"They actually summoned the gods, they are too reckless."

Igarashi Kazuki suddenly felt a lot of pressure. If the other party was Kamen Rider who also used the God and Demon module, he would not be afraid.

But the other party is a genuine god. As human beings in essence, they say that they are not in awe, which is false. After all, this is a battle between humans and gods.

"Don't be confused by the appearance of foreign objects. Although they are gods, we also have the power of gods. We are no worse than them!"

Kadoda Hiromi stood up very calmly to boost morale, and the hearts of several people immediately became a little more stable.

And on the high mountain in the distance, Wang Mingzheng folded his arms and looked at all this with a smile. After all, what is about to start next is the first battle between gods and demons in the entire history of masks.

At this time, Ayaka Tongatani was so frightened that she couldn't speak, because at some point beside Wang Ming, there was a golden and black silhouette. There is a natural awe.

"Old man, which side do you like?"

Wang Ming turned around with a smile and said to the old devil king, and the latter also let out a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, your strength is unfathomable now, kid. If I hadn't noticed that the history of the knights had been changed, I wouldn't have noticed you were back at all."

"Old man, you are the one. I haven't seen you for a long time. Your strength has undergone such an earth-shaking change. It seems that there are many strong knights among the junior knights."

Wang Ming also praised the old devil king without hesitation. At this time, the old devil king is already a real multi-level powerhouse. It is no exaggeration to say that if the current old devil king fights with Noah again, the latter has a high probability will lose.

"They are all excellent juniors, but you, how long do you plan to play this time when you come back, I think you are quite happy to play."

The old devil asked with a smile, and Wang Ming said after thinking for a while.

"It won't be long, I will play two more games with these lovely juniors, and I am ready to leave and continue my journey."

"In that case, then you should go back to the Armor Universe before you leave. The two great emperors seem to have encountered some difficult troubles, but they won't let me intervene, so I can't go directly."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the old devil hesitated for a while, but he still said something that Wang Ming was more concerned about. After Wang Ming heard his words, his expression became a little more serious.

"What happened? Did someone strong invade the Armor Universe?"

"I don't know exactly what happened. After all, I haven't been to the scene. I just heard them talk about it when I was chatting with those two great emperors."

"In the universe of the two of them, an unknown evil creature appeared. This kind of evil creature is extremely difficult to deal with. The two methods can only seal it, but cannot kill it. The strength of this creature is not strong. , but the immortality can be said to be outrageous.”

The old devil king slowly told the news he got, and Wang Ming was also lost in thought when he heard the words. Suddenly, the old devil king seemed to think of something, and added another sentence.

"By the way, you have been to many worlds. I don't know if you have any impression of the word Eternal Night? That kind of evil creature calls itself the people of Eternal Night."

"Yong Ye... I don't have any impression, and I haven't met them before, but based on what you just said, this is probably some kind of bandit nation or force in the realms?"

Wang Ming thought about it for a while, but he didn't have any clues. Whether it was the memory of the previous life or the experience of this life, he had never encountered such an existence as Yong Ye.

"This actually makes me a little interested. I'll make a trip after a while, Yong Ye. It sounds like he's very tall."

After Wang Ming thought for a while, he still gave an affirmative answer. He was very interested in investigating this new force that suddenly appeared in the worlds.

"As long as you know it in your heart, then I won't disturb your fun. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, the old devil king also nodded, and the next second he disappeared in place without a trace.

"My lord, who was that just now?"

After the old devil king left, Caixia Tongya dared to ask, because the old devil's coercion was too strong for her to bear, so let alone talking, being able to stand where she was was considered her mental strength.

After all, the old devil king is not like Wang Ming, who restrains all his breath all the time, and outsiders can't see his details at all. Wang Ming claims to be amiable.

If Wang Ming releases his coercion with all his strength, it will be quite terrifying. His current physical strength is at the peak of the multi-level.

If Wang Ming releases his coercion and aura with all his strength, then the universe will be exploded in an instant. Wang Ming's current strength is so strong that he has no opponent in 90.00% of the worlds above nine.

Don't think that Wang Ming met many strong people, just think that the multi-dimensional strong people in all realms, even the infinitely diverse strong people, are like Chinese cabbage, everywhere.

This is just a survivor's bias. After all, only the strong can make Wang Ming deal with, and he generally ignores the weak.

"An old man is also the only one who can be called a king in this Kamen Rider universe. He creates the world, destroys the world, and does whatever he wants. He is called the Demon King."

Wang Ming also answered Ayaka Tongaya's question with some nostalgia. He remembered that when he had just debuted and was still very young, he had fought with the old devil king.

He still remembers that battle so far, and while the few people were chatting, the battle on Kazuki Igarashi's side had officially entered a white-hot state.

Kazuki Igarashi was fighting against Thor with the Eternal Spear in his hand. The strongest ability of both of them was thunder and lightning, so the scene of the fight was full of lightning, which was very lively.

The sophomore Igarashi met Gabriel, who is also the archangel. Their side was a battle between angels, and the radiance of the Holy Light looked extremely holy.

And Igarashi Sakura used the power of Poseidon to beat Yamata no Orochi until it kept barking. The two sides were not of the same magnitude, so Yamata no Orochi was beaten badly.

It's not that Yamata no Orochi didn't think about running away, but it couldn't run away at all. Igarashi Sakura kept chasing it, and the Sea God Trident in her hand was already contaminated with Yamata no Orochi's blood.

If you look carefully, you will find that one of the heads of Yamata no Orochi has been knocked off, which looks very tragic.

In the end, Hiromi Kadada, who was using the power of Zeus, met Hades, the king of the underworld. This was almost a battle of fate between the two sides.

After all, in many myths and legends, or in the descriptions of later biographies, Hades and Zeus, the king of Hades, are deadly enemies.

So Hades showed no mercy to Hiromi Kadoda, who used the power of Zeus, and fought with all his might.

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