Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 539 Preparations for the Resurrection of Keef

And this discovery leads to a very interesting fact. The desperadoes who have turned the world upside down and have no peace are actually believers in mythology and ancient history.

And this means that other myths and ancient histories have also existed in reality, and the world view of myths and stories that looks at the entire world.

Keef is just the supreme god of a minority myth, and he is also an evil god. Other more famous and powerful myths and ancient histories, whether they are gods or demons, have not yet recovered.

And there is one thing to mention here, although Keefe is a god in the history of mythology, but according to Wang Ming's retrospect, his body should be an alien.

To be more precise, Keefe is an alien who came to the earth after the death of the gods. Because of the historical relationship, he is also regarded as a member of the gods and demons.

After all, he is also an ancient existence, so it is not surprising that there are myths handed down, or this guy came after the death of the gods.

After all, if the gods still existed, an alien like him would suddenly land and be shot out every minute, leaving no scum left.

That is to say, the high-tech world in front of me was once a world where all the gods coexisted. As for the reason why the gods were silenced or even destroyed, it is unknown.

And Wang Ming also thought it was fun, so he extracted the gods or demons from other myths and ancient history, and made them into seals of gods and demons.

"It seems that the stakes of the next game can be increased a bit, the battle of the ancient mythological gods? I'm looking forward to it more and more."

Wang Ming said to himself with a malicious smile on his face, and then he left the scene.


"Although our operation failed today, we still achieved important gains. The chameleon stole the Keefe seal for us, and also rescued two outlaws from Phase [-]."

"To revive Lord Keef, we only need to perform the ceremony, let the chameleon and the remaining two outlaws in stage two complete the ceremony, and advance to the Keef screw, so that we can hold the ceremony of resurrecting Lord Keef."

In the headquarters of the Desperadoes, Aguilera began to summarize the gains and losses of this battle. According to her own statement, they did not lose money in this battle, and it can even be said that it was a bloody profit.

And the fact is almost the same. Every large-scale attack of the Desperadoes has a purpose, and this purpose is generally hidden and has not been discovered by others.

"That's right, Lord Aguilera, let's perform the ceremony for the chameleon, the doctor, and the lawyer. As long as we sign the contract again and let Lord Keef recognize them as Keef screws, our plan will be almost completed. "

Orutega also said impatiently, and then they began to sign the third contract for the three of them, preparing to upgrade them to Kiefe Screws of the same level as themselves.

"Then let's get started."

With Aguilera's order, the final contract signing ceremony also began. In fact, the process of signing the ceremony is very simple.

Three huge contracts appeared behind the doctor, the chameleon, and the lawyer. After a burst of light flickered, the three signed the final contract without any risk, and were successfully promoted to Keef Screw.

Although it didn't seem to be dangerous, in fact, this process was quite dangerous, because if it failed, the three of them would die in an instant and evaporate in an instant.

"Hehehe, in this case, we only need one person to revive Master Keefe."

Aguilera also showed a satisfied smile when she saw this, but her smile froze in the next second, and the four people except Frio all stared at him strangely.

"You, what do you mean?"

Seeing the four people who were not quite right, Aguilera also spoke, while Chameleon replied with a somewhat surprised tone.

"Oh? Don't you know? I thought they told you the truth, but I didn't expect you to be kept in the dark?"

"You, what are you talking about?" Aguilera was still very puzzled.

"There are enough people. There are exactly six of us present, and there is only one sacrifice, Aguilera. We are just providing energy. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Chameleon also bluntly stated the truth of the matter, while Frio stood up and refuted.

"Did you make a mistake somewhere? Lady Aguilera is Lord Keef's fiancée, how could she be a sacrifice!?"

Frio's tone was very angry, and he was also Aguilera's most loyal follower. Only then did Orotega stand up and tell the real truth.

"What fiancée, it's just a high-level sacrificial offering, and I won't hide it from you now, so I'll tell you the truth."

"The sacrifice needed for Master Keef's resurrection actually only needs one. Our five Keef screws are responsible for providing energy, because after Master Keef is resurrected, he needs a physical body as a carrier."

"And this physical body as a carrier must possess pure evil and must be cultivated from an early age. That's why you, Mrs. Aguilera, were selected and cultivated among the desperadoes from an early age."

"After the real ceremony is held, we will sacrifice energy, and you will live forever as the body of Master Keef. This is our plan."

Olutega slowly told the whole truth, Keefe's fiancée was all fake, it was all a scam.

"So you lied to me from the beginning..."

Even if she is as resolute as Aguilela, now after hearing the truth, her heart is greatly shocked, because this is equivalent to a broken heart, or a collapse of faith.


And Frio was also very angry at this time, he instantly appeared as the original demon, and punched Orutega, because he was also kept in the dark from the beginning to the end.

And as Aguilera's number one licking dog, Frio actually loves each other deep in his heart, so when this situation happens now, Frio is even more angry than Aguilera.

"Okay, you should also calm down and wait quietly for the ceremony to start. My long-cherished wish that I have been waiting for for many years is about to be fulfilled, so don't make any more trouble."

Orutega easily dodged Frio's attack, and Chameleon and the others instantly subdued Frio and Aguilera.

Now they can say that everything is ready, and they only need time. What Orutega has to do now is to wait for a good time, and then hold a ceremony to completely revive Keef.

"This is really a good show. I didn't expect you to let me see such a wonderful show after I didn't come back for a few days."

But at this moment, a somewhat frivolous and mocking laughter came in from the door, and several people subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

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