"set off!"

Seeing that the morale was in place, Hiromi Kadada also gave an order, and then the aerospace carrier slowly lifted off and headed towards the suburbs.

The headquarters of the new outlaws is in the mountains in the suburbs. It may be for the convenience of recruiting troops and large-scale expansion, so they set up their headquarters in the suburbs.

But this also made Phoenix feel unscrupulous, because the suburbs are sparsely populated, so there is no need to worry about accidentally injuring citizens in a fight.

This is also one of the reasons why Hiromi Kadada was so decisive and ordered the attack. Because of the existence of the space carrier, Phoenix is ​​not worried about the condition of the terrain.

There is nothing to say about the weather, today is a sunny day, and the location is [-]-[-], and the harmony of people will not hurt ordinary people by mistake.

When all the conditions were met, Hiromi Kadoda couldn't even find a reason not to make a move. At this moment, Hiromi Katoda thought in his heart, how could my spaceship lose?Can't think of a reason for failure at all.

"Is it finally here? These annoying bugs have been waiting for you for a long time, let's decide the winner today!"

Olutega looked at the huge shadow projected in the sky, and also showed a ferocious smile. At this time, flying motorboats and small drones flew out of the space carrier.

The members of Phoenix also landed one after another, and Kazuki Igarashi walked in front of everyone. He buckled his belt around his waist while walking, and then took out the Odin seal in his hand.

Igarashi sophomore and Kadoda Hiromi stood on his left and right, and Igarashi Sakura walked at the back. This is a common battle formation.


'God King Odin! '

'Divine request! '

'The king of gods came to the world! '

'Supreme!Supreme!Thunder! '

'Kamen Rider Revi, God King Odin form! '


After seeing Orotega from a distance, Kazuki Igarashi also directly picked up the seal and started to transform. Seeing this, the sophomore Igarashi also took out his Michael seal and started to transform.


'Archangel Michael! '

'prayer! '

'Response! '

'guard!justice!Judgment! '

'Kamen Rider Live, Michael form! '

With the prayer of a hymn, the holy light descended, and a raging flame burned on Igarashi Daiji, and then a white and gold figure walked out of the flame, and this was Michael from Kamen Rider Live form!
"If that's the case, then I'll come too! Even if you risk your own life, you must bring the evil to justice!"

Seeing that the two had completed their transformations, Kadoda Hiromi took out his Zeus seal without hesitation.


'God King Zeus! '

'Prayer of the king! '

'The king of gods came to the world! '

'Thunder and lightning!Sky!Everything! '

'Kamen Rider Demons, God King Zeus form! '

As a blue-white beam of light descended from the sky, Kadoda Hiroshi saw that his whole body was wrapped in it. In the next second, a majestic figure wearing golden armor, a crown on his head, and a scepter in his hand stepped out of the beam of light. .

And Igarashi Sakura, who was standing behind the three of them, had already completed her transformation at some point, but because the sound of the belts of the three of them was too loud, she had no sense of existence at all.

"Since this is the case, then we are not welcome, let's summon our gods!"

After Olutega saw the menacing four people, he also showed a confident smile. As his voice fell, a few strange faces stood up behind him.

These are seal users personally selected by Orutega. These people have been deeply brainwashed by him and are absolutely loyal to him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Olutega to hand over such a powerful seal to others, and these people were unambiguous, directly pressing the contract button on the seal, and covering it against their bodies.

'contract! '×4
Following the sound of four deep voices at the same time, four beams of light of different colors shot up into the sky, and then four tall figures walked out of the beams of light.

"I really didn't expect that there would be a day for me to be alive again. This world is filthy again."

An incomparably handsome young man in black armor murmured to himself with some emotion, and he was Hades, the King of Hades!
"Is the opponent this time Dad? Speaking of which, I haven't fought Dad yet."

The equally resolute and handsome Thor, fiddling with the hammer in his hand, stared at Kazuki Igarashi with some expectation and curiosity and said.

"I didn't expect to meet gods from different gods. It seems that the opponent this time is Senior Michael. This world is really getting more and more interesting."

Gabriel, who is so handsome that he is more beautiful than a woman, is like killing both men and women. If anyone takes a look at it, he will be crazy Gabriel said so.

Gabriel is neither male nor female, and angels have no gender, but in a broad sense, its external image is male and female, so it is often misunderstood.

"Why isn't that nasty Zhong Kui here this time? What a pity, I still want to decide the outcome with him."

Yamata no Orochi muttered in disappointment, and then it attracted the attention of the three gods. After all, he exuded an extremely evil and filthy aura.

Hades, Thor, and Gabriel are all famous gods. Naturally, they are somewhat dissatisfied and curious about being teammates with such an evil monster.

At this time, the Yamata no Orochi was almost scared to pee. When it was just released, it didn't care much, and its heart was quite big.

After successfully attracting the attention of Hades and the others, Yamata no Orochi realized the situation belatedly, and seemed to be involved in some terrible battle?
"A monster I've never seen before, it's a bit like the breath of a hell watchdog."

"It's far worse than Ye Mengjia."

"I want to purify it."

Hades, Thor, and Gabriel gave their opinions in turn. Yamata no Orochi was under great pressure from being stared at by the three, and really wanted to run away.

"Great gods, although such filthy things are not worthy of fighting alongside you, please be patient for the time being, the three gods. After defeating the powerful enemy, we will put it away."

When the atmosphere was quite embarrassing and Yamata no Orochi was trembling, Orutega stepped forward to persuade him very piously and respectfully.

"That's up to you."

"I don't care."

"After the battle is over, can I purify it?"

Both Hades and Thor said it didn't matter, only Gabriel was very persistent and wanted to purify Yamata no Orochi, and Yamata no Orochi suddenly looked at Gabriel and became vigilant.

Girlfriends are not good people!

There is only one thought left in Yamata no Orochi's mind. To be honest, if Yamata no Orochi couldn't see through the strength of these three guys, he probably would have run away long ago.

After all, it can feel that it is a bit out of place, and it is not on the same level as these three people. If it can be an opponent with these three people, the strength of the opponent can be imagined. If it gets on, it will be purely beaten.

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