The battlefield was divided into 4 areas by them, and each area was shattered, which looked extremely shocking.

"Hahaha, you are very good, you have the demeanor of my father back then, but you are still a little bit worse!"

Thor, the god of thunder, laughed and slammed the hammer on Igarashi Kazuki, and the latter also raised the eternal gun in his hand without showing any weakness to meet him!
The sound of the huge metal and iron clanging spread throughout the battlefield, and the terrifying thunder and lightning erupted in the field, and the lightning and thunder were very spectacular for a while.

Both of them were so shaken that their palms were numb. They had fought head-to-head like this more than a dozen times.

However, there is no winner between the two sides. After all, Thor is the number one God of War in Northern Europe, and his combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the God King.

So even though Odin is the king of gods, there is no way to crush his own son, let alone Igarashi Kakki only used Odin's power.

And at this moment, there was a huge commotion on another battlefield, which attracted everyone's attention.

The sophomore Igarashi activated his skill with the sacred lightsaber in his hand, and collided fiercely with Gabriel.

In the next second, a terrifying impact like a nuclear bomb explosion swept across the audience in an instant.

The earth was trembling, and the holy light filled the audience, looking sacred and majestic.

When these two archangels fought, it was really like a human-shaped nuclear bomb.

A random collision can cause great power, and when they fight, they are constantly surrounded by hymns and holy light spills out.

Compared with the horrific destruction they caused, this sacred and peaceful atmosphere really makes people feel weird.

"Where are you going, Yamata no Orochi! I'm going to imitate Susanoo today, and I'll punish you on the spot!"

And the picture on Igarashi Sakura's side is a bit funny.

The scene on her side is that she is holding the Sea God Trident like a dung fork, and unilaterally hit Yamata no Orochi.

The latter ran but couldn't run away, and didn't dare to fight, so he could only start to circle in a big circle to avoid Igarashi Sakura's attack.

But if we say that the most spectacular battle scene, it has to be on the side of Hiromi Kadada and Hades.

Many people's understanding of the power of Zeus basically only knows a thunderbolt, but he is actually the god of the sky and the lord of all things.

In terms of godhead, it is not much lower than the creation god, and it can be regarded as an absolute T0-level existence in Greek mythology.

Odin, who is also a god-king, is not as diverse as Zeus, which is why Wang Ming gave Zeus's seal as the first reward.

That's why Kadoda Hiroshi saw that on the battlefield here, an extremely terrifying storm was blowing up, and there was also terrifying thunder mixed in the storm.

The sky, storm, and lightning are all Zeus' powers, and these are only his external powers, and his own combat effectiveness is not bad at all.

At this time, the situation on his side of the battlefield is like this. Hiromi Kadoda is holding a pair of iron fists, and he is confronting Hades head-on.

And Hades opened the gate of Hades and summoned various creatures of the underworld.

What hell three-headed dog, cyclops and other underworld creatures, I don't know how many crawled out.

But after these underworld creatures came out, they were all torn to pieces by the storm mixed with lightning, so they were useless at all.

It's just for the sake of expending Hiromi Kadoda's power, the real battle depends on the close-quarters game between the two.

Because Hades doesn't have a specific weapon, he can only fight with bare hands, so Kadoda Hiromi didn't use a weapon either.

He originally had a thunder scepter, but he didn't know if it was because of the so-called samurai spirit, so he chose to fight with his fists.

The two of you punched each other, and they had a lot of fun. At least Hades was very happy, with a fanatical and bright smile on his face.

After all, if Zeus was really there, he would never fight him in close quarters, and Kadada's behavior made Hades feel respected.

"Hahaha, it's really fun, I haven't fought like this for many years, you are very angry with me!"

It was rare for Hades to let out such a big laugh that was out of his etiquette. Subconsciously, the nature of this battle between the two sides has completely changed.

The battle of father and son, the battle of friends, the battle of brothers, these battles do not look like they will kill people.

As for Igarashi Sakura and Yamata no Orochi, it's a different situation, because it's really unbeatable.

Yaqi Orochi ran directly into the crowd, forcing Orotega to take action and deal with Igarashi Sakura together.

Even a group of people were chased and beaten by Igarashi Sakura, Yaqi Orochi successfully diverted the trouble and shared the pressure with his teammates.

"It's really lively. It seems that it won't be over for a while. Anyway, I'll come back in a month and have a look."

Watching this bustling scene, Wang Ming also showed a faint smile, and then he turned his head and said to Ayaka Kobutani.

"I'm going to leave for a month, you can do whatever you want according to your own will."

"Sir, I..."

After hearing Wang Ming's words, Tong Gu Caixia suddenly became a little anxious, and she quickly opened her mouth to say that she could leave with Wang Ming.

Let Wang Ming not be a person who can't make a decision for a long time. As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in the same place in an instant.

When Wang Ming reappeared, he had already arrived in the starry sky of the universe. After roughly judging the direction, he stepped towards one of the directions.

When Wang Ming reappeared, he had already returned to the Armor Universe. With his current strength, he traveled through the universe, and it was so close to the universe that it was basically effortless.

The reason why Wang Ming took the time to come here was because he was really interested in the Yong Ye that the old devil said.

As for the safety of the Emperor and the Shadow Emperor, Wang Ming is not very worried. After all, the bodies of the two are in their own universe, and they can fully exert multi-level standing strength.

They have an absolute home court advantage. Even among the heavens and myriad worlds, multi-level powerhouses are very rare, and they are the overlords who can walk sideways.

Wang Ming was simply very curious, and then Wang Ming simply identified the direction and came directly to the Armor Temple in the Ming Realm.

In the Armor Temple at this time, all the armors were in order, and the meeting was held in full force.

Wang Ming's sudden appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and after seeing Wang Ming's appearance clearly, everyone became excited again.

"Good boy, you still want to come back and take a look. I thought you had forgotten about us old guys."

"Why did you come back suddenly? Did you get beaten again outside?"

"I haven't seen you for some years."

The armored deities all began to greet from the bottom of their hearts, and the emperor sitting high on the throne also said with a light smile.

"Why do you think you're back and don't continue your journey?"

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