Then they saw Wang Ming, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed and smiling, looking at them with a smile. After seeing Wang Ming, Olutega was also very vigilant.

"What do you guys want to do? You don't want to hinder us, do you? I remember that you once said that you wanted to revive Mr. Keefe, right?"

"Of course not. How could I stop you? I was just passing by. Since I met you, I will stay and observe to see what your so-called ceremony is."

Wang Ming still had an incomprehensible smile on his face, no one could understand what was going on in this guy's mind.

But at least Wang Ming doesn't seem to be hostile now, so Orutega is a little relieved.

"That's good, you'd better not meddle in your own business."

Olutega finally gave a warning. Of course, that's what he said. After all, Wang Ming's strength was unfathomable, and he was not sure how to deal with Wang Ming.


At the same time, on Phoenix's side, George Karizaki was looking at the map on the computer with a proud face, and surrounded by him, Phoenix's four transformations of Kamen Riders.

"They really fell for it. I deliberately handed over Keef's seal to them. There was a tracker installed on it. Now I have found the headquarters of the Outlaws."

"They're hiding deep underground in the Bay Area, but they have a dark way of doing things. They hide deeper than the subway. No wonder we haven't been able to find their headquarters."

George Karizaki said with a strategizing face. When the Desperadoes invaded before, he deliberately handed over the most important seal of Keef.

The purpose is to find out the exact location of the Desperadoes and wipe them out!
"Very well, let's make arrangements, and carry out a surprise attack here tomorrow morning, and wipe out the Desperadoes in one fell swoop!"

Kadada Hiromi also made a decision, because Wakabayashi Yujiro, the original commander of Phoenix, died in the first episode.

Later, the identity of the chameleon was discovered again, so now the new supreme commander of Phoenix is ​​Hiromi Kadada, but this guy's current physical condition is quite bad, and he is already equivalent to an old man in his 70s and [-]s.

In this way, I don't know if it's a coincidence or an arrangement of fate, the time of the ceremony when the desperadoes prepared to sacrifice and revive Keef and the time when Phoenix prepared to raid them were actually the same time.

In this way, the time soon came to the next morning. Orutega and the others had already started to prepare for the sacrifice ceremony, and Phoenix's side even dispatched all the staff to directly block the only entrance to the headquarters of the Desperadoes.

"Then, let's get started, Mrs. Aguilera, you probably won't resist, after all, our long-cherished wish is the same."

Olutega showed a very embarrassed smile and said, and Aguilera, a girl who has been deeply brainwashed, just hesitated for a while, and actually agreed directly.

"If it's really for Master Keefe, I won't resist."

Although Aguilera's tone was a little trembling, the determination in her words remained undiminished. From here, it can be seen how harmful the cult is, and this brainwashing ability is simply top-notch.

"Okay, let's get started, Frio, don't lose the chain at a critical moment, after all, this is also the wish of Lord Aguilera."

Olutega finally gave a warning, the most loyal to Aguilera, Frio, and although the latter did not answer, he directly took out his own seal, which is already the default attitude.

And Wang Ming and Ayaka Kobuya stood guard at the door, quietly watching what they wanted to do, and then they started the ceremony.

Aguilera stood in front of Keef's ugly body, five people including Orotega and Frio formed a pentagram angle, enclosing Aguilera and Keef's body.

Wang Ming knew at a glance that this guy named Keefe couldn't even copy. Pentagrams represent justice in magic, and only hexagrams or seven-pointed stars represent evil.

You are a famous big devil, the resurrection ceremony actually uses the pentagram of justice, isn't this a layman, what is it?
Although Wang Ming complained in his heart, the progress of their ceremony was not interrupted. As the five people released their energy, a golden pentagram instantly lit up in the field.

Seeing this, Wang Ming wanted to complain again, and the energy of the pentagram was pouring into Keef's body continuously, and then the energy was infused from Keef's body into Aguilera's body.

Wang Ming could clearly feel that with the energy injection of the five people, something seemed to wake up deep in Keefe's physical body, but this thing was definitely not consciousness, or something clichéd like a soul.

This is a special substance that Wang Ming has never seen before, so he can see it, but he can't name it, unless he names it himself.

Bang bang bang!
And at the critical moment of the ceremony, there were dense gunshots and panicked screams from the hall outside the room.

Don't even think about it, it must be someone from Phoenix calling in, and that's exactly what happened, Wang Ming turned his head and took a glance outside the door, just in time to see Kazuki Igarashi running over in a hurry.

"Yo, boy, we meet again."

"Oh, it turned out to be you... Forget it, I don't have time to chat with you now, I have more important things to do!"

After seeing Wang Ming, Kazuki Igarashi bowed subconsciously and said hello, then he directly bypassed Wang Ming and broke into the scene of the ceremony.

"This is the end! Your evil plan ends here!"

Kazuki Igarashi suddenly yelled, startling several people, and while Kazuki Igarashi was speaking, he had already taken out the driver and the judge's seal and started to transform.


'Judge! '

'Ask for a verdict! '

'The request was successful! '

'Fair, just, soul-stirring! '

'Kamen Rider Revi! '

With a burst of noisy sound effects, Kazuki Igarashi also successfully transformed into the Kamen Rider Revi judge module!

"Come out to make trouble at a critical moment, you really have the style of your flies! The ceremony is suspended, let's deal with them first!"

After seeing Igarashi Kakki, Olutega also understood that there is no way to continue the ceremony now. If the intruders are not dealt with, the ceremony will not succeed at all.

So the pentagram on the scene instantly went out, replaced by four three-stage Kiefe screws, eyeing Igarashi Kakki.

As for Frio, he didn't participate in the siege, and he didn't even plan to join the war. To be honest, after knowing the truth, he didn't want to sacrifice Akilela.

Now Kazuki Igarashi suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation, let alone beat him, Frio even thanked him a little.

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