"Surrender quickly, your headquarters has been destroyed by us!"

At this time, Igarashi Daiji, Igarashi Sakura, and Kadoda Hiromi also rushed over. At this time, the three of them were already in the state of transformation, so they could go directly into battle.

"Tsk, annoying flies are popping up one after another."

After seeing the sudden change in front of him, Olutega clicked his tongue quite unhappy, but now, they have no choice but to fight.

"Let's go together! This is a battle that must be fought!"

Orut shouted loudly, then transformed into a king squid, and rushed out in the lead, followed by the chameleon, saber-toothed tiger, and planarian.

The four-on-four battle started instantly, and the eight people on the scene fought together in an instant, while Frio ran to Aguilera's side to help her untie.

That's right, in order to prevent accidents, Orutega and the others tied up Aguilera just now, so Frio was quite angry, because in his opinion, this is blasphemy.

"You have reached the end of the road, why are you still stubborn!"

Igarashi Kakki kicked Orotega flying, and then planned to wake him up, but the latter had long been obsessed with it, and it was not something that could be done with a few words.

"Really, all of them are talking nicely. Don't you just rely on yourself to use the seal of the gods and demons? I also have this thing!"

Olutega smiled angrily, and then he finally took out his hole card, the Yamata Orochi seal he snatched from Akilela.

Originally, he didn't want to use it. After all, he was aware of the side effects of this thing. If he didn't use it as a last resort, he would probably kill himself first.

But now there is no other way, now is the time of last resort, if you don’t use it, everything will be over, so Orutega used it without hesitation!
'contract! '

"Hehehe, I'm out again!"

Following a flash of dark green light, Yamata no Orochi's extremely proud voice immediately resounded through the audience.

"The evildoer will die!"

Just like meeting old opponents, the moment Yamata no Orochi appeared, Zhong Kui also showed his original shape instantly, glaring at him with a sword in his hand.

"It's you lingering guy again. If it wasn't for the fact that that trash was too weak last time, it wouldn't be certain who would win!"

After Yaqi Orochi saw Zhong Kui pass by, he was also aroused instantly, and immediately he also directly ignored Orutega's order, and rushed forward to fight Zhong Kui on his own initiative!
In the eyes of Yamata no Orochi, Orotega is just a charging treasure, no one can control it, it is Yamata no Orochi!
Then the pair of old opponents started to fight on their own again, but Orotega's goal had actually been achieved, and Yamata no Orochi instantly balanced the combat power of the two sides after he came out.

From the one-sided side of Phoenix, suppressing the desperate crowd, it became an even match between the two sides, but on Phoenix's side, there are still people who continue to send cheats.

George Karizaki suddenly took a few newly developed seals and gave them to the three brothers and sisters of Igarashi. The combat power of the three who got the new cheats suddenly skyrocketed.

The balance of victory was tilted towards Phoenix again, and it was only a matter of time before the desperadoes failed, but Wang Ming always held the attitude of watching a show and wandered on the edge.

He is also adhering to the principle of not helping anyone, eating melons crazily, so that the desperate people are really falling on the verge of failure.

Moreover, as the battle between Zhong Kui and Yamata no Orochi became more and more intense, the base of the Desperadoes almost suffered a devastating blow.

Even the shell of this mysterious base has been pierced, and everyone is constantly shifting the battlefield as the battle escalates.

In the end, everyone found a surprising thing. The headquarters base of the exiles was actually a large space flying saucer.

The structure of the entire headquarters of the Desperadoes is a huge underground cave with a space flying saucer parked inside. At this time, everyone has pierced the outer shell of the flying saucer and punched it into the cave outside.

And I don't know if it's because the internal damage is too serious. At this time, the flying saucer started to ignite automatically and prepare to take off without anyone starting it.

This should be regarded as some kind of escape setting, and I don't know how the desperate people discovered this flying saucer.

"No, Lord Keef is still inside!"

At this time, Olutega finally realized that if the flying saucer was allowed to rise into the sky like this, then the core of their desperadoes, Keef's physical body, would also disappear. This is not good news.

But Olutega is almost being squeezed dry by Yamata no Orochi now, and he is powerless to stop all of this. After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Olutega decided to take Yamata no Orochi back.

They can't drag it on like this anymore, they will lose if they drag it on, they might as well give it a go and ignore everything else, but they must get Keef's body back!

'Release! '

Therefore, under tremendous pressure, Olutega forcibly canceled the temporary contract between himself and Yamata no Orochi. After the latter lost the bonus of the contract, he was directly forcibly withdrawn into the seal.

"Asshole, don't let me out next time..."

The moment before it was taken back, Yaqi Orochi gave Olutega a fierce look, and it seemed that he had recorded this grudge in a small book.

And the moment Yamata no Orochi disappeared, Olutega only felt a lot lighter all over his body, as if he was more than ten years younger.

It can be seen from this that Yamata no Orochi has a high burden on the host, and Orotega is a third-order Kiefe screw.

With this kind of devil's physique, he almost couldn't resist his consumption. If ordinary people use the Yamata no Orochi seal, they are simply looking for death.

Then Orotega ran towards the interior of the base non-stop, and at this time Frio was supporting the extremely weak Aguilera who came out from inside.

Because the ceremony was forcibly interrupted, Aguilera suffered all the backlash alone, which is why the two did not participate in the battle just now.

If Aguirela is in her prime, she will definitely help Olutega deal with Phoenix to the extent that she is brainwashed.

And when Aguilera goes up, Frio will definitely go up with her. In this case, in terms of combat power, the Desperadoes' side is still higher.

But the current situation is that Aguilera has lost her combat power, and Frio must take care of her, so the Desperadoes directly lost two top combat powers.

This is why Phoenix's offense is like a tailwind, because the combat power of the two sides has been unbalanced from the beginning.

The most important thing is Phoenix's attack time, which was chosen very well, which is why we have the current results.

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