And when Aguilera and Frio came out, and after Orut was added in, the flying saucer also began to shake violently, and finally this thing actually went straight into the air.

The soil above the flying saucer was squeezed and crushed one after another, and it just didn't conform to the laws of physics, flying towards the surface step by step.

In the end, he drilled directly out of the surface and flew into the sky. Seeing this, George Karizaki immediately said to Kazuki Igarashi anxiously.

"Ikki, find a way to knock it down, we can't let it fly away like this, otherwise the Desperadoes will change their method and resurrect in another place!"

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

After Igarashi Kazuki heard that the problem was so serious, he nodded very seriously. Because of the disappearance of Yamata no Orochi, he now re-equips the judge module.

So Kazuki Igarashi still has a little confidence in his current strength, and it should be possible to blow up the flying saucer or something.

Then Kazuki Igarashi took the judge's pen in his hand, flew directly into the sky, and chased after the flying saucer. The seals of gods and demons all have flight characteristics, which cannot be compared with ordinary animal seals.

Otherwise, if an ordinary animal seal is used, Kazuki Igarashi will have to change to a flying animal form in order to fly.

As for Kazuki Igarashi in the state of the judge module, his flying speed was extremely fast, and he caught up with the flying saucer in a short while, and came over it.

"Let's end it like this!"

'Must kill! '

'Judgment Kick! '

Igarashi Kazuki took the judge's seal, stamped it twice, and then activated his nirvana!

In the next second, purple flames burned on his body, and Kazuki Igarashi assumed the posture of a knight kicking, and kicked fiercely towards the flying saucer below!
Before taking half a breath, Igarashi kicked hard on the top of the flying saucer, and the quality of the flying saucer seemed to be pretty good.

Unexpectedly, it was not kicked through at the first time, and it was carried hard for several seconds. After being kicked into the air, it was directly penetrated by Igarashi Kakki.


There were continuous explosions, and the flying saucer, which had completely exploded its power core, turned into a big fireball and exploded in the air.

The figure of Igarashi Kazuki also landed successfully, making a handsome pose that a real man never looks back at the explosion.

"No! Master Keef!"

After Aguilera saw this scene, she was distraught immediately. She seemed to have lost her soul. She had no choice but to be so brainwashed that she was even willing to die for Keefe.

Seeing this scene now could indeed shatter her faith, but Wang Ming could see clearly that Keefe's physical body was made of something.

In such a violent explosion, there was nothing wrong with it, and it smashed into the ground fiercely. As for Orutega, he was seriously injured by the explosion and ran away in despair.

And the chameleon didn't know when, it turned its body transparent and slipped away. As for the sabre-toothed tiger and planarian... they were killed just now.

After all, the cheats given by George Karizaki are quite fierce. After using it, the Igarashi brothers and sisters and Kadada Hiromi immediately exploded and killed these two guys.

"Master Aguilera, let's go!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Frio hurriedly dragged Aguilera to run away. After all, everyone's attention was attracted by the flying saucer at this time. Now is the best time to run away. I can't run away.

So when everyone recovered from the shock of the flying saucer explosion, the high-level cadres who were in exile all ran away.

"Damn it, they ran away!"

Hiromi Kadada said something regretful, and then canceled the transformation. At this time, George Karizaki moved towards Wang Ming as if he had discovered a new world.

"Your Excellency is the developer of the seal of gods and demons, right? I have some technical questions and would like to communicate with you."

As the strongest scientist in Phoenix, George Karizaki is naturally very interested in Wang Ming's seal of gods and demons.

"tell me the story."

Wang Ming didn't immediately refuse. Instead, he replied with a smile. George Karizaki asked very excitedly when he saw this.

"How did you manifest these gods and demons? As far as I know, they are not real things, no matter how powerful the technology is, it is impossible to do this."

"You said this, this is the simplest, just grab them out of the mythology, it's a little more difficult to seal them into a seal, and let the seal limit their power."

Wang Ming's answer was very light, but George Karizaki's world view almost collapsed, and even George Karizaki felt that Wang Ming was just playing him.

"Okay, in a few days I've decided to start the next game of gods and demons ahead of time, so get ready, that's all for today, goodbye."

Before George Karizaki could continue to question, Wang Ming took the initiative to interrupt his thoughts, and then Wang Ming took Ayaka Okaya and disappeared in place without anyone noticing.

"He's really a puzzling guy..."

George Karizaki looked at the elusive Wang Ming and shook his head helplessly, and when he thought of what the other party said, he felt very absurd.

Catching gods and demons from mythology and sealing them into seals, this kind of thing can be done, it is no longer as simple as being called a god, and it is even far beyond a god.

On the other side, Aguilera was furious after successfully escaping.

"Bastard! Damn it! How dare they destroy Lord Keef! Absolutely unforgivable!"

"Akirela, calm down. Our top priority is to think about what to do in the future. Now that our desperadoes basically exist in name only, we have to reorganize our forces. Otherwise, there is no way to fight against Phoenix."

Frio also stood up to persuade him. After hearing his words, Aguilera calmed down a little, and then she also became frowning, because she had no good way to deal with it, and the next thing.

"Let's take one step at a time. It's best to be able to contact Orutega. Although this guy's purpose is impure, he can indeed be used."

Aguilera rubbed her forehead with some headaches, so the battle ended with the complete defeat of the Desperadoes.

But time flies, and several days have passed. During these few days, Orutega has not been idle. He successfully gathered with the chameleon.

Then the two directly founded the new Desperadoes, and the purpose of the newly established Desperadoes was no longer based on resurrecting Keef as the first principle.

The purpose of the new exiles is to promote Orutega as the only god. To put it bluntly, Orotega is already developing his own power, and he no longer wants to work for Keef.

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