"The evildoer will die!"

Zhong Kui yelled very majesticly, and then the judge pen in his hand instantly changed into a sword, and Zhong Kui slashed at Yamata no Orochi with the sword in his hand!

"Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

Yamata no Orochi was also not to be outdone, and began to release all kinds of magical powers of his own, and greeted him with lightning, venom, and strong wind.

For a moment, outside Phoenix's space carrier, like the end of the world, attacks of various energies flickered.

And because the manifested bodies of Zhong Kui and Yamata no Orochi are huge monsters almost ten meters in length, the battle between the two is quite eye-catching.

There are always desperate traffic bloggers and TV reporters who dare to come to this muddy water. They don't dare to get close, but they use their mobile phones or professional cameras from a distance to broadcast the battle of gods and demons live.

For a while, what happened here caused heated discussions among the citizens and netizens. Of course, the content of their discussions was not nutritious. It was nothing more than guessing the identities of the two sides and which one would win.

And thanks to Zhong Kui and Yamata no Orochi, Phoenix's newly built space carrier was tragically affected, and its shell had been torn to pieces by the aftermath of the battle.

At this time, the battle between the two sides is also intensified, and Zhong Kui can release various Taoist spells with the sword in his hand.

And each head of Yamata no Orochi has its own supernatural powers. Facing Yamata no Orochi with eight supernatural powers, Zhong Kui has no way to take it down in a short time.

The two sides turned out to be a [-]-[-] split, and when the strength of the seals of the gods and demons was about the same, it was the host who had contracted with them that decided the outcome of the battle.

Because the manifestation of Zhong Kui and Yamata no Orochi consumes part of the host's power, and it is obvious that Igarashi Kakki's physical fitness is stronger than that of Wuqi.

At least Kakki Igarashi is now able to bear the huge consumption brought by Zhong Kui and continue to fight, while Wu Qi is already exhausted and collapsed, lying on the ground unable to move half of her fingers.

There is no doubt that if the fight continues, Wu Qi will definitely be drained of all vitality and then die. After all, unlike Zhong Kui, Yamata no Orochi doesn't care about consumption and the life and death of the host.

Therefore, when Yamata no Orochi and Zhong Kui fought, they basically released all kinds of powerful and costly attacks without any scruples.

This is also the reason why Wu Qi is about to fail, and Zhong Kui obviously has to restrain a lot in fighting, using the least amount of strength to hit the highest damage.

So although it looks like a tie on the outside, in fact, Yamata no Orochi doesn't have much power to mobilize.


Zhong Kui also seized this opportunity, suddenly broke out with all his strength, and slashed fiercely on one of the heads of Yamata no Orochi!

Yamata no Orochi suddenly let out an angry roar, but when he subconsciously wanted to fight back with all his strength, he suddenly found that he could no longer mobilize half of his strength.

Because as the host of the contract with him, Wu Qi had been drained of his last vitality at this time, and he died outside the venue like a mummy.

"No wonder it's called the Devil's Seal. Does it have such a big side effect? ​​Although it is indeed powerful, not everyone can bear this side effect."

Aguilera frowned and looked at her side, and Wu Qi, who had already burped completely, muttered to herself that she didn't choose to use the seal of the gods and demons because of her suspicion of the side effects of this thing.

Because logically speaking, the more powerful things are used, the greater the price to pay. The world is fair and energy is conserved.

This is also the reason why Aguilera gave such a powerful thing to others so hastily. Now it seems that her decision is indeed correct.

After the host of the lost contract passed, Yamata no Orochi could only dissipate unwillingly, and finally the true spirit returned to Yamata no Orochi's seal.

And this seal is still there, on the body of the dead Wuqi, so Akilela also reclaimed the seal of Yamata no Orochi.

Anyway, she will not use this thing in the future, because the demon is too powerful, and it can even attack the host.

And after losing his opponent, Zhong Kui also returned to the judge's seal, and Kazuki Igarashi, who was fighting, suddenly felt the return of power, and his whole person instantly became the judge's model.

Now there is no suspense in the battle at all. Kazuki Igarashi in the judge module state is invincible. Basically, it only takes one hit to hit someone, and the opponent will lose his combat effectiveness.

So there is no doubt that the sudden attack of the Desperadoes ended in a complete failure, but fortunately their losses were not too great.

The main cadres and a few first-order demons were not injured. Although many low-ranking Keefs died, as many such things as they need can be produced, and they don't feel distressed at all.

And the inner ghost chameleon was not exposed because of this plan, so generally speaking, Phoenix suffered the biggest loss this time.

Because the space carrier they had just built was almost scrapped, and the main damage came from the aftermath of the battle between Zhong Kui and Yamata no Orochi.

There are also some internal damages, which were caused during the internal battle. All in all, after this incident, Phoenix's space carrier needs to be overhauled.

"It was a good show, but I didn't expect the myths in this world to be true. It's just that the characters in the myths have become silent for various reasons."

"Should it be called the era of the end of the gods? But it doesn't matter, let me restart this era of gods and demons."

On the top of a building in the distance, Wang Ming was playing with a few seals of gods and demons in his hands, and said to himself with a smile while looking at the chicken-feathered Phoenix headquarters.

The seals of gods and demons he created were not created out of nothing with his own power. After all, if Wang Ming used his own power to create them, the power might be a little bit beyond the standard.

This universe can't bear it, so the seals of gods and demons made by Wang Ming are truly from the myths and ancient history of this universe, this time and space.

The corresponding characters inside were extracted, stuffed into the seal, and made into a seal of gods and demons. That is to say, whether Zhong Kui or Yamata no Orochi just now, they are all mythical creatures that once lived on the earth.

However, they belonged to the ancient myths and histories of different regions, and Wang Ming discovered that in one of the ancient myths and histories, there was a supreme demon god whose name was Keefe.

The method of making sinful seals is completely derived from this ancient history of mythology. That is to say, these sinful seals are all things after the mythical products have been manifested.

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