the unknown member of the exile.

"Thank you, Lord Wang Ming!"

"This is a reward you won back with your ingenuity, you don't need to thank me."

Wang Ming still said with a smile, and in the next second, the electronic equipment in the entire city was forcibly taken over by Wang Ming again, and Wang Ming's handsome face with an evil smile appeared in everyone's eyes again.

"Hello, fellow citizens, the first round of the game of gods and demons is over, and the winner has been determined. Let us congratulate this friend from the Desperadoes."

While talking, Wang Ming pointed the camera at the unknown member of the exiled group. The latter was also very cooperative, showing a confident smile, and raised the evil seal of Yamata no Orochi in his hand.

"Very good, so you should believe that my game is fair and just. The first game is over here, and the second game of gods and demons will start a month later."

"Here is a preview for you. The evil seal of the second game of gods and demons is Archangel Michael. I hope you will continue to work hard and don't let me down."

After saying these words, Wang Ming released his interference and manipulation of these electronic products.

Then Wang Ming left the scene with Ayaka Kougaya. During this time, he kept a low profile, and he had to think of a more interesting game.

And Wang Ming is thinking about one thing, when the so-called Keef is really resurrected, what kind of Zeus module, Odin module, Archangel Michael module, and even the demon king Satan module will he face? How would Kamen Rider feel?
This can directly declare that the times have changed, entering the era of masked gods and demons, and the power of this session of Kamen Riders will reach the strongest in history under Wang Ming's magic reform.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it is stronger than the old devil, but it is just that it is the strongest wave in terms of single-body strength.


"Bastard! They still succeeded! Now we are in trouble, the power of the evil seal of gods and demons is extremely terrifying, and it is not something ordinary animal seals can deal with!"

After returning to Phoenix's headquarters, Kazuki Igarashi patted the table unwillingly, and said with a decadent face, while George Karizaki on the other side also came over with a serious face and said.

"I've been researching this seal of gods and demons for several days, but I haven't gained anything. It is impossible to make this thing with our current technology. Only the seal of gods and demons can deal with the seal of gods and demons."

"Everyone, you can't be lucky in the future. You must win the next battle, otherwise human beings will be finished!"

As the current highest technology leader of mankind, George Karizaki said this sentence, which is equivalent to showing the irreplaceability of the seal of gods and demons.

Human beings can't manufacture a powerful weapon, and they can only rely on so-called games to fight for it. It's ridiculous enough, but such an absurd thing is a fact.

"But fortunately now, we are not completely at a disadvantage. The opponent has obtained Yamata no Orochi, and we have a judge in our hands. Both sides have a seal of a god and demon. We haven't lost yet!"

Kadoda Hiromi never said anything depressing, just like him, he was always full of energy and aggressiveness, as well as the desire to fight.

"Since we have said so, we must win the next game!"

Igarashi Kakki also cheered up at this time and regained his mood. He is also optimistic, so he can adjust his emotions quickly.


At the same time, on the other side, Aguilera played with the Yamata Orochi seal in her hand, and also showed a curious smile.

"I don't know how powerful this thing is, do any of you want to try it?"

"I'm going to find a newcomer who has never made a contract. Hearing that guy's words are so mysterious, he should have a good power."

Frio also immediately answered the call and walked out of the room, and began to look for some desperate reserve members, the ones who hadn't signed a contract with the devil yet.

Unlike Phoenix's method of using the knight's belt to cover armor modules, the method of using the evil seal on the Desperado's side is much more primitive and low-level.

Of course, being primitive and low-level does not mean that the power is low, and the demons after the difference between the second stage are still relatively strong.

A contract is simply to make a deal with the devil, so that the devil will show up and fight, which basically becomes the devil fighting alone.

The second stage of the contract is to donate one's body to the devil, and then the two parties merge with each other to become a real demon that appears in the world.

So if Akirela and the others choose to use the first-stage contract, they will directly summon the soul of Yamata no Orochi, and then ask it to help them fight.

If the second-order fusion is completed, they will gain all the power of Yamata no Orochi, which is a terrifying power that far surpasses any animal mod.

"Master Aguilera, I brought someone here. Speaking of which, he finally answered the question correctly and obtained this seal, so I thought it would be better for him to use it."

After a while, Frio led a young man in, and this man was the member of the Desperadoes who had answered Wang Ming's question and received a reward.

"It is my great honor to serve Master Keef."

This person is also very good at business, he immediately knelt down on one knee, kowtowed to Keefe's body very respectfully, and Aguilera nodded in satisfaction after seeing his loyal appearance.

"Very good, since that's the case, it's up to you to make a contract with Yamata no Orochi. I heard that this is an amazing monster. I want to see how powerful it is."

With a sweet smile on Aguilera's face, she handed the Yamata Orochi seal in her hand to the young man.

(Happy New Year’s Day, family members! It’s impossible to add more, don’t even think about it.)

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