Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 545 There Are Not Enough Cats In Japan


Olutega was really angry and aggrieved this time, because he was very clear about the point deduction mentioned in the previous rules.

Originally, Oulutjia deducted one or two points for the death of a cat and it was over. But he didn't expect Wang Ming to deduct so hard, and deducted him [-] points at once, which directly made him busy.

And this time, Orutega really didn't dare to mess around anymore. If he followed the rules honestly, he might be back in the top ten now.

But because of Orutga's frequent violations, his big advantage at the beginning has become worse and worse, so that it has now become a negative number.

At this time, Olutega deeply understands the principle of haste makes waste, the more anxious you are, the less likely you are to achieve your goal.

"It seems that we are making steady progress, but fortunately, I am not fighting alone, and the Chameleon guy has also squeezed into the top ten."

Oulut strengthened his efforts to calm down his impetuous heart. He was disadvantaged here, and that was only a personal disadvantage, not the disadvantage of the team of the New Desperadoes.

The only thing that can comfort Orutega now is that there are still two people in the new outlaws who have squeezed into the top ten, and these two people are chameleons, and a richer bottom member.

The chameleon's operation of catching stray cats can be described as top-notch. This guy can change his appearance at will, and he directly turns himself into a cat.

Then he quietly approached other stray cats, and caught other stray cats very easily by surprise. He even played a trick of leading a group of stray cats to the pet hospital.

He didn't need to catch them at all, they were all attracted by him. In the world of cats, the more colorful the cat's body, the more beautiful it is.

Regardless of cat breed, the more fancy the cat is, the more beautiful it is in the eyes of the same kind of cats, so the three-flowered or even four-colored cats you usually see can be regarded as the great beauty or handsome guy among cats.

And the chameleon is very good at playing. He turned himself into a cat with seven colors, which is too fancy, and this kind of appearance is equivalent to the goddess of the cat world, killing both male and female.

That's why Chameleon ranked fifth with a record of 34 points. You must know that the game has only started for about half a day.

This is already a pretty impressive record, and the top four are all from Phoenix.

Compared with Chameleon's superior effect of seduction, Phoenix also has its own secret, catnip and canned cats, which can kill most greedy stray cats.

Compared with beauty, these stray cats seem to be more interested in food, so Hiromi Kadada, who ranks first, has canned cat food on the left and catnip on the right.

The two-pronged approach directly gained 52 points, leaving the others far behind.

In this way, as time went by little by little, a whole day passed, and then the next day, people were surprised to find that there were almost no stray cats that had not been neutered in the city.

All the stray cats in this city have never been left behind, and all of them have been neutered. There are even some domestic cats, who were all neutered because they were accidentally injured and murdered.

It is no exaggeration to say that, not to mention ordinary domestic cats trembling in the streets, even if they are incomparable with them, stray dogs are very careful when they go out on the streets, for fear of being caught.

But how can this stump smart people?They resolutely set their sights on the city next door, and even the whole of Japan.

Then a scene that can be called a spectacle appeared. The people of the city where Phoenix was located, for various reasons, formed the cat-catching alliance, and then went on an expedition to other cities.

Because Wang Ming made it very clear in the rules before, as long as it is caught by himself and sterilized in a regular hospital, it will be counted as 1 point.

So this does not distinguish between city restrictions at all. After the cats in this city have been neutered, it is not difficult to wipe out the cats in the next city.

So Kadoda Hiroshi, who only slept for four or five hours at night, saw them, and at this time drove Phoenix's space carrier directly to the next city.

After all, their hospital is also on the mothership, so they carry a dedicated hospital with them, and this advantage alone has surpassed other forces.

So the tragic sterilization war started again in other cities. This time, people did not gather in the same city, but scattered in several surrounding cities, and started a vigorous battle.

And with the passage of time, the points on the leaderboard kept jumping, and another two days passed in a flash.

Looking at the points website on Wang Ming's website now, it's like looking at bloody cat eggs, because now even the top [-] people have already broken [-] points in their hands.

And this is only the top [-] people, and the number of people participating in this game is more than [-]. One can imagine how many stray cats have suffered.

The number one cat egg killer, Hiromi Kadada's points even reached a terrifying 512 points, directly surpassing No.240 points.

If there is no accident, if it is steady, Hiromi Kadada will basically hold the first position, and Kazuki Igarashi will be ranked second. It can be seen that Phoenix has a big advantage this time.

And in the past few days, the cats have once again recalled the fear of being dominated by humans. The cats are lying on the operating table with their tongues sticking out and their little heads drooping weakly.

As compensation for them, neuters usually give them a box of canned cat food, but I don’t know if these cats will remember this hellish scene when they dream back at midnight.

At this time, it was already the fourth day of the competition, and then everyone discovered another embarrassing thing, that is, there were not enough cats in Japan...

After four days of frantic arrests, almost 99.9999% of the stray cats in Japan have been neutered, but there are still three days left in the competition. It is impossible for everyone to stare like this, right?
Therefore, the rich and powerful consortiums and powerful forces directly set their sights abroad, and because of the annoying animal protection organizations in western countries.

Therefore, the Japanese consortium and Phoenix have set their sights on the neighboring country, that is, Huaxia. Huaxia has a vast land and abundant resources, and it is also one of the countries with the most stray cats in the world.

They can still make a fortune here, so after urgent negotiations and flight arrangements, a large number of Japanese suddenly descended on various first-tier cities in China.

They held two cat boxes in their hands, looking for all kinds of stray cats in the streets and alleys. On this day, the stray cats in all the first-tier cities in Huaxia felt the malice from Wang Ming.

And those pet hospitals in China's first-tier cities, where the business was not very good, and even the small pet clinics, made a lot of money on this day, and the doctors who performed sterilization operations were all soft-handed.

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