On Phoenix's side, Kazuki Igarashi and the others had already been notified when the desperadoes surrounded the space carrier. At this time, Kazuki Igarashi also rode his small bicycle and successfully arrived at the battlefield.

And his younger brother Igarashi sophomore arrived on a motorcycle with Igarashi Sakura. By the way, Igarashi Sakura also successfully obtained the drive with the help of George Karizaki.

Now she can also transform into a Kamen Rider, which is different from being tempted by Akileira in the original book, thus embarking on the path of Kamen Rider.

The reason why Igarashi Sakura can become a Kamen Rider here is purely because of Phoenix's lack of combat power.

And George Karizaki thought of the unique genes of their family, so he specially developed a new driver. That is to say, there are now four Kamen Riders on Phoenix's side.

"It's you again! This time I will never spare you!"

Kazuki Igarashi looked at Aguilera with some annoyance. Although this girl was very beautiful, the things she did were quite annoying.

So Kakki Igarashi also started to transform without hesitation.


'Judge! '

'Ask for a verdict! '

'The request was successful! '

'Fair, just, soul-stirring! '

'Kamen Rider Revi! '

Igarashi Kazuki didn't have the slightest intention to hide his secrets, he used the seal of the gods and demons as soon as he came up: Judge, after all, he now knows that the other party also has the seals of gods and demons in their hands, and it is basically useless to use ordinary seals.

"Sophomore, Sakura, go to Phoenix to support Captain Kadada, leave this to me!"

"it is good!"

After the transformation was completed, Kazuki Igarashi also assigned tasks to his younger siblings.

The two of them were not hypocritical people, and immediately took out the drive to complete the transformation, and rushed in to support the members of Phoenix.

And the sound effect of Igarashi Sakura's transformation is the root of all evil: what happened, what happened... It sounds like a thief.

"Sarah, I'm going to crush you here today! Be prepared!"

Kazuki Igarashi waited for the two of them to leave, and pointed at Aguilera with a judge's pen more than one meter long.

"Wuqi, let's do it, let me see whether it is the judge who is the best, or Yamata no Orochi."

Aguilera didn't panic at all, and then said to the young man named Wuqi beside her, who also showed a confident smile.

"That must be Master Baqi's power. I've never heard of such a shit judge. Master Baqi is one of the most powerful ancient demon gods!"

Wu Qi said quite confidently, and then he also took out the seal of Yamata no Orochi, and directly stamped it on his body!
'The contract was successful! '

With a low tone, a black mist instantly enveloped Wuqi's body, and then a huge seven-meter-long eight-headed snake instantly appeared behind Wuqi.

"Hehehe, I feel a familiar breath."

The moment Yamata no Orochi appeared, he let out an uncomfortable gloomy laugh, and a sense of terror and oppression originating from the ancient demon god instantly enveloped the audience.

"What kind of demon is this? Yamata no Orochi?!"

Kazuki Igarashi looked at Yamata no Orochi in surprise, and at this moment, something strange happened to him.

As if stimulated by Yamata no Orochi, an incomparably stalwart figure also appeared behind Kazuki Igarashi.

This is a majestic existence in a purple robe with a ferocious face, holding a judge's pen in his left hand, and a punishment book in his right hand!

"One of the four great judges, Zhong Kui, who is responsible for punishing evil, is here. How dare any evildoer make trouble!"

The moment this figure appeared, it uttered an incomparably majestic roar. After hearing the sound, Yamata no Orochi, who was originally majestic, suddenly had a feeling of encountering a natural enemy.

"How is it possible that even you have recovered?!"

And when Yamata no Orochi saw Zhong Kui, he also showed a rather shocked expression. It is hard to imagine that a snake, and it is still a snake with eight heads, would have such an expression on its face. Obviously Yamata no Orochi is very shocked now.

As one of the big monsters in ancient times, Yamata no Orochi naturally knows Zhong Kui's name. Of course, in terms of combat power alone, it is not afraid of Zhong Kui, and the two are brothers.

Yamata no Orochi is afraid of the power behind Zhong Kui, Fengdu Mountain Yincao Difu, because a judge is not scary, but Yama of the Ten Temples is not something he can offend.

Not to mention that above the Ten Temples of Yama there is the Son of Heaven, and various ghost kings and ghost emperors. In this era when myths are beginning to revive, Yamata no Orochi is still a bit imaginary.

"It turned out to be a demon king who killed countless people and committed a heinous crime. He should be sentenced to the eighteenth level of hell and never reincarnate!"

Zhong Kui just glanced at Yamata no Orochi lightly, and then the punishment book in his hand showed the other party's crimes, and he immediately and unilaterally sentenced him.

"Scared me, I thought Fengdu Mountain had recovered, but I didn't expect it to be just a judge, what right do you have to be so arrogant in front of me!"

After the initial panic, Yaqi Orochi also felt the current situation. It turned out that it was different from what he thought. Fengdu Mountain did not recover, and only one judge recovered.

It's just a judge of the underworld, and its combat power is about the same as his. Yamata no Orochi is not afraid at all at this time. It spit out its own snake temperament and said very arrogantly.

"You bastard, you are so shameless, you just want to judge me? What kind of soft persimmon do you think I am Yamata no Orochi, easy to pinch!"

After Yaqi Orochi finished saying this, he dodged and flew towards Zhong Kui. It flicked its tail without any hesitation and hit the opponent!

In the next second, there was a dull impact sound, and the snake tail of Yamata no Orochi hit the judge's pen firmly, and a terrifying strong wind swept across the audience in an instant, bending all the surrounding replanted trees.

At this time, it was Igarashi's turn to look confused, because since Zhong Kui's phantom appeared, he directly exited the form of the judge module.

That is to say, the two behemoths that are fighting above their heads are beyond anyone's control. Wuqi and Aguilera were afraid of being accidentally injured, so they had already gone to watch the battle from a distance.

After Igarashi hesitated for a while, he still decided to hand over the battlefield to Zhong Kui, and he went directly to the space carrier to support Phoenix.

After all, the internal battle situation in Phoenix is ​​not ideal at this time, and the opponent has almost reached the laboratory.

If they were really beaten to the laboratory, then the evil seal would be looted, and Phoenix would also fall into an unprecedented disadvantage.

So Kazuki Igarashi's decision now is actually the most sensible, and when he also left, only Zhong Kui with the judge's pen was left on the scene, fighting alone with the eight-headed Yamata no Orochi.

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