In this way, people from the three parties have left, but it is foreseeable that in the near future, there will be a big battle.

"It is necessary to find suitable users for these seals as soon as possible. This time we have to experiment first. Unlike the barbaric monsters like Yamata no Orochi, this time we got the real seal of the gods."

"I personally guess that it will be easier to control. Now we must get familiar with the combat power as soon as possible, otherwise, it won't be long before Phoenix will take the initiative to fight."

After Olutega returned to the headquarters of the new exiles, he immediately made a countermeasure. The three seals they got here were all the seals of the gods.

To be precise, the 10 gods and monsters seals that Wang Ming sent out this time are all sealed with gods, so in terms of control difficulty, they are slightly better than those cunning demons or monsters.


"This time we must make those traitors pay the price they deserve!"

Aguilera also showed a firm expression when she looked at the seal of the gods and demons in her hand, and Frio also showed a look of hatred on his face.

"I won't let anyone who is against Aguilera-sama be spared!"


"Okay, let's start the experiment. What kind of power does the Odin seal have? I'm really looking forward to it."

Kazuki Igarashi looked at the Odin seal in his hand, and murmured expectantly, but he was in the training square of Phoenix.

And the next thing he has to do is to test the power of these gods and demons' seals, training the outside of the square, and other people are also very nervous and looking inside.

After taking a deep breath and calming down his mood, Kazuki Igarashi began, using the Odin seal to transform for the first time.


'God King Odin! '

'Divine request! '

'The king of gods came to the world! '

'Supreme!Supreme!Thunder! '

'Kamen Rider Revi, God King Odin form! '



Following the exciting sound of the notification on the belt, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck directly on Igarashi Kazuki.

Then, amidst crackling thunder and lightning, a blue and white domineering figure stepped out of it. This is Kamen Rider Revi's God King Odin module form.

His eyes are as majestic as thunder, his body is mainly blue, supplemented by white, and there is a huge red cape behind him.

There was a blue skirt around his waist, and he was holding a golden spear in his hand. This golden spear was probably the legendary Eternal Spear.

"What a powerful force, I feel like I can pierce the sky directly."

Igarashi Kazki murmured to himself a little intoxicated, and then he began to experiment with the strength of this form. The first thing Igarashi Kazki experimented with was speed.

Swish swish!
At first Igarashi Kakki was not used to it, so his speed was a little slow, but when he was thoroughly familiar with it, his whole body directly turned into a golden flash, flickering non-stop in the experimental square.

And Kazuki Igarashi's current speed is the speed of lightning, which is infinitely close to the speed of light. With the blessing of this terrifying speed, any punch can produce quite terrifying effects.

Then Kazuki Igarashi began to experiment with power again, he put away the Eternal Gun directly, and then flew outside the space carrier.

Then he flew directly into the sky with both hands holding the space carrier, and this action seemed to be effortless to him.

Kazuki Igarashi, who was not very satisfied, came to the port again, where a huge mega-ton cruise ship was berthing.

Kazuki Igarashi thought for a while, and went straight to the bottom of the cruise ship. He came to the bottom of the cruise ship, and then a mysterious force field instantly enveloped the entire cruise ship.

This force field can help Kazuki Igarashi to lift the entire cruise ship, instead of simply punching a hole in the cruise ship.


Following Igarashi's low shout, the entire cruise ship was slowly lifted very smoothly, but Igarashi didn't do too much.

He was just testing his strength, so Kazuki Igarashi raised the cruise ship, and after about one meter above the water surface, he stopped.

Because this was enough to verify his strength, and Kazuki Igarashi gently put the cruise ship back into the sea again, and the whole process did not arouse panic or suspicion from anyone in the cruise ship.

Because Kazuki Igarashi is too stable, so stable that people don't notice anything strange, and this is the state of lifting weights lightly.

"What a terrifying power, just like Superman in the movie, omnipotent, infinitely powerful, as fast as lightning, this is just the basic data, I haven't used the skill yet."

Kazuki Igarashi looked at himself in amazement. Now he feels quite magical, as if he is dreaming. Is this dreamlike power really something that humans can possess?

And what kind of monster was the man who created this terrifying seal?God?God?Is it even on top of it?I really don't understand... What kind of purpose does that man have?
Kazuki Igarashi was a little distracted after thinking about it, and then he returned to Phoenix, roughly explaining the situation after the transformation.

At the same time, the new exiles and the old party of the exiles are also intensively experimenting with the power of the seal. None of the three parties dare to be negligent.

Just like that, another week passed in a flash. During this week, they were all thoroughly familiar with the power of the seal.

After the power battle on Phoenix's side, they also wanted to completely annihilate the new exiles. As for Aguilera and Frio, they were not considered by Phoenix because they had the least number of people and the least power.

"Everyone, now we have five seals of gods and demons in our hands, so it is time to launch the final general attack on the new outlaws. They have been doing evil during this period, hurting innocent citizens everywhere, and turning them into disciples of Keef."

"If they are left alone, it will definitely lead to catastrophe, so this commander has decided to officially launch a siege against the new exiles!"

Hiromi Kadada was wearing the uniform of Commander Phoenix, standing on the high platform, and giving a passionate speech to the team members below.

"Destroy the new outlaws!"

"Destroy the new outlaws!"

"Destroy the new outlaws!"

The morale of the team members was also completely encouraged and motivated. After seeing the scene in front of him, Hiromi Kadoda nodded in satisfaction.

And the reason why Katoda Hiromi wanted to take the new outlaws was purely because they, Phoenix, knew the position of the new outlaws very well.

Don't forget, the Keef seal in Olutega's hand is inlaid with Phoenix's tracking chip, so it is a breeze for Phoenix to find the headquarters of the new outlaws.

(I recommend a friend's book, which is also a special photo type, "Zongman: Improper People from Armored Warriors" which takes the weird route. Although the name is a bit similar to this book, it is indeed not written by the author. The name is my suggestion to him fetched.

The author's new book is called "Zongman: From the Armored Warriors to Glory to the Heavens" this time it is not the subject of Emperor Qige, the author wants to try a new style. )

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