However, this can be regarded as a win-win outcome. The doctors made money, the problem of stray cats was solved, and those who spent money also got points.

A world where only stray cats were injured was born...

Just like that, time passed, and three days passed. With the big announcement on the points website, the announcement of the cessation of statistics appeared.

People finally ended their care for stray cats, and then everyone started to return, because without waiting for Wang Ming's official announcement, the top ten people had already seen it.

But Wang Ming was still going to show up and announce the top ten in person, so he once again controlled the mobile phones of all the contestants and started the live broadcast.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Today is the end of the second game of gods and demons. Let me announce the winners of the top ten."

"The winner of No.1 in this game of gods and demons is Hiromi Kadada!
No.2: Kazuki Igarashi

No.3: Igarashi sophomore

No.4: Keefe Screw Chameleon

No.5: Igarashi Sakura
No.6: Frio

No.7: Aguilera
No.8: Orotega
No.9: Tenichi Shibazaki
No.10: Ayaka Barokaya. "

Wang Ming read out the top ten winners one by one, and four of the top ten were from Phoenix, and Olutega came from behind and squeezed into the top ten.

Shibasaki Tenichi, No.9, is also a member of the new outlaws, so if you count the chameleon, the new outlaws have grabbed three seals.

As for Aguilera and Frio, they were really lucky. Both of them entered the top ten, and each won a seal of gods and demons.

As for Ayaka Okiya, the last one, she asked to participate in the competition herself, mainly because she was bored and wanted to try it, and then she also entered the top ten.

At this point, the ten demon seals have been completely divided up. Phoenix got 4, the new exiles 3, the old exiles 1, and the outsider, Ayaka Okiya, 1.

"The above are the winners of this game of gods and demons. Tomorrow morning, I will distribute the seals of gods and demons on the top of Liangmu Mountain. Please arrive on time."

"Then, see you next time."

After finishing the final concluding remarks, Wang Ming also directly turned off the live broadcast. The next second, all contestants' mobile phones returned to normal.

"Just accept this, you won it with your strength."

"Thank you sir!"

After closing the live broadcast, Wang Ming directly took out the seal of Hela, the goddess of death, from his bosom, and handed it to Ayaka Okokaya, who immediately took it with both hands very respectfully.

To be honest, the only ones who can perfectly use the power of the seal are the knights of Phoenix and Ayaka Okaya. After all, only the belt can maximize the power of the seal with minimal side effects.

If you release these gods and demons directly like the Desperadoes, you will naturally not obey orders. After all, you don't want to think about what kind of existence these gods and demons are.

Although it is transformed into a mask module, the power cannot be fully exerted, but at least it is under control. As for Zhong Kui before seeing Yamata no Orochi, he will have a stress response or something.

That is purely because the good and evil attributes of the two are too opposed, which will lead to the out-of-control phenomenon.

Soon the time came to the next morning, just after dawn, a group of people had already gathered at the foot of Liangmu Mountain, and the meeting of these people was purely due to the jealousy of enemies.

Aguilera hates traitors, Phoenix regards the new exiles as the enemy, and Olutega dislikes the former two at the same time. To be honest, they are not fighting now, purely because they are going to go up to receive the award soon, and they don’t want to make more troubles .

So the atmosphere at the foot of the mountain was quite serious, and after the sun came out, several people walked towards the mountain together by coincidence.

After reaching the top of the mountain, they saw the familiar figure.

"Thank you for your efforts, and I will give you the rewards you deserve!"

Wang Ming said with an incomprehensible smile on his face, and before everyone said anything for a second, Wang Ming waved his hand fiercely, and each of the nine seals flew towards their masters.

Kadoda Hiromi got it: the seal of Zeus.

Kazuki Igarashi got it: Odin Seal.

Igarashi sophomore got it: Michael Seal.

The chameleon got it: the Gabriel seal.

Igarashi Sakura got it: the Raphael seal.

Frio got it: Seal of Uriel.

Aguilera got it: Seal of Poseidon.

Olutega got it: Hades Seal.

Tenichi Shibasaki got it: Thor's seal.

Now it can be said that the gods have returned to their place, and the nine people looked at the extra seal in their hands, and they were stunned for a while, and then they all showed satisfied smiles.

"Okay, everyone's rewards have been distributed. The next game of gods and demons will start in a month. The next game of gods and demons will produce a seal of a peerless demon god. Please look forward to it."

After distributing all the rewards, Wang Ming also said with a light smile, and the next second he took Ayaka Kougani and disappeared in place, leaving only the three forces whose eyes became sharper.

Because the moment Wang Ming left, it proved that they had officially entered a free state, and even if they started a big war, it was in compliance with the rules.

"What are you looking at, do you want to fight? It's not that I can't accompany you."

Looking at the Phoenix people who were staring at him and his group, Orutega glared at them without showing any weakness.

But to be honest, Olutega actually has no idea in his heart now, after all, their method of using the seal is too rough.

With a belt on Phoenix's side, he can transform into the corresponding module at any time and use the power of the seal, but they also have to worry about side effects such as backlash.

If they really fight, their seals may not be able to be converted into combat power in the first place, and even if they are used forcibly, they will cause trouble for themselves.

So Orutega is just bluffing now. As for Aguilera and Frio, the two have no plans to go to war directly.

The reason is the same as Orutega's, because they don't know the seal, dare not use it without authorization, and are afraid of causing trouble.

"Today, I will forgive you once. The next time we meet, we will be enemies. I don't even bother to do this kind of thing that takes advantage of others' danger."

"let's go."

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Hiromi Kadoda suddenly stood up and said, and after saying this, he walked down the mountain with the three brothers and sisters Igarashi.

Seeing this, Aguilera and Frio also followed and left the scene.

As for why Kadoda Hiroken didn't attack, it was because of his fear, which was actually the same as Orutega and the others.

Who would dare to use this newly obtained powerful power without prior experimentation? If something unexpected happens, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, for the safety and safety of the team members, Kadada Hiromi did not directly provoke the battle.

Instead, they chose to retreat temporarily. After all, they got more seals of gods and demons on their side, and the advantage was on their side.

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