And this is the quality that a villain should have, not blindly loyal, after all, Olutega has a lot of cards in his hand now, and his strength is also very strong.

The seal of Yamata no Orochi is still in his hand, as long as he finds a cannon fodder to brainwash the contract, it will be another powerful combat force.

And in addition to the seal of Yamata no Orochi, Olutega also has the Keef seal in his hand. The Keef seal is an artifact for making mid-range combat power, although the individual strength is not as powerful as the Yamata no Orochi seal.

But it can be manufactured in batches. The Kif disciples at the peak of the second stage, the Kif disciples produced in batches, are only slightly weaker than the Kif screws of the third stage like Orutga.

Therefore, Olutega has no shortage of low-end, even top-end combat power at all, and it is reasonable for him to expand and become independent.

So the former Desperadoes have now completely split into two factions. The first faction is naturally headed by Orutega, who uses Keef as a tool man, and the new Desperadoes.

The other faction is the old party headed by Aguilera and Frio. Their first goal is to revive Keef.

Of course, the so-called old party now only has Aguilera and Frio, and it is incomparable to the new exiles.

After all, the new exiles now want people, money and money, and they have everything, but Aguilera has nothing, the only thing they have is the belief in resurrecting Keef.

Aguilera seems to have fallen into a desperate situation, but she never thought of giving up. She is waiting, waiting for the start of the next game of gods and demons.

Now her only hope is in the game of gods and demons, as long as she can get the next seal of gods and demons, then she still has the possibility of turning the tables and turning defeat into victory!

It's not just her who is waiting, Phoenix is ​​waiting just like the new outlaws. After all, the importance of the seal of gods and demons does not need to be explained too much, and no one is willing to give up fighting for this thing.

But the crowd didn't wait long. That afternoon, Wang Ming's figure reappeared on the electronic equipment of the crowd.

After the surrounding electronic products were taken over by Wang Ming, everyone looked at Wang Ming expectantly and nervously, and Wang Ming lived up to everyone's expectations and spoke.

"Due to some special reasons, everyone, I decided to start this game of gods and demons ahead of schedule. Then, I will introduce the rules of this game of gods and demons."

"The rules of this god-and-devil game are very simple. Listen carefully. There are many stray animals in this world, especially stray cats."

"If no one cares about them, they will reproduce without limit, causing more and more stray cats. Rescue is impossible to rescue them. We can only solve the problem at the root."

"So similar to the tree counting game that aroused everyone's awareness of environmental protection last time, our game this time is called Sterilization Battle!"

When Wang Ming said this, he showed a wicked smile unconsciously. He swore that he definitely did not hold this game because he was killed by a cat.

He just simply loves small animals, otherwise so many stray cats are so pitiful, in order to prevent more tragedies from happening, so they all have to be sterilized.

"Regardless of region, country, or breed, as long as they are unclaimed stray cats, they can be sent for sterilization. Every stray cat that is successfully neutered will get a point."

"Sterilization must go through the formal procedures of the pet hospital. You can't do it privately, and you can't hurt the cat's life. Otherwise, the points will not be counted, and even large points will be deducted."

"You can only participate in the name of an individual, and it will not be included in the organization's points. Every time a contestant successfully sterilizes a cat, the points will be updated in real time on this website."

While Wang Ming was talking, he also threw out a self-made website. People either took screenshots or started copying the URL of the website. After a while, this website basically became known to everyone.

"Although the difficulty of the game has become more difficult, the rewards this time are also very generous. I have set the rewards this time so that the top ten players can all get the seal of the gods and demons."

"No.1 will get: Seal of Zeus.

No.2 will get: Odin Seal.

No.3 will get: Michael Seal.

No.4 will get: Gabriel Seal.

No.5 will get: Raphael seal.

No.6 will get: Seal of Uriel.

No.7 will get: Poseidon seal.

No.8 will get: Hades Seal.

No.9 will get: Thor Seal.

No.10 will get: Hella seal. "

Wang Ming said the names of the ten seals in one breath, and then ranked them on the screen. These are mainly the four archangels in the Bible, the three brothers of the Greek God King, and the top combat power of the Nordic gods.

These are basically decent gods, and if they communicate well, they will not be easily backlashed, and when people see this list, their eyes are straightened.

Those who know the power of the seal of gods and demons can't wait even more, after all, the last Yamata no Orochi looked quite outrageous.

But compared with the seal rewards released by Wang Ming this time, it's nothing short of a scumbag.

After all, the list given by Wang Ming, the gods on the seal, and even most of them have the ability to destroy and create the world. It is completely different from a snake demon who was slaughtered when he was drunk.

These are the real gods!
"We must get it! We must get it! At least two stamps must be obtained, no, at least three stamps must be obtained!"

Olutega's eyes were a little red at this time, and the word greed was written in his eyes. After all, the reward Wang Ming released this time exceeded everyone's expectations.

"This time we must do our best to fight for it. If these seals fall into the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous!"

As the current commander-in-chief of Phoenix, Hiromi Kadada also said quite seriously that he is not greedy for the power of the seal, he is just worried that these things will fall into the hands of bad people and cause greater chaos.

"As long as we get the most powerful ones, then we can snatch Lord Keef back again. We must not lose this time!"

Aguilera also looked at the live broadcast on her mobile phone with a serious face, and at this time the live broadcast screen changed again, and Wang Ming's face appeared in front of everyone again.

"Okay, everyone must have some understanding of the rules and rewards, so I announce that the game will officially start now, and the game will last for a week."

"At this moment after one week, the final results will be counted and the top ten will be determined, so everyone, work hard!"

After Wang Ming finished his concluding remarks, he also decisively shut down the live broadcast. For a while, everyone's electronic products returned to normal.

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